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500+ posts

swc memory book suggestions forum ⚘ nov '24

⚬◯⭘○ Introduction

Hello there, and welcome to this session's Memory Book Suggestions and Contributions Forum! With a new session approaching us, we'd like to invite you to curate quotes and screenshots that you feel should be included in the final released memory book. In addition to this, feel free to suggest any other ideas for additions that you might have, such as most likely to's, cabin blurbs, additional memory book pages, etc. - we'd love to hear your feedback. This being said, please take the time to read through this post before commenting your suggestions.

⚬◯⭘○ Pre-Session

- When your cabin colors have been determined, it would be great if you could post the hex codes in the following format - “hexcode, hexcode, etc.”
- Additionally, this session we would appreciate it if you could also provide us with your cabin fonts and any additional graphics that you would like to have on your cabin slides in the memory book!

⚬◯⭘○ Cabin Colors
insert here.

⚬◯⭘○ Session Recap

We plan to continue the inclusion of a session recap portion of our memory book! The session recap focuses on the session as a whole, including cabin wars stats, session specials (for example, July's mega session & introduction of mercenaries), and an overview of cabin themes. While the cabin pages dive into each cabin specifically, the session recap looks at the camp and community as a whole, and seeks to immortalize memories of camp-wide events. Feel free to contact any of us mbc hosts if you have any suggestions or are interested in contributing to this! <3

⚬◯⭘○ Screenshots and Quotes

- For this section, we're looking for anything eye-catching – all the chaos and creativity included! this can include lyric chains, funny quotes, or silly swcer comments - whatever you think should have a place in the final memory book. Please keep in mind that we won't be able to use every screenshot that is being suggested: although we will try our best, there are no guarantees. If we see the same username coming up a lot of times, we might switch out some of the quotes to promote more inclusivity so that more people have a chance to be featured in the memory book
- Prior to suggesting a screenshot/quote, please make sure that you have the permission of everyone included! the masterlist of camper stipulations will be attached once it has been released, but when in doubt, ask for permission first.
- For quotes, reply with what was said, who said it, and what cabin they’re in! Please see the section below on providing screenshots for screenshots.

How to provide us with screenshots:
- It's much more efficient if you're able to send us a screenshot of the comment chain rather than a link to it. If the comment chain is too long, then you can change the size of your screen using your browser’s zoom-in/zoom-out function.
- To upload your screenshot to the forum, check out this link – https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/post/5828621/
- If you're unable to upload the screenshot to the forum, feel free to share the comment chain via a project where we can access screenshots you've taken
- If you can’t do all of the above, then you can link us to a certain comment chain that you want to be added to the Memory Book. Then an MBC member will screenshot it for you
- When sharing links to comments, make sure the link goes to the specific comment, else finding the exact comment you meant to suggest may prove more difficult than it needs to be. If you need help linking the comment, feel free to check out this (hyperlinked ‘link’ https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/post/5444042/ )

⚬◯⭘○ Final Notes

- We’d appreciate it if this forum remained on topic – you are welcome to chat about screenshots and memories on your profiles, but this forum should stay professional <3
- Please keep in mind that there is a limited amount of space in the memory book – we will do our best, but cannot promise that everything that is suggested will be included
- if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Reese (@TheBibliophile7), or myself, Alana (@-NightGlow-). we're always more than happy to help!

⚬◯⭘○ Credits

- Thank you to Reese (@TheBibliophile7) for leading the MBC with me <3
- This post is based on and includes parts of July 2022’s MBC Camper Contributions Forum written by @-everiasting and @bixez
- All past and present (honorary) hosts, contributors, and co/leaders – full SWC records can be found here:
- Thank you to @-SimplyWatermelon-, @MoonlitSeas, @bixez, @Bellevue91, @PandaCodingGames, @-everiasting, @moonlark-, @autumnlunarmoon, @whiteandblackcat, @apart–, and @MiraculousLover05 for running the memory book in the past as well

100+ posts

swc memory book suggestions forum ⚘ nov '24


“You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” - Nightbirde
500+ posts

swc memory book suggestions forum ⚘ nov '24

YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT <3 looks like it's time to do the honors of posting colors hehehe woah :0

sci-fi's colors are:
#c9d0f5 #c9f5f5 #303382 #a86ce6 #7293d0

i don't think i've ever submitted cabin colors this early lol

Last edited by yumetopia (Yesterday 17:12:44)

500+ posts

swc memory book suggestions forum ⚘ nov '24

Hey everyone! Just a reminder to read the entirety of this post - we need your cabin colors, cabin fonts (that you used in your thumbnails), and any relevant graphics Please sumbit these regardless if you've been chosen as a committee member this session!

Thanks <3

500+ posts

swc memory book suggestions forum ⚘ nov '24

-NightGlow- wrote:

Hey everyone! Just a reminder to read the entirety of this post - we need your cabin colors, cabin fonts (that you used in your thumbnails), and any relevant graphics Please sumbit these regardless if you've been chosen as a committee member this session!

Thanks <3
ahaha i see- i was contemplating whether to fetch the fonts as well cause they're not actually in english oop, and thanks for the clarification ^^ i'll get them now

heading - 二コ角
subheading - GNー きんいろサンセリフ
body - Pattanakarn

for the graphics, we pretty much only use one canva element which would be:
Vintage Clock Illustration by Pfüderi from pixabay (white, transparency 18)
and the lines with diamonds at the ends! *not the line start and end points you can choose from, it's made using a simple line and two rotated squares
should i also put our main background here, or is that okay?

Last edited by yumetopia (Today 00:58:27)

500+ posts

swc memory book suggestions forum ⚘ nov '24

I think that should be enough! Thank you so much, Yume <33

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