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Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

In generation 4 there is a glitch that greatly increases the shiny rate, known as the cute charm glitch. By RNGing your secret ID you can make it so shiny Pokemon appear ~20% of the time. I have also heard about the Scramble challenge and would like to try one. So why not combine both? This thread tells the story of Shiny on her quest to complete the shinydex, beat the champion, and promote team skull; the first two with the various pokemon she meets along the way, each with their own ideas on battling. Ranging from wanting her to waste a turn at the beginning of every trainer battle to limiting their possible move pool it's going to be a challenge, a scramble challange.

There are four over arching rules to this playthough, unless a pokemon can only be one gender or is genderless only shinies can be caught, no pokemon may use the same move twice in a row, the first turn of trainer battles must be wasted, and after every pokemon defeated I must switch, all but the former caused by Wish's virtues.

Here is a list of chapters written so far:
1 A Wish away from home
2 An Encore of Sour Notes
3 Chalkboard
4 Nightmares from Jubilife city
5 Ten Base Power is a Disappointment
6 The Rock that Falls the Stars
7 The Stone that Keeps Rolling
8 Misunderstanding the Art of the Scramble
9 To Save a Windworks

Here are the pokemon being used for the scramble:
Wish the Cleffa from Hitmonleet on Smogon (Yes, my username on Smogon is ACottontail)
ACottontail, take this Cleffa (Recommended Name: Wish).

Sensing your intense desires for a Cute Charm pokemon, this altruistic Cleffa has come to help you and your run. It isn't required, but you should probably breed this one with Wish. It isn't necessary for the scramblemon, but from a flavor-based perspective, it is appropriate.

Wish's goal in life is to improve the lives of others, including yours, and to try to make them better people. As such, when you obtain Wish, select at least one of the following Virtues. These restrictions affect the entire party, so be warned. These also have a point value assigned to each. Be sure to remember the point value total and the number of Virtues you take. The Virtues are as follows:
  • Chastity (4 Points): Abstain from your desires. You may not use items on your pokemon. Held items are fine, but you cannot use any items on them, such as potions or X items.
  • Temperance (2 Points): Everything in moderation. None of your pokemon may use the same move twice in a row.
  • Charity (2 Points): Give freely to others. You must immediately switch out a pokemon once it drops to yellow or below, and you must heal it as soon as possible.
  • Dilligence (8 Points!): The main story always comes first! You may never buy items from stores (excluding pokeballs) or heal using Pokémon Centers.
  • Patience (4 Points): You believe that rushing in is a mistake. Your pokemon cannot use any directly offensive moves without a buff (i.e. Boosted stats, Safeguard, weather and a weather ability, etc).
  • Kindness (4 Points): Your foes should have a chance too. You must waste the first turn of any trainer battle (trying to run, using a pokeball, etc).
  • Humility (2 Points): Everybody shares the spotlight. Excluding solos, after every enemy pokemon defeated, you must switch to a different pokemon.
Wish wants for the other members of the party to succeed, moreso than themselves. Two of Wish's teammates must have evolved, and at least 4 points worth of Virtues must be taken before they can be evolved into Clefairy. All of Wish's teammates must evolve and +6 points of Virtues must be taken to evolve into Clefable.

Wish takes great pride in being supportive of others. Wish must always have at least 2 status moves (as indicated by the symbols).

Finally, throughout the course of your journey, Wish fears that they have failed in their goal, and that the others haven't improved. This comes to a head at Mount Coronet. After Spear Pillar, if you have less than 8 points worth of Virtues, you must box/release Wish. You may not replace Wish with a different pokemon.

Too hard? Virtues aren't required, and the limiting values are dropped by 2 each.
Too easy? Whenever a pokemon faints, you must swap Wish in and have them solo the mon that fainted it.
STILL too easy? Solo the Cyrus fights.
If you insist on using Igglybuff as your cute charmer, you can consider this an after-Roark mon instead.

Hope you enjoy!
Minor spoiler rules added:
As of chapter 4:Wish due to breaking his virtue feels terrible. He will refuse to battle as the highest leveled pokemon if disobedience could kick in. Wish also wants to forget metronome asap as that is the accursed move that caused him to break his temperance.
As of chapter 5:Well more of an alteration. If Wish is the highest leveled pokemon and his disobedience could kick in he may only battle if the rest of his team is either in the red zone or have fainted.
As of chapter 6: Wish due to fear of reusing Memento can never use Metronome again, or any self fainting moves.
Bugutar the Kricketot from Auroura_Wolf, modified by Muellly Original challenge
Buguitar has always been a rather shy pokemon. Cast out and called Chalkboard by all of the other Kricketots for her horrible singing voice. This all changed when she met Wish. For once someone complimented her singing voice. This has encouraged Buguitar to become a better musician and pokemon.

Buguitar must frequently practice using her voice. Every battle Buguitar participates in she must use at least one sound based move. Buguitar wants to practice all kinds of sounds so she must learn all sound based moves she gets a chance to learn. Due to his encouraging nature Buguitar has grown a crush on Wish. Because of this Buguitar will switch in whenever Wish faints to try to avenge him. Buguitar also wants to impress Wish. If she is in a double battle with Wish she must use sing to try to impress him.

Buguitar began to grow over time. She learned sing, and began to sing her own song. Buguitar must sing the entirety to Kiseki (the X&Y credits song) before reaching the elite 4 at one line per use of sing, according to the way it was formatted on Bulbapedia. So in other words, 38 times.(As of chapter 8). Buguitar also hates to lose. Whenever she faints she becomes so frustrated that she wants to solo the next 5 pokemon you encounter(unless it's someone else's solo), to calm down.(As of chapter 9).
Hot Air the Drifloon from Wahsp, modified by Muellly. Original challenge
Take Hot Air the Drifloon

Hot Air has always wanted to be the fairest ghost type of them all. She has constantly asked her mirror who the fairest ghost type of them all was. The mirror would always answer with Fantina's Drifblim. To be the fairest ghost type Hot Air decided to only use ghost type moves, however because mono typing her moves is stupid and would leave her open to normal types, she settled for only using moves that start with the letter G,H,O,S and T. She believes that switching while the other trainer switches is only for beginners so she must act like the switch style is always set. She believes that relying on healing items is cheap so she may only use one item between trips to the pokemon center.

Because she is the trying to be fairest ghost she must prove herself. If a ghost type ever faints one of the Pokemon on the team she must solo it to prove herself. She also needs some awards to show off to prove herself. Because ghosts are beautiful and cool Hot Air must win both the cool and beauty contests and one of them in super rank to evolve.

The fairest ghost type of them all is Fantina's Drifloon according the mirror. Because of this Hot Air must solo Fantina to prove she is the fairest ghost type of them all. A NFE pokemon is obviously less fair than an evolved pokemon so she must be a Drifblim to solo Fantina. After soloing Fantina Hot Air comes to trust her trainers judgement a little more. She may use two healing items between pokemon centers after soloing Fantina. Members on her own team could be a threat to her fairness. Hot Air can never have a ghost type switch into her.
Knave the Croagunk from Hitmonleet on smogon
Alright, since you said you wanted me to give you another one, for an after-Roark mon, take Knave the Croagunk.

