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1000+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

Yesterday and today, we pushed a great deal of little changes to manage the load on the servers, which got very high today when Scratch 2.0 was mentioned on both TechCrunch and BoingBoing.

In addition, we updated the bitmap editor (v 311) to provide a fix for the bug that made using transparent fill turn things black, instead of transparent. We also deployed a bunch of translations - so now Scratch is available in many more languages!

The last few days have been very busy and very long, with all of us staying up all hours to fix bugs and keep things running as smoothly as possible. We still have lots of work to do fixing bugs, and improving the design of various features. But we're very happy to have made this leap - and grateful to all those who have made it with us.

Scratch On!
Lightnin (on behalf of the Scratch Team)

p.s. Later tonight ~ 10 pm EST we will be taking comments offline for a brief period of time to make some database updates: one to begin displaying 3rd level comment replies imported from the old site, and another to (mostly) fix the ordering of projects on profiles and my stuff.
100+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

You have done extremely well I have to say! The Scratch Team should earn a well deserved break! Well done its really good and I hope everyone else enjoys 2.0 as much as me. Thumbs up

100+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

Yay! When will cloud lists be released?

1000+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

You've done an amazing job Scratch Team!! You all should get a well deserved break.
47 posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

You all Scratch Team members do deserve a good break!
Thanks for Scratch 2.0!

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100+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

Great updates They also fixed the project order on profiles.
100+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

Amazing, guys. I was devastated when my school's proxy murdered the layout of the site, but you even fixed that. I was very worried at first, but now that I see just how skilled ya'll are at fixing these numerous bugs, all hope has been restored in this sausage. Don't stop breathing!
500+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

Awesome! I noticed the changes and wondered when you'd make this post!

Gaza101: retired member of the Scratch 2.0 Transition Team

1000+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

Keep on keeping on! Might be worth pointing out here that the faves count is broken…

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
Invisible text! This will show you if a profile I claim to be mine IS mine. Just remember to visit the profile and see if I confirmed in the comments.
For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…
2 posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!

Great!Cant wait for more updates!
500+ posts

5/10/13 Updates to the Scratch website!


Lightnin wrote:

p.s. Later tonight ~ 10 pm EST we will be taking comments offline for a brief period of time to make some database updates: one to begin displaying 3rd level comment replies imported from the old site, and another to (mostly) fix the ordering of projects on profiles and my stuff.
:O anyways i won't be on at that time (about 1 or 2 hours before that, forget all the time which).

Keep going scratch team! your doing great!

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