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does this happen to anyone else?

does this happen to anyone else? My dad has teribble memory like ask him a question or say something that a normal person would remember, he will forget in about 5 min. Bruh like what? Plus to make things worse, he sugar codes my older brother. For example, if I break a tiny little glass cup that you can buy for about 5 dollars at the dollar store, oh boy oh boy how angry he would be. But if my loder brothers (I have two and both of them are older and Im the youngest) break 10 grand worth of cups and memories, he would be like “ok sure, why not” honestly what the f### is wrong with him. I honestly hate my family. Another Example, if I steal 5 cents my dad will beat my a## out of me. but ifmy brother steals the whole purse they will just not bother ( but they know!!!). Another one, if I get kicked and beaten up by my own siblings, my dad would think not much what so ever. Is he just a mother f###ing b####? who knows. but if I get into a “fight” where it's just that Im a victom of a bully and I defend myself so much so that he beats self up to show and says I “beated him up”. What's crazy here is that they have all the footage they need and they for sure know that you can only get hurt in certain places unless you do it yourself. But my perants did not bother and rather beat the f###ing life out of a f###ing innocent guy. By the way please do leave a follow and make sure to check out my full channel!

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