Knave is a bitter and misanthropic pokemon with an unfortunate case of kleptomania. Because of this, they refuse to help others or be helped by others. You cannot use items on Knave, and you can't switch Knave in or out unless one of your mons/Knave has fainted. While kleptomaniacs commonly steal physical objects, Knave instead has decided to plagiarize your other mons. When you obtain Knave, and every gym after that, generate a random number between 1 and 5. Until after the next gym, Knave takes all possible restrictions of the mon in your scramblelist in that spot (ignoring Knave). Also, you must give Knave Snatch ASAP and never forget it. You can evolve Knave whenever, HOWEVER, you can alternatively have them solo Iron Island first.
  • IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE SOLO, then Knave's harsh worldview slowly softens, and they resolve to become a better mon. Change Knave's name to Knight, and replace all previous restrictions with the following:
  • Knight aspires to not be overly cruel to their fellow mon. Knight may never use super-effective attacks.
  • Repenting for anyways stealing the gimmicks of your other mons, Knight may not learn any move that any of your mons currently know.
  • To make up for how little Knight had previously done to help her teammates, she has become somewhat overzealous in her desires to protect them. During any non-solo where Knight is not in the lead, generate a number between 1 and 6. On a 6, you must switch in Knight and solo that mon.
  • To distance themselves from their previous, villainous self, Knight refuses to stoop to cheap tricks. Knight cannot use Poison or Dark type moves.
  • Finally, as penance for being so willing to make others suffer, Knight refuses to ever be in the lead, and may only fight by being switched in.
    IF YOU DO NOT DO THE SOLO, then Knave becomes fully sure of their hatred of others, and their bad habits only get worse. Knave now plagiarizes two different mons every gym, and they refuse held items.
I may have gone a tad bit overboard with restrictions for this, but I hope it's a mon you'll enjoy.
Dirachi the Misdreavus given by Augie279 on Pokefarm Q, Modified by Muellly
Dirachi has always been quite the trickster. She has also always looked up to Jirachi. So Dirachi always wanted to a Jirachi that granted corrupted wishes. Dirachi must know Stab, and by that she means the Stab of a Dirachi, so Dirachi must always know a Dark and a Psychic type move. Dirachi refuses to accept her ghost type typing and can never use a ghost type move. Dirachi may evolve after learning pain split, a psychic and a dark type move as see is satisfied with knowing her “Stab” moves.

Dirachi is the corrupter of wishes. Because of this whenever she gets a status condition you can not heal the status for anyone in the team except with pokemon centers. Dirachi at level 28 learns pain split, a healing move. When Dirachi learns Pain Split you can never use healing items on her again. Dirachi must learn pain split and if her foe appears to have more health than she has (determined by % of health left) she must use pain split. This only applies once per pokemon faced.

Because she joined on a corrupted wish where someone will punch you in the face and yell “Pikachu all the way!” she must solo all Pikachu. Hot Air greatly annoys Dirachi by calling her a ghost type when she is clearly a Dark/Psychic type. Due to this Dirachi must solo all Dirfloon and Dirfblim not soloed by someone else to get a kind of revenge.

Sometime after the 4th gym Dirachi will start to grow close to her trainer and team. If Dirachi is in the red and knows and has ran out of PP for pain split she will finally grant her trainer's wish of wanting to heal her. Dirachi will now accept 20HP healing potions and revives, only in the middle of battles.
Petra the Carnivine from Ullar on Smogon
As with his namesake (Petey Piranha), Petra was happy guzzling dirty liquids in the Marsh before you came along; it still loves playing with its food, though. You must teach Petra Natural Gift as soon as possible (Veilstone Department Store), and it can have only one other attacking move. In order to get Petra motivated again, you have to basically drown it in water. Fortunately, there’s a ready source nearby. Petra must be hit by at least one damaging Water-type move from each of Crasher Wake's Pokemon during the battle. If this is not accomplished, Petra refuses to act for the rest of the Scramble (resets are allowed). After getting its fill, Petra begins to warm up to you - it prefers to battle when it's least expected. Petra must participate in all Trainer Double Battles in which you do not have a partner. Petra eventually gets winsome for its past, spreading and devouring garbage everywhere. You should give it the chance to do so again! You must teach it Sludge Bomb as soon as possible (Galactic Veilstone Building, in the basement where you get the Galactic Key); this does not count towards its attacking moves (giving it a total of potentially 3).

Last edited by muellly (Sept. 2, 2018 14:40:04)

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
500+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

muellly wrote:

Examples of how this looks like can be found in this post I made on Pokefarm Q. e X
Yay someone who plays pokefarm
sorry just had to say that

“despacito”AwesomeShawn, May 28, 2018
Proud Creator of the: The Official Diglett Topic
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

AwesomeShawn wrote:

muellly wrote:

Examples of how this looks like can be found in this post I made on Pokefarm Q. e X
Yay someone who plays pokefarm
sorry just had to say that
Hooray someone else who plays Pokefarm commented on this thread! Still should I also make this thread on Pokefarm? Maybe I will after I finish making this post. But yet again I talk about hacking a lot on here.

Also I would like to mention that I have a surplus of TMs in either Diamond or Platinum from slightly altering the game's code which gave me 95 of each TM. If you want to give me a Pokemon that knows a TM from the moment I catch it just let me know and I will trade the TM into Pearl.

Anyway let's start step one of the Shiny Scramble, preparing the shiny part of it.
Chapter 0 part 1: Preparations
Hello I'm Muellly and I am going to start the most boring part of this Shiny Scramble, setting up the Shiny part of it. So I load up SoulSliver to get this started. *Looks at box* Wait a minute is sliver spelt silver!? How many times have I messed up this spelling before? *Thinks back to the Delphox I nicknamed* No wonder Pokemon kept mispronouncing his name at those press conferences. Anyway I am going to need Pokemon to test the Cute Charm glitch on my Pearl save. I am going with Igglybuff as they evolve into my favorite Pokemon Jigglypuff. But yet again Igglybuff annoy me. They ruined my favorite pokemon's evolution line forever! Forever cursing Jigglypuff to evolve from Igglypuff instead of it greeting you from the egg. What's up with that!?
Anyway I start the game. There is a Drowzee following me. You know what that means? It's the modest Drowzee my sister gave me. He is my prime headbutter pokemon! Let's see what he has to say.
“Muellly I'm a bit dizzy right now. Maybe we could take a break, but I'll keep going if you want me to.”
“Don't worry Drowzee, we are heading to a Pokemon center!” We then rested at the Pokemon center.
“Thanks Muellly. That felt nice.” said Drowzee.
Anyway on to the important part, seeing if my younger self was sensible enough to have any cute Jigglypuffs in my PC. Looking in there I see there is no search function. Man you don't miss little things like that until you play older gens where they aren't there. Ah yes I see a lonely Jigglypuff with cute charm in box 18 of my PC. Younger Muellly was sensible. I am kind of tempted to make her my cute charm Pokemon. But yet again she is level 17 and would probably break the early game. Anyway looking in my boxes I see I have 6 members of the Weedle line in box 1 of my PC but I only have one Jigglypuff. This is outrageous! I don't see any Dittos in there either. This is outrageous! So let's see Jigglypuff is in the Fairy egg group. Man why is the first 4 Pokemon I see from the egg group all females. Good I have a male Hoppip. I put two of my team into the PC and take out Jigglypuff and Hopip. I use my Dotrio Canmine to fly to the daycare. That reminds me. I once put a Dratiti and Drowzee together in the daycare in hopes of getting an egg. I didn't really understand Pokemon that much back then but now I do!
Anyway I walk with my partner Bayleef to the Daycare. I take such good care of my Pokemon that Bayleef is glowing with health. Wait, does that mean he is evolving? But he already is a Megaium. Is he mega evolving in a gen 4 game? I don't know. Anyway I talk to the old man who says my Ditto is doing just fine. Wait so I do have a Ditto. That actually makes sense. Anyway I ditch the Hoppip in the PC and put Jigglypuff in the daycare. Let's see how do Jigglypuff and Ditto get along? “They don't like each other that much” I can only imagine what I happening.
Ditto:“Hey lady.”
Jigglypuff:“Back away I am a lone wolf.”
Ditto:“But shouldn't we get to know each other?”
Jigglypuff:“Looooonnnnneeeee wwwwwwwoooooollllllfffffff!!!!!!”
Ditto:*Backs away* “Alright then…”
Anyway it is time I run around with my Bayleef in hopes of egging a Igglybuff of each gender, go! Argg this is taking to long.
Bayleef said “But we only walked up and down route 34 once and you are already bored? Come on! It's great exercise!”
I've never been that active of a person. While I would like to keep Bayleef following me this is taking to long. Bike time it is! I go up and down, the daycare guy fails to call me, and there is an egg! But for the second egg he does call me. Anyway I just need to hatch these eggs. While I am riding the daycare man calls me about another egg, as I am in his line of vision. Dude you could have just shouted at me. What is the point of using a phone if we are only 5 feet away from each other? Hey a girl Igglypuff's egg hatched. I am going to call you Teste. I hatch the other Igglybuff and it is a girl. Come on, I may need a guy for this glitch to work. I put Teste in the PC and I shove the other Igglybuff into there. Okay take 2. You know another thing I miss from latter gens, the Daycare man turning around when there is an egg. Also is it just me or is the text just so slow! I mean talking to the man without an egg takes so long! Wait I think the old man just turned around. So does that happen in gen 4? I am not 100% sure. Yes I hatched a guy! I named him Texte. Oh by the way both Igglybuffs don't have any attacking moves and get their first damaging move at level 9. Why. Who's idea was this.

