Discuss Scratch

23 posts

detailed personality


chirp will seek motive to go on daring adventures across the forests and sand dunes, trying to make everything sound ten times more exciting. they’ll often exaggerate stories, no matter how unbelievable they sound, and will explore everything every chance ae gets.

easy to talk to
it is to get to know, and will not hesitate to walk over to you and strike a friendly conversation. they absolutely love to communicate with others and will take any role in group activities that involve talking.

camel is extremely brave, even if it makes ae rather impulsive. no matter what the problem is, cricket with come to your rescue, so don’t fear! they never think twice before doing anything, because well, with that kind of bravery, crick tends to be optimistic, and will usually drag a close friend of aem along.


mel is like, insanely competitive! of course, there’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition, but chances are the little kitty will take it to the next level. their need to win and drive for the trophy is infectious, and will most likely throw a fit if ae doesn’t win. if it does win, kettle will rub it in your face and constantly brag.

yes, yes, the little kitten will most likely never stop talking. it’s always good to communicate with your peers, but charlie will easily get off task and giggle in the corner, talking about the daily news. don’t take this the wrong way, they hate gossip. but ae loves to talk

char-char believes it can do absolutely anything, which is good… and bad. most of the time it’s normal kit talk, with dreams to be leader someday, but sometimes they believe that ae will get a certain position, and no one will stop it.


apathy is basically the opposite of empathy, and this will be the case for charlie. if someone’s having a bad day, and maybe hasn’t heard about her them, and rants to ae about their problems. what will it do? well, she’ll most likely say something really smart like, “so? that’s not that big of a deal!” this will cause it to be harder for they to make friends.

char always asks the stupidest questions, and quite earnestly, at that. they never know when to shut up, and is excessively clingy. if ae’s friends with you, it’ll never leave your side, no matter how you ask crick to stop.

cameron never pays attention, especially when it comes to long rambles and boring monologues. you’ll most likely have to repeat things twice, thrice, or well, until you give up and walk away. however, it’ll usually walk away before you can to find something to say that they think is actually interesting.

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