Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

hey there! if you are not a part of the mythology leadership team i kindly ask that you click out of this forum to avoid any spoilers for the upcoming session and to respect our space. thank you! <3

if you are a part of the mythology leadership team, YOU MADE IT HELLO <3 i'm so glad to have you and can't wait to get started! i have some main points of discussion below, but while the team is being built, feel free to just introduce yourself and get to know one another! i can't wait to plan with you all! ;D

so my idea for myth this session is ‘myth monster agency.’ the title can be changed of course, i came up with this at 2am last night because i couldn't sleep xD basically, campers will be sorted into (most likely 3) groups. each group is under leadership of a mythical being such as the tooth fairy, santa claus, the easter bunny, leprechaun, etc. these groups have to work together to get rid of the monsters hiding underneath of children's beds. i'd like campers to collaborate on different activities to get us further along in the storyline, while still working towards their writing and nonwriting goals and making lasting relationships with each other as a cabin. the activities and how we advance in the storyline is completely up for discussion, and i'd love to hear some of your ideas. if you have any questions, let me know ;D

word count groups
i think word count groups would be best to split up campers into the groups for the storyline, and wcgs overall are a lot of fun and fairly simple to execute! if you have a different idea, please do share <3

aaand another thing completely up in the air! i think having at least 1 activity per week would work great, but if possible and depending on what the activity is, i think adding in a few more would be awesome as well. we can also talk more about this later, there are tons of other things we need to go over and we have plenty of time to do so <3

cabin design
i shared a canva link with you in a discreet location, and we can start making cabin thumbnails and other things of that manner on there! feel free to experiment with different fonts and color combos, but what i envisioned in my head is a sort of bubbly, relaxed vibe. light pastels, bubble letter font, etc. we can totally mess around with our design though, that's what's super fun about graphic design ehehe

cabin guide - after we've finalized a bit more storyline details and cabin details as a whole i'd love to start working on this with you guys!
cabin aesthetic - again, after we decide on how the graphic design is going to look someone can start working on this or we can work on it together <3
matching profile pictures - i love the idea of having matching profile pictures! it's definitely fun for the cabin and looks really nice! i wouldn't mind doing them, as i've done them for my cabin the past two sessions, but i don't care if someone else would like to do these also <3
anything else i'm missing?

and that's all i got for now! thanks for reading through all of this lol, i can't wait to hear your ideas and get into the full swing of planning! this session is going to be amazing ahhh

to do list
- decide details
- pick monsters + red herrings
- write riddle clues
- price the riddles

cabin responsibilities
- write desc
- write storyline
- sort out wcgs
- figure out currency
- cabin relationships
- anything else asfhsgd?

- thumbnail
- matching pfps/banners/signatures
- cute divider for desc lol

important/general for hosties + mb
- atmosphere blurb
- cabin colors
- symbol
- mb stipulations + word goal
let me know if i'm missing anything <3

cabin relationships
allies (max 4)
fantasy - siblings
steampunk (pending)

poetry - friendly (pending)
apocalyptic - hostile (pending)

enemies (max 4)
magical realism
bi fi
paranormal :: pending

un requested
- dystopian
- hi fi
- mystery
- sci fi

Last edited by pepper-and-a-pencil (Oct. 4, 2024 21:58:29)

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

hey pepper! just some thoughts on all of this (after 24 hours, lol)

i was wondering if you've offered to another co?

on the storyline: i love the idea, but i'm not so sure about the term of agency — maybe league or club, agency just feels a bit too formal for me, and we seem to be going with more of a lighthearted vibe

as for cabin aesthetics and the like: i'm loving the blue / green / yellow palette, lmk if we want to pull together some more formal coolors things or continue experimenting

all in all, i'm so excited to embark on this journey — this session is going to be awesome!!

river | she/her | intj | logophile
poetry ⟡ mystery ⟡ fantasy ⟡ dystopian ⟡ tragedy
mythology november '24 ftw!! <333

“most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs”
— roshani chokshi, the silvered serpents
100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

i have offered to another co! i asked recca, though she’s still deciding as she has three other offers <3

i 100% agree with you on that, i was just stuck on what else to call it :') i like club! and i also realized that we should probably call it an anti-monster club/league/ whatever we decide, because we’re trying to stop the monsters. how does myth anti monster club sound?

yesss thank you, i enjoy those colors too! it’s giving hidden valley ranch xD we should definitely continue experimenting, though for right now im loving the blues, greens, yellows, and creams.

ahh yes! i’m so excited

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

pepper-and-a-pencil wrote:

i 100% agree with you on that, i was just stuck on what else to call it :') i like club! and i also realized that we should probably call it an anti-monster club/league/ whatever we decide, because we’re trying to stop the monsters. how does myth anti monster club sound?

i'm leaning towards myth anti-monster club rather than league but they're both great!!

river | she/her | intj | logophile
poetry ⟡ mystery ⟡ fantasy ⟡ dystopian ⟡ tragedy
mythology november '24 ftw!! <333

“most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs”
— roshani chokshi, the silvered serpents
100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

alrighty! i like myth anti monster club also <3

recca just declined my offer, so i’m going to finish getting ready for school and probably make an offer to someone else after school. are there any apps that stick out to you? i like snowy’s app, though i also want to offer to someone on the more inexperienced side to give them a shot at co leading ;D what are your thoughts?