Anyway with that out of the way it is time for part two of preparations, getting the right secret ID. Anyway looking at my Pearl cartage I see it is thinner and lighter than my SoulSilver cartage. It is also weird to get out of my DS. Does this mean that this version of Pearl is a bootleg? I don't really care as long as it works, besides I did get it for my birthday. I didn't mean to get a bootleg if it is one. I started it up before and it went to the this is the world of Pokemon speech so it must be okay enough to play. Anyway it is time to read and watch videos on how to get up this glitch. I'll try for the adamant nature group as it is +atk -Satk though I am fine with any as long as I get shinys. Also 3 is my luck number and the PID for adamant is 00000003.
So I download RNG reporter. I open it and it is not responding. That's state of the art technology for you. But after a second it works. Oh god I have zero idea what I am doing with this program, but I need to open something called pandora's box. Okay found it and wow this looks intimidating. But it will all be worth it to get so many shinys on a probably slightly bootleged version of pearl. Or maybe the people who made it got lazy while making the cartages. I don't know. Okay I am apparently using a different version than in the first video I watched, also it keeps giving me errors when I try to close it, so I close it with task manager. So I found a video that explains how to do it a cheaty way. Checking a number isn't cheating, right? It's just slightly altering the game's code to save some time. Ooo apparently it skips the RNG stuff all together in favor of using an action replay to change your secret ID. This is perfect as I have an action replay! Anyway it's just changing a single number that could have also be accomplished via RNGing but I have an action replay and I am lazy so let's go! Anyway the video I'm using for this can be found here. Still could this be considered cheating… Well it is technically possible through RNG so it is possible without cheating. So by my definition it is not blatant cheating. Well except for the Jigglypuff in the wild part, you can not get Jigglypuffs in that area so that is blatant cheating. Good thing I went through the effort to hatch two Igglybuffs to test this.

I start up my totally legit copy of Pearl. Ah yes man standing in the dark. It is very nice to meet you to. Thank you for welcoming me but I already know the basics, and the not so basics, and the glitches. Ah now you turn on the lights. I guess they were off before to save electricity. How much funding do Pokemon labs get anyway? Two 10 year old kids to catch Pokemon? Everyone calls you the Pokemon professor? Does that not get confusing with Oak and Elm? No dude this isn't my first adventure, I've been playing Pokemon games since 2010. Ah it is nice to give me the option of no info needed. Cue him telling me there are Pokemon. Dude I just said there is no info needed, why are you telling me stuff any person who read the cover should know? Okay you can touch a Pokeball to send out one of his Pokemon. That is actually pretty cool. Ah yes it's a Muchlax. How much sanity did you lose hunting it down? Or did you do what any reasonable person would do and breed it from Snorelax? Still Muchlax looks cute sleeping next to the professor. Now let me start instead of yammering about the basics I already know. Aw… his Muchlax disappeared. Wait can you not tell my gender from my long flowing hair? I am a girl. Seriously why do professors keep asking me this? I thought they were suppost to be smart. I guess professor Rowan would really struggle to evolve Combee as he would keep trying to level up a male one not knowing the difference from a female. What is my name? Shiny, Shiny Glitch Pearl. But you can just use my first name. Ah yes that is my friend. Don't you know his name is Berry? Man have you ever watched the anime Rowan? Or was it Barry? I cuold nveer speel verry goood. Blah blah blah just let me get to the saving part already.
Okay so I'm watching tv. I heard that my shiny Gyarados Gyara was on. Darn she showed up late and didn't air. You know if you wanted to see a red Gyarados you could just call my SoulSilver counterpart about top percentage Ratatas and ask her to come. Or you could wait for the part where I catch a shiny Gyarados in this playthrough. Okay so I save.
(warning tons of researchy stuff ahead, skip to next paragraph if you don't care) Action replay time! While I could try to do this the 100% honest way but I want to put the action replay I have to good use. This is the only time I will ever use it in this play through so let's go! Ah the action replay goes in and out of my DS so smoothly unlike my Pokemon Pearl cartage. In fact I am tempted to use it after hacking without any hacks on just so I don't have to go through the hassle of taking the Pearl cartage out of the system. Okay that one number they said in the video I do not see anywhere in my DSI action replay, which I am using for my DS. Okay scratch that (pun intended) I was looking to do this with a shorter video but alas looks like I'll watch the 18ish minute one. It is this video. I will be using what they claim is the “You're cheating” method but I just see it as slightly altering the game's code to save time. I could do the same thing via RNG but that looked confusing and I am impatient. Besides it isn't cheating for 100% chance shiny Pokemon, it's cheating to change a secret PID number which isn't as drastic, right? Besides I've only really cheated for Exp x2, a ton of money I'll never use and a bunch of TMs because why not. The only game I've cheated like crazy on was the legendary Starfy where, okay even by my definition it was cheating via invincibility. Okay got Pokesav for only 1 code at the start of the game before I even get any Pokemon. And It's an .rar file. You know between typing this and finding a code for this to work it's kind of like spending hours RNGing for the right secret PID right? Muellly keep telling yourself that. Okay I turn it into an exe. It is giving me a virus warning, time to investigate. I think it may be because it's from the unknown publisher, and I saw on the forum I got it from that virus detectors accidentally mark it as a virus. After some research I see from 3 sources that it is a false alarm so I run the program. And it can't run on my PC. Darn! How hard is it to just find a code to change your secret and trainer ID to pull off a glitch that doesn't even always give you shinys. Okay I can't actually find the code. This means one thing. I will do this the semi legit way. Okay that video does not explain how to RNG your trainer ID numbers. If I am going to do this without hacking for it I am going to do this the RNG way. Time to reference a third video! I'm not going to link it cause language. Anyway apparently I need version 9.95 of RNG reporter and I need Eon timer. Anyway I will try for an ID of 00003. Oh and I just found out that from the 2nd video there is no link to the code they are saying to use, and I need to press L when the L button on my DS is broken. Wow I can't believe I went from wanting to do this via hacks to doing this the honest way with RNG abuse. And wow this is becoming a wall a text. Still I got to say Eontimer looks really nice. It has a Glaceon on it and it even has it's - and X buttons blend in with the background. It even has a pin tool which is super nice. I wish RNG reporter could be this nice. I think I am slowly starting to understand this thanks to Smogon. This is so confusing! I need a kirby break. *One true arena in Kirby's return to dreamland latter*. Okay I read through it and I think I almost understand what I am doing. Okay so version 9.95 of RNG reporter makes sense with the guides. Okay so apparently having 00003 secret and trainer ID is impossible. Next I try 22322. Okay so the closest I got with that is the IDs being 4000 off. I need around the 10 range in order for this to work from what I have read. This will take a while. Okay I just realized my mistake and okay I got a ton of IDs that I could use. I'm going for a 30899 trainer ID 30898 secret ID seed. I don't even need hacks to know if it worked as I know I have messed up if I don't get 30899 as my trainer ID. Okay for the sake of this glitch I need it to be in the middle of the night on June first. Makes a ton of sense I know. Okay so I have to restart my game and try again. I'll let you know in the next paragraph when I sucessfully get the trainer ID I'm looking for. My first attempt I did not have enough time. I practice naming my trainer shiny and my rival barry. Because I can not do this in 5000ish frames I go on to 7000ish frames. Okay I find one where both IDs are 38577. Take 2! It is now tomorrow morning for the stake of this glitch. After practicing typing in names some more I do the attempt. So during my first attempt I get a trainer ID of 58395. Hurray I failed horribly! Time to try again. And great the year I am typing in for the retry is invalid.

Alas I am unable to pull of the glitch. But this is not the end of this run. I will try again tomorrow. If anyone knows how to do this RNGing successfully please let me know. Anyway this ends part 1 of chapter 0 my preparations.

Last edited by muellly (May 22, 2018 19:39:57)

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

I might try this, could you give me a quick guide to getting a cute charm ID?

"Just what is the Summer Solstice, besides the day I melt into a puddle of fuzzy puppy fluff?”-Isabelle, Animal Crossing New Leaf
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

nickeljorn wrote:

I might try this, could you give me a quick guide to getting a cute charm ID?
The cute charm glitch works by having a Pokemon with cute charm in the first slot of your party in a game where your Trainer ID and Secret ID are close together, like 10ish apart at max.

I have not gotten it down myself yet but I'm pretty sure I've come rather close. (also see warning) Use Smogon's guide that can be found here. Download Eontimer from the page. For RNG Reporter get the latest version here, I am using version 10.3.4. My antivirus told me that it could be a virus but I'm pretty sure it was a false alarm. On the Smogon guide read the entirety of the page I linked. Go to part 4. Skip to step two. For the desired PID use any of them on part 5 of the guide. From there follow the guide and if all goes well you should be able to do the cute charm glitch.

Warning: While I am pretty sure EonTimer and the RNG Reporter I linked to are safe and I have downloaded them myself I am not responsible if you somehow get a virus from either. While the RNG guide on Smogon is safe for Scratch there are places on that website that are not safe for Scratch, such as swearing being allowed on the forums. I am not responsible for any not safe for Scratch content you may find outside the pages I linked to or talked about earlier.

Also nickeljorn could you tell me a Pokemon I could use during this shiny Scramble, along with the rules for the pokemon and possibly a backstory/personality for the Pokemon you give me?

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

So I'm not really sure how to do this, but can I suggest a Pokémon? Well I hope so, because I am doing
MID-POST EDIT: I was originally going to suggest a Zubat with sound-based moves only but the only sound-based move Zubat learns is Supersonic. Who'd have thought? So, instead I have a question; do you have access to TMs in a separate game that you can trade Pokémon to temporarily so that they can get TM only or tutor only moves?

So here's my actual suggestion for a Pokémon;
Kricketot / Kricketune
The rule with this Kricketot is that it must have learn all sound-based moves it gets a chance to learn. If you want to make it more difficult then also keep all the sound-based moves it knows
Nickname: Buguitar (If you want to choose your own, go for it)

Last edited by Auroura_Wolf (May 21, 2018 17:37:35)

My alt account, where I upload nothing (much like my main account)
I play video games and sometimes do other things. I don't really make anything on Scratch anymore, but I'm relatively active on the Undertale and Deltarune forums.
Click this. Or don't.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut 
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

nickeljorn wrote:

I might try this, could you give me a quick guide to getting a cute charm ID?
Have you heard of HamsterBomb? He's done a HeartGold and a Pearl Cute Charm game, and he has a guide. Lemme see if I can find it…

Oh, here we go. He also has a service where you can mail in your games and pay him to find a Cute Charm game if you're interested, but you should be able to do it yourself with a lotta bit of patience. That's all it really takes

My alt account, where I upload nothing (much like my main account)
I play video games and sometimes do other things. I don't really make anything on Scratch anymore, but I'm relatively active on the Undertale and Deltarune forums.
Click this. Or don't.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut 
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

So I'm not really sure how to do this, but can I suggest a Pokémon? Well I hope so, because I am doing
MID-POST EDIT: I was originally going to suggest a Zubat with sound-based moves only but the only sound-based move Zubat learns is Supersonic. Who'd have thought? So, instead I have a question; do you have access to TMs in a separate game that you can trade Pokémon to temporarily so that they can get TM only or tutor only moves?

So here's my actual suggestion for a Pokémon;
Kricketot / Kricketune
The rule with this Kricketot is that it must have learn all sound-based moves it gets a chance to learn. If you want to make it more difficult then also keep all the sound-based moves it knows
Nickname: Buguitar (If you want to choose your own, go for it)
Thank you! Yep you gave me a Pokemon correctly. Alright so Buguitar must learn all sound based moves it can. I have access to all of the TMs in Diamond so I can trade it into Pearl for a Pokemon. However I don't have access to any move tutors. Also I am just mentioning that I have Emerald so I can catch those Pokemon found via the GBA insertion method. That is one Pokemon out of six I need for this Scramble. Now I just need someone to give me a cute charm Pokemon and I can start, well that and correctly get my trainer and secret ID.

Last edited by muellly (May 21, 2018 19:25:02)

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:

I might try this, could you give me a quick guide to getting a cute charm ID?
Have you heard of HamsterBomb? He's done a HeartGold and a Pearl Cute Charm game, and he has a guide. Lemme see if I can find it…

Oh, here we go. He also has a service where you can mail in your games and pay him to find a Cute Charm game if you're interested, but you should be able to do it yourself with a lotta bit of patience. That's all it really takes

So I might use HamsterBomb's service. Just a few quick questions:

1. Is there anywhere on his channel that shows the address you need to send the game to?
2. Which game should I use? I don't want to do Diamond/Pearl since I don't really know them that well. So should I do Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver?