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

i was thinking about offering to silvi after school, and then just as i was about to leave for school i noticed she had two offers so decided to slip mine in for the chance to work with her

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

silvi seems like a great choice! i also really love crocs' app especially as she seems to have a more playful attitude which i think is the vibe we're going for in this cabin, so i'm leaning towards her in case silvi declines <3

river | she/her | intj | logophile
poetry ⟡ mystery ⟡ fantasy ⟡ dystopian ⟡ tragedy
mythology november '24 ftw!! <333

“most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs”
— roshani chokshi, the silvered serpents
100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

starr-light wrote:

silvi seems like a great choice! i also really love crocs' app especially as she seems to have a more playful attitude which i think is the vibe we're going for in this cabin, so i'm leaning towards her in case silvi declines <3
just found out silvi declined so i'm thinking crocs, what do you think?

river | she/her | intj | logophile
poetry ⟡ mystery ⟡ fantasy ⟡ dystopian ⟡ tragedy
mythology november '24 ftw!! <333

“most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs”
— roshani chokshi, the silvered serpents
100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

yep! i just offered to crocs

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24


100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

hey crocs! welcome <333

river | she/her | intj | logophile
poetry ⟡ mystery ⟡ fantasy ⟡ dystopian ⟡ tragedy
mythology november '24 ftw!! <333

“most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs”
— roshani chokshi, the silvered serpents
51 posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

HEY GUYS!!!! i'm so excited for this <33

pepper-and-a-pencil wrote:

i like myth anti monster club also <3

i agree! its adorable

everything you guys have said looks perfect to me- the only thing i'm wondering is if WE will be the mythical beings or will they be characters in our story line? i think it'd be cool if we were the three beings and we had our own word count groups/missions based on that. (for example, i could be “the easter bunny” but you could also call me crocs and my word count group could be something like “the egg station: crocs's word count studio”.

this is just an idea but let me know what we're thinking about the role of the beings in this! : 0

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

aqua-vibes wrote:

HEY GUYS!!!! i'm so excited for this <33
everything you guys have said looks perfect to me- the only thing i'm wondering is if WE will be the mythical beings or will they be characters in our story line? i think it'd be cool if we were the three beings and we had our own word count groups/missions based on that. (for example, i could be “the easter bunny” but you could also call me crocs and my word count group could be something like “the egg station: crocs's word count studio”.

this is just an idea but let me know what we're thinking about the role of the beings in this! : 0

i believe we're actually the mythical beings that are helping the campers defeat monsters

river | she/her | intj | logophile
poetry ⟡ mystery ⟡ fantasy ⟡ dystopian ⟡ tragedy
mythology november '24 ftw!! <333

“most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs”
— roshani chokshi, the silvered serpents
51 posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

ok lit!!

Last edited by aqua-vibes (Sept. 25, 2024 00:05:15)

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

yes, we would be the mythical beings ;D how about we just take one right now to kick off planning! i’ll be the tooth fairy if that’s alright with you guys? :0

and for the monsters i was thinking we could ask some of the (co)leaders to volunteer in our storyline and be the monsters? OH YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE AWESOME OMG what if we sent campers on a scavenger hunt for a specific co/leader (gave them hints in a riddle maybe) then they would go to people’s profiles and ask if they were a monster. if campers got the person right the monster would give them a challenge to complete as a cabin and if they complete it the monster goes away??

51 posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

sounds good, and i can be the easter bunny if that's ok! AND YES THATS SUCH A GOOD IDEA I LOVE THAT!!!

i'm also on the canva right now messing around with ideas i like and also working on a rough draft for some type of profile picture system!!
100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

i suppose i'll be a leprechaun then <3

pepper-and-a-pencil wrote:

and for the monsters i was thinking we could ask some of the (co)leaders to volunteer in our storyline and be the monsters? OH YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE AWESOME OMG what if we sent campers on a scavenger hunt for a specific co/leader (gave them hints in a riddle maybe) then they would go to people’s profiles and ask if they were a monster. if campers got the person right the monster would give them a challenge to complete as a cabin and if they complete it the monster goes away??
i love this idea! does five or so monsters sound reasonable (we don't want to overwhelm people ofc)

also, i thought it might be cool to do a start-of-camp activity related to halloween in some way bc of the creature-y correlation? idk but thoughts

river | she/her | intj | logophile
poetry ⟡ mystery ⟡ fantasy ⟡ dystopian ⟡ tragedy
mythology november '24 ftw!! <333

“most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs”
— roshani chokshi, the silvered serpents
100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

five monsters sounds perfect, and then with the halloween activity that would work out nicely <3
i really like the idea of a halloween activity ehehe - any thoughts on what that could look like?

ooh i love what the profile pictures are looking like omg :0

100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

pepper-and-a-pencil wrote:

five monsters sounds perfect, and then with the halloween activity that would work out nicely <3
i really like the idea of a halloween activity ehehe - any thoughts on what that could look like?
perhaps a questionnaire along the lines of “what monsters are the scariest / funniest / hardest to take seriously” as an icebreaker of sorts? we don't want to do anything too strenuous seeing as it's the first few days of camp

river | she/her | intj | logophile
poetry ⟡ mystery ⟡ fantasy ⟡ dystopian ⟡ tragedy
mythology november '24 ftw!! <333

“most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs”
— roshani chokshi, the silvered serpents
100+ posts

tooth fairy travel confirmed B) • mythology cabin planning swc nov '24

ooh that sounds fun! sort of an intro project with ten ish questions relating to monsters / halloween?

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