"Just what is the Summer Solstice, besides the day I melt into a puddle of fuzzy puppy fluff?”-Isabelle, Animal Crossing New Leaf
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Chapter 0 part 2: Preparations
Okay so I was given the link to the latest verison from Shiny Finder. Yes I joined Smogon just to get help setting this up. Okay take 3 let's go! Failed, try 4 go! Well I got 37379 which looks close but I bet is very far off in terms of this glitch. Okay at third I think I was 8 frames off and now I am 6 frames off. Also the SID of this will not work at all for the cute charm glitch so let's try again. Take five! Failed again. Let's see how much I missed it by this time. Okay I messed up my EonTimer. Time to go back to where I was before. I am going to keep trying with this calibration until I get it right. Take six! Wait I started the game to earily. Take seven! It's a fail. Which frame did I get to? It does not say! Anyway take 8. And I got an ID of 04331 at a frame of 1714. Wait am I doing this right? I check the seed and wow it's not even close to what I typed in. I feel like I may be doing this wrong so I reread the guide. So it turns out I have been forgetting to subtract 2 minutes from my time. Okay so none of those tries could have even gotten this, or did I forget at some point? Okay try 9. I set my Eontimer's calibration back to 600. And I forget about the first timing. Try 10. I get 47577 okay I could have either hit 6845 or 6978. Ahh I am so confused. But at the same time I sort of understand what I am doing. Try 11 let's go! And I mess up the first timer timing. Man why do I keep forgetting to wait for the first timer to finish before starting my game. Anyway let's take 12. I get an ID of 18376 at the frame of great, two numbers showed up again. Take 13. I get 01610 or a frame of 7000. Finally! Only one number shows up. This means I can finally correctly calibrate my Eontimer! My new correct calibration is 574. Okay take 14. I got 27741 or frame 7026… Okay I know I am doing something wrong here. It feels so bad to have finally got the frame you are looking for but then mess something else up to get the wrong IDs. I check where it can spawn and it is between 4/30 and 5/22. What the heck this makes no sense. Okay I found out I was doing this wrong. I was starting Eon Timer when the second hand on the DS clock when I should have done it as I set the time. Okay try 15 let's go. I hope I get it on 16 as I need 15 to recalibrate the Eon Timer. Oh I almost forgot to subtract two minutes from my time, well that would have ended in failure. Good thing I caught it. Okay I got a trainer ID of 63497 which means I hit frame 7014. Okay let's try 16. I get ID 46276 or frame either 6883 or 7002. Okay try 17. ID 61510, frame 7010. Okay try 18. I'm going to recalibrate the Eon Timer now. The timer appears to end and has it's alarm time at seemingly two different times which I feel like are throwing me off. From now on I only listen to that final beep. Come on Muellly I got this yesterday the wrong way, I can get it today the right way. I get 03296 or frame 6996. Try 19. 63517 or frame 6916. What, what is this. I think I may have hit it a little to late, or did I? Since I think I hit it too late and somehow got an earlier delay I recalibrate eon timer. Try 20. I get 59496 or frame 7154. Okay I am way off. Maybe it was a bad idea to recalibrate Eon Timer twice. Okay try 21 will be to get a correct calibration. I set alerts to 1 so none of that pre ticking will throw me off. Okay what was that? Eon Timer Beeped like 5 seconds after the count down. I decide to test for the best sound. Okay so Eon Timer lags to beep if I put the warnings at one. Okay default 6 it is then. Wait there is the frequency of actions in millisceonds, I try setting it to one with 1 action. It still lags. Okay I close and open Eon Timer as it's beep timing is off for the first timer. Okay I am setting things to 1 beep one 1 milisecond and hoping for the best via watching the timer. Anyway try 21 go! Okay so booth beeps are inconsistent. Come on eye sight, don't let me down. I need glasses to see far, so I have wonderful eye sight. Anyway I get ID 16891 frame err. There is three results. Time for try 22. And I forget about the first timer… Try 23. ID 05938 delay 7026, with my timing off by one second. Still I just realized there are seconds for the seed finder so I can find seeds when there are multiple, and know when my timing is off by seconds. Try 24. Id 02743 frame 7008. Yay, I am getting close. Try 25. I got ID 17809, delay 7020. Okay I am getting closer. Just 3 more frames and I will get the IDs! Try 26. I get 38590. Is, is this it? I honesty forgot what I was searching for at this point except for the fact it began with 3. Good thing I wrote it down. No no it is not. I got delay 7052 and 24 seconds. Okay I am way off this time. Try 27. 26520 or frame 7022. I am getting closer. Just 2 more frames. It would be funny if it took my next attempt to get 7024 and on my next attempt get 7026, what I have been searching for this entire time. Try 28. And I forget about the first timer again. Try 29. ID 06734 frame 7049 second 24. Okay I was way off on that one. Try 30. ID 23209 frame 6970 second 22. That was to early. Try 31. 03538 frame 7028 24 seconds. Man just over. Try 32. Forgot first timer again. Try 33. ID 05938 frame 7026 second 24? OH COME ON. JUST LET ME GET THIS ID SO I CAN DO THIS PLAYTHROUGH. Huff, okay then, try 34. ID 38577, delay 2026, second 23. YES FINALLY. I finally got the IDs I was looking for. Finally, finally, I can do this Scramble!

After celebrating my victory and saving I look around my room. Let's see there is a tree in a pink pot. I think it isn't knee high. Hey look my Personal Computer. Time to spend hours looking up how to do the cute charm glitch and RNGing it. Oh wait… So I see the basics of Pokemon. Professor Rowan you already told me that, you don't have to sneak into my room while I'm not there and write it in a notepad document on my PC. I see my Wii, controlled by a wii remote game cube controller. There I fixed that sentence. But wait I use the wii remote for Kirby's Return to Dreamland's true Arena. I guess that is one of the few exceptions. I have a rug. I wonder if there is a hidden item in here. *Checks* What is this? A Masterball… drawing I did when I was 5. Boring, next. I have a bed. I proceed to clip into the side of it a bit. Oh no I bent time to my will so much space is starting to warp. I save again and head downstairs. I might have saved before but did I really save? I spent hours on getting to this point, my bedroom. Okay that sounds underwhelming without context. As I save I run into a poster, “The X button opens the menu.” Wow I would have never guessed.
Me:Where! where?
Mom:You remember that's your own name right.
Me: Oh yeah, that was right…
Mom:Anway Barry came calling for you a little while ago. I don't know what it is about,but he said it was an emergency. Something about someone bending the space-time continuum just to get some shiny Pokemon.
Me:Heh Heh, I wonder who that could be…
Mom:Ah you know how Barry is, he ran off before I could ask him what it was about.
“Okay” I said. Okay I will come over right after I watch some TV. Let's see someone named Brooke won the cute contest. Man all they showed was a close up of the reporter saying that. Man that is boring. Anyway let me check the fridge for a snack real quick. Man it's only filled with raisin cake, Shiny's mom sure loves raisin cake. Anyway time to go outside!
Mom:Oh yes! Shiny! Don't go into the tall grass, Wild Pokemon might attack you. It would be okay if you sent out your own Pokemon to beat up random wild Pokemon you come across but you don't. So…
Me:Relax, I think I can handle a few birds, crickets and lions by myself.
Mom:You just heard yourself, right?
Mom:Goodbye Shiny! Take care! Don't go in the tall grass!

Okay so with that out of the way we all know what I should do first outside, step in the tall grass. Man life without running shoes is slow, like as slow as a Shuckle.
Man:Hiya Shiny, Barry was looking for you.
Me: Do I know you?
Man:Yeah, you should check it out.
Well I would but I am to busy wanting to poke electric lion cubs with sticks. Darn the guy won't let me through. I guess I will walk over to Barry's, with looking everywhere in town but his house first. Or at least that was my plan, until I realized no running shoes. Man you don't miss stuff until it's gone. Let me check this mailbox. “Railroad house” Alright then.
OW! Barry why.
Barry:What was that about?!
Me:You ran into me.
Barry:Oh Hey Shiny! I'm going to the lake. Come too, And be quick about it! Okay, I'm fining you $1 million if you're late.
Me: Well I probably was heading there until I got railroaded to visit you. If you fine me for being late I'll take this to court with that railroady guy.
Barry: Oh jeez! Thank you for talking to me, I almost forgot something. *Goes indoors*
Man leaving in the middle of a conversation, rude! Anyway I go into his house. Hey look a TV is on. Is that a Pokemon battle? Ooo they are doing an in depth analysis of trainers. And all they say is that they need help. Dude why waste poke to have a show on TV just to say you need help when you can advertise on some social media for free? Anyway I go up stairs. Great all he tells me is that I'll get a $10 million fine if I'm late. That is the last time I am checking to see you're alright. Every time I do you just threaten to fine me. Anyway I take a few of his wii games, go home, and hide them in the jors next to my PC. It's just that moment when you misspell a word so much that even autocorrect or the red squiggles can't fix it. Anyway now it is time to go into tall grass. Still is that railroading guy stalking Barry? Anyway I can see the grass now!
Barry: you saw that news report on TV right?
Barry:That got me thinking. Our local lake has Pokemon like that too in it, right?
Me:When I'm through with it, will.
Barry:So we should find a Pokemon like that.
Me:What do you mean we? I am the one who did research and RNGing for hours to get this cute charm glitch to work. If any one get's shinys it's going to be me, and by that I mean boxes full of them.
Anway Barry is following me now. This is the perfect time to poke a Shinx with a stick. I'll poke it while Barry is bait. We make quite a good team. Anyway my plan is foiled by Barry repeating what Shiny's Mom said every single time I try to walk into tall grass. Wait how does he know what she said? Was he stalking me? Anyway I follow the train tracks to the left.

Hey look the professor and Lucas is watching the lake. Are they enjoying sightseeing or are they full odds shiny hunting like Barry? Anyway the professor leaves his brief case behind.
Barry:Hey Shiny check it out.
Me:I see the professor's brief case! I bet there are Pokemon in there. Let's rescue them! The professor abandoned three poor pokemon in cold metal spheres. I'll take the Pipup for now and you can have the rest.
Random period swarm: Don't go in the tall grass.
Barry: are you thinking what I'm thinking. We take it quick enough that no wild Pokemon can maim us.
Me:I like that plan.
We went to the brief case. But some Starly swarmed us.
Barry: Po po pokemon
Me:Man Barry how many times do I have to tell you. Don't back flying type seed if you are going to be afraid of a few little birds.
Anyway I took the Piplup from the brief case. Oh sorry game I mean PIPLUP. This Piplup is just temporary until I start my Scramble at the first Pokemon center. Alright first battle of the game. Aw PIPLUP is kind of cute. Too bad that won't last through evolution. Good thing I'll be ditching Piplup before that happens. Anyway Piplup beat up that Starly, oh sorry game, STARLY until this battle is over. Why does the game love to shout the names of Pokemon. The Starly used growl, great my 3HKO probably became a 4HKO or something. Anyway I 3HKO Starly with health 19 remaining. Man this Piplup may be my strongest Pokemon while it is level 5. *thinks about how Igglybuff if I am given one doesn't learn pound until level 9 and Buguitar doesn't learn a non bide damaging move until level 10* Anyway Lucas is distant and just takes the brief case. But we do get to keep the Pokemon though.
Barry:You go ahead. I know we have to return these Pokemon. But I want to spend just a little more time with the little guy.
Aw that was cute. You actually care about your starter Pokemon. I was just going to get rid of mine after the first Pokemon center, or until I get Buguitar if I get Igglybuff's line. Anyway I'm going to ask Shiny'sMom to heal the one damage from the Piplup and then I will head to the next town, which hopefully has a Pokemon center so I can just start this Scramble already. Oh wait the guy who needed me to say my gender and name 34 times and his cold assistant are blocking the way. I check PIPLUP's summary and it turns out he magically healed himself after battle. Man why don't starters always do that.
Professsor:I've heard from Lucas you used our Pokemon.
Me:Yep. If you let me borrow it for a day or two I can give it back. I just need to set up this Scramble.
Professor:Very well then. Meet me at my lab latter okay? *Leaves*
Barry:Wait he didn't yell at us? Doesn't he want his Pokemon back? I guess we should go home.
So we go home. Anyway I tell her what happened. My mother says some obvious stuff, go to Sandgem town, visit professor, pretend you don't support team Skull.
Mom:Also I know put these on!
And just like that I obtained the power of running. This is great, and wait is that town really called Sandgem down. Man what kind of lazy naming is that? What's next, there is a fire bird with sharp talons, are we going to call that Flametalon. Oh wait… Anyway Shiny's Mom proceeds to read the instructions. She mentions the B button like it's nothing. What did I tell her about breaking the 4th wall?

Anyway it is time I walk to Sandgem town. I want to battle as few Pokemon as I can on the way there so there are more fights for my Scramblemons. Ah running feels so nice. I don't see how gen 4 can be slow if you can just hold down B all the time. Anyway stealth mission time. Adviod all trainers on route 201 for my Scramble team. Trainers spotted:1 Trainers fought:0. I beat up any wild Pokemon in my way just because I can. Wild Pokemon fought:1, I ran into a starly that only used growl. Talk to everyone you see the sign says. But making eye contact is how you start battles, which I am trying to avoid. Trainers spotted:2. Wild Pokemon fought:2, a Bidoof appeared. Piplup took 6 damage but grew to level 6. Trainers spotted:4, well I am just assuming every trainer not in a town is a trainer until I start the Scramble. Anyway I made it to Sandgem town with zero trainers fought.
Lucas:I've been waiting for you. I want you to come with me.
Oh no he figured me out! Oh wait the professor wants to see me. THUD! Great Barry crashed into me again.
Barry:That old dude isn't that scary, anyway I'm out of here.
Still is it just me or does Barry seem like the sort of person who would speed run Pearl. We enter the lab and the professor is in complete silence. Anyway he gifts me a Piplup. Anyway I name the Puplup Tempt.
Rowan:Your friend Barry told me about what happened in the lake. You battled rather well despite it being your first time.
Me:First time? Well excuse me. I have been battling Pokemon for at least 8 years. I know about EVs, IVs and RNGing for this cute charm glitch so if you think this is my first time.
Rowan:Erm… I entrust you with Piplup.
Lucas:I'm glad your kind with Pokemon. If you weren't well… I don't even want to think about it.
Let's see I'm going to shove this Piplup in the PC forever shortly after getting a cute charm scramble pokemon. I am very kind with pokemon… usually.
Rowan:Anyway let's move onto the main topic. There is something I want you to do for me. I want you to record the data of the Pokemon of Sinnoh for me. Can you do that?
Still I wonder what would happen if I said no… Me: Sure. And I can do you one better. I can fill the shiny dex. Anyone can complete a Pokedex, but only a few can help you with the shiny dex.
Rowan:Hm! Good answer. Wait what was that again? Could you tell me your answer 34 more times?
Me:Arrg I don't have time for this.
Anyway some talking happens. And now for the best part of Sandgem town, the Pokemon center! However I am interrupted by Lucas explaining the basics. Don't tell me that is a Pokemon center, let me use the center to test Texte and Teste as cute charmers. Also I think he is color blind. He is telling me the building with a red roof is the Pokemon center when it is orange. Or am I color blind? That would explain why so many people say people have red hair when it is orange. And he forgets to say the most important second most important thing about pokemon centers, you can trade pokemon in them. And he calls me a rookie. This is outrageous! I have been playing pokemon main series games for 8 years, if anything I am… err… I wouldn't say I am an expert because I am only okay at competitive battling but at the same time I am very far from being a rookie.
So I head into the pokemart. I buy 10 pokeballs. I only have 1000 poke but I don't remember ever using the pokemart for anything but pokeballs. Anyway I go into the tall grass to catch a Pokemon to replace with my cute charm tester. Anyway I catch a Bidoof. Wait does this violate my I unless a Pokemon can only be one gender or is genderless I may only catch it if it is shiny rule? Meh I will not even keep this Bidoof anyway and my scramble hasn't started yet. I heal my Pokemon and head upstairs. Meanwhile I boot up my Soulsilver game.
Wait as I remove Pokemon Diamond from my 3DS it also has trouble going out. I am pretty sure it is legit, I got it at Gamestop while gen 5 was out. Maybe the weird getting out of DSs thing is just me getting them out the wrong way? And I forget to turn on my 3DS's wireless stick before starting Soulsilver, darn. I usually have it off to save battery on my 3DS which is frustrating to charge. Hey look I can see myself on both screens. Man neither of me look the way they do in the other game. Anyway I trade me a random Bidoof for Texte the Igglybuff.

Anyway it is the time we have all been waiting for, the cute charm glitch. I put Texte into the first slot of my party. My plan is to run into 15 wild Pokemon and see how many are shiny to test the glitch. The first battle is a normal Starly and Texte grows to level 2. The second battle was a normal Bidoof in which Texte grew to level 3. The fith battle is a normal Starly where Texte grows to level 4. I heal. And guess what the 6th battle is, a shiny Bidoof. My hours and hours of hard work has payed off! All of this for single shiny Bidoof that is a slightly slighter color than a normal Bidoof. Okay maybe not just a shiny Bidoof, maybe like at least 30 other Pokemon too. Anyway Texte sings to the Bidoof but it misses. Texte tries again and succeeds. I send in Tempt to weaken the Bidoof. And great Bidoof wakes up. I throw a Premier ball at the Bidoof and it works! I name her Finder after Shiny Finder on the Smogon forums, the person who helped me with the RNG who made this possible in the first place. I heal and head out again. My 7th battle is a normal Bidoof where Tempt levels up to 7. Wait didn't starters learn their first elemental move at level 7. Oh well. My 8th battle is a shiny Starly. Texte uses sing. Starly wakes up and Tempt uses pound twice. I catch her and I name her Auroura after the first person to give me a Scramblemon on this thread, Auroura_Wolf. After my 9th encounter I heal. My 10th encounter is a normal Bidoof and Texte grows to level 5 and learns defense curl. My 11th encounter is another shiny Bidoof. Texte sings twice as the first one missed. Tempt uses two pounds and I catch the Bidoof. I name her Shiny? As Bidoof's shiny is just a slightly lighter pallet than normal Bidoof. Adding a ? onto my trainer's name is narcissistic I know. My 12th encounter is a 3rd shiny Bidoof. As this is a test of 15 pokemon I decide to catch her. Tempt pounds her twice and I throw a pokeball. I name her Foodib because I am getting lazy with naming. Still, wow, 2 shinys in a row. This is the power of cute charm. Still all of my shinys will be girls because for my game my cute charmer has to be a guy for this to work with my IDs. My 14th encounter is another shiny Bidoof. So she makes 4. Texte sings to the Bidoof. However she wakes up as I send int Tempt. Tempt pounds twice and I throw a pokeball. I name her Heart cause I can. She was sent to the PC. And my final encounter is… a normal Bidoof. I try to sing the last Bidoof to sleep but after 3 tackles she gets a critical hit on Texte. I flee to the Pokemon center.

Okay that is the end of this part. My final results are 5 shinys in 15 encounters. The cute charm glitch is well worth all of my Sunday and 3 hours today to set up. Anyway here are my stats for this part.
Tempt - Piplup - 7
Texte - Igglybuff - 5
Auroura - shiny Starly
Finder, Shiny?, Foodib and Heart - Shiny Bidoofs
Total shinys:5
Shiny Bidoof:4, yes I need a stat for this.

Anyway this may be the last part of chapter zero. It depends on whether someone gives me Igglybuff line as the cute charm Scramblemon or not. If I do get Igglybuff I will use Texte and rename him once I get to the name rater, wait I just remembered that it only works in the game you got them in so there will still be a part 3 of renaming Texte. If it is another cute charm Pokemon I will make part 3 of chapter 0 to get the Pokemon. In order to start the Scramble I need someone to give me a cute charm pokemon and to proceed past gym 1 I need 4 people to give me Pokemon that can be found past the 1st gym. If you enjoyed this please support this scramble by giving me a scramblemon.

Last edited by muellly (May 22, 2018 21:08:33)

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

I have a suggestion now!
Soft reset for the Drifloon at Valley Windworks (then Drifblim)
The rule: can only use Explosion Can only use moves starting with the letter G, H, O, S, or T
So moves like Gust, Hyper Beam, Ominous Wind, Shadow Ball, or Thunderbolt
Nickname: Hot Air

​I am Wahsp

Formerly pretty active on the forums, probably mostly retired now…
If you see one of my posts send me a hello!
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Wahsp wrote:

I have a suggestion now!
Soft reset for the Drifloon at Valley Windworks (then Drifblim)
The rule: can only use Explosion Can only use moves starting with the letter G, H, O, S, or T
So moves like Gust, Hyper Beam, Ominous Wind, Shadow Ball, or Thunderbolt
Nickname: Hot Air
Thanks. Still looking at it, it appears I will either have to go Ominous Wind, Shadow ball, Gust or Stockpile, spit up and swallow as I rarely if ever use Tms. If I use this I already know I will have stockpile, spit up and swallow along with shadow ball. (Still you can still add more to or modify the challenge if you want, it's only to late when I catch her.)

Also everyone knows scramblemons can have more than one rule applied to them right? In fact I encourage this. You can also write the rules out in a way that resembles a backstory then at the end list the rules for clarification. In fact I highly encourage what I just said.

Anyway let me analyze how I will probably use Buguitar. I am self imposing the challenge of Buguitar having to use a sound based move every time she participates in a battle. I have actually seen a harder version of this challenge before with a Kricketot named Kricktoven who was only allowed to use sound moves and one other move until they learned their first damaging sound move. Anyway this will start with the move bide until Buguitar gets to level 10 where she learns furry cutter then leech life at 14. Her final moveset will probably be Sing, Bug Buzz, Perish Song, and Night Slash(I can trade after all). I want her to keep as many sound moves as possible to keep in the spirit of the challenge Auroura_Wolf gave me. I'll ditch screech because if I didn't Buguitar would have zero physical moves to take advantage of it. Still I'm hoping to see some interesting possibilities I would have never used otherwise with perish song.

Also now that I think about it I originally saw the Scramble challenge on the Smogon forums, but posted this here because I didn't have an account. But I made one to get help with the RNGing part of this playthorugh so I should probably also post this there to.

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

nickeljorn wrote:

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:


So I might use HamsterBomb's service. Just a few quick questions:

1. Is there anywhere on his channel that shows the address you need to send the game to?
2. Which game should I use? I don't want to do Diamond/Pearl since I don't really know them that well. So should I do Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver?
First off, on looking around a bit, it's not worth it. Here's a quote:

HamsterBomb wrote:

All I ask is that you make a donation to the channel of $100 before mailing in your game. All details are in the video, please review it completely to avoid mistakes. Thank you all for helping out the channels, and have fun in Cute Charm!Charm!
So that's a lot of money, especially since you can do it yourself with some patience. Basically you can manipulate the RNG by starting up the game and starting within a certain amount of time since the game is booted up. It's something to do with the frame-rolls I think? It probably works the same way as Emerald's messed-up shiny-frames.

Last edited by Auroura_Wolf (May 23, 2018 16:24:18)

My alt account, where I upload nothing (much like my main account)
I play video games and sometimes do other things. I don't really make anything on Scratch anymore, but I'm relatively active on the Undertale and Deltarune forums.
Click this. Or don't.

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aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

First off, on looking around a bit, it's not worth it. Here's a quote:

HamsterBomb wrote:

All I ask is that you make a donation to the channel of $100 before mailing in your game. All details are in the video, please review it completely to avoid mistakes. Thank you all for helping out the channels, and have fun in Cute Charm!Charm!
So that's a lot of money, especially since you can do it yourself with some patience. Basically you can manipulate the RNG by starting up the game and starting within a certain amount of time since the game is booted up. It's something to do with the frame-rolls I think? It probably works the same way as Emerald's messed-up shiny-frames.
I say the 100 dollars are really not worth it. By RNGing I got the game set up correctly in 34 tries. The hardest part of RNGing is finding out how to do it, and the 2nd hardest part is perfecting the timing. If you have any questions about the RNGing stuff I linked to earlier feel free to ask!

Anyway I modified Wahsp's challenge because to be honest, no offense but it seemed kind of boring. I added a ton onto Hot Air, anyway here she is.
Take Hot Air the Drifloon

Hot Air has always wanted to be the fairest ghost type of them all. She has constantly asked her mirror who the fairest ghost type of them all was. The mirror would always answer with Fantina's Drifblim. To be the fairest ghost type Hot Air decided to only use ghost type moves, however because mono typing her moves is stupid and would leave her open to normal types, she settled for only using moves that start with the letter G,H,O,S and T. She believes that switching while the other trainer switches is only for beginners so she must act like the switch style is always set. She believes that relying on healing items is cheap so she may only use one item between trips to the pokemon center.

Because she is the trying to be fairest ghost she must prove herself. If a ghost type ever faints one of the Pokemon on the team she must solo it to prove herself. She also needs some awards to show off to prove herself. Because ghosts are beautiful and cool Hot Air must win both the cool and beauty contests and one of them in super rank to evolve.

The fairest ghost type of them all is Fantina's Drifloon according the mirror. Because of this Hot Air must solo Fantina to prove she is the fairest ghost type of them all. A NFE pokemon is obviously less fair than an evolved pokemon so she must be a Drifblim to solo Fantina. After soloing Fantina Hot Air comes to trust her trainers judgement a little more. She may use two healing items between pokemon centers after soloing Fantina. Members on her own team could be a threat to her fairness. Hot Air can never have a ghost type switch into her.

Also someone on Smogon gave me a cute charm pokemon to use.
Wish the Cleffa from Hitmonleet on Smogon (Yes, my username on Smogon is ACottontail)
ACottontail, take this Cleffa (Recommended Name: Wish).

Sensing your intense desires for a Cute Charm pokemon, this altruistic Cleffa has come to help you and your run. It isn't required, but you should probably breed this one with Wish. It isn't necessary for the scramblemon, but from a flavor-based perspective, it is appropriate.

Wish's goal in life is to improve the lives of others, including yours, and to try to make them better people. As such, when you obtain Wish, select at least one of the following Virtues. These restrictions affect the entire party, so be warned. These also have a point value assigned to each. Be sure to remember the point value total and the number of Virtues you take. The Virtues are as follows:
  • Chastity (4 Points): Abstain from your desires. You may not use items on your pokemon. Held items are fine, but you cannot use any items on them, such as potions or X items.
  • Temperance (2 Points): Everything in moderation. None of your pokemon may use the same move twice in a row.
  • Charity (2 Points): Give freely to others. You must immediately switch out a pokemon once it drops to yellow or below, and you must heal it as soon as possible.
  • Dilligence (8 Points!): The main story always comes first! You may never buy items from stores (excluding pokeballs) or heal using Pokémon Centers.
  • Patience (4 Points): You believe that rushing in is a mistake. Your pokemon cannot use any directly offensive moves without a buff (i.e. Boosted stats, Safeguard, weather and a weather ability, etc).
  • Kindness (4 Points): Your foes should have a chance too. You must waste the first turn of any trainer battle (trying to run, using a pokeball, etc).
  • Humility (2 Points): Everybody shares the spotlight. Excluding solos, after every enemy pokemon defeated, you must switch to a different pokemon.
Wish wants for the other members of the party to succeed, moreso than themselves. Two of Wish's teammates must have evolved, and at least 4 points worth of Virtues must be taken before they can be evolved into Clefairy. All of Wish's teammates must evolve and +6 points of Virtues must be taken to evolve into Clefable.

Wish takes great pride in being supportive of others. Wish must always have at least 2 status moves (as indicated by the symbols).

Finally, throughout the course of your journey, Wish fears that they have failed in their goal, and that the others haven't improved. This comes to a head at Mount Coronet. After Spear Pillar, if you have less than 8 points worth of Virtues, you must box/release Wish. You may not replace Wish with a different pokemon.

Too hard? Virtues aren't required, and the limiting values are dropped by 2 each.
Too easy? Whenever a pokemon faints, you must swap Wish in and have them solo the mon that fainted it.
STILL too easy? Solo the Cyrus fights.
If you insist on using Igglybuff as your cute charmer, you can consider this an after-Roark mon instead.

Hope you enjoy!

Last edited by muellly (July 10, 2018 04:08:42)

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Preparations part 3
Okay so to start the Scramble I need wish the Cleffa. For this I need to get a Toegtic to level 22 and catch a Cleffairy if I don't have either already. I boot up my Soul Silver game and check my boxes. Still is it just me or is the 3DS's resolution for DS games kind of blurry. I take a Togepi and Aipom out of my PC, Togepi to train for wish and Aipom to not kill the Clefairy I find. Anyway I need a female Cleffairy to breed with the evolved Togepi, and I need to friendship boost Togepi so he will evolve. I fly to the Indigo Plateau, then Mt.Moon with Camine.

I have my Slowbro Splayeen up front with me. “So Splayeen how are you doing?” I ask.
Splayeen:Well I found this yellow feather, and well… I want you to have it. *Hands feather*
Me:“Aw thanks Splayeen!” Ah pokemon following you around in HGSS was great. I hope they have it again. I see a Clefariy! It's on the Mt.Moon art. After 6 Pokemon I find a female Clefairy. I switch in Aipom. Aipom uses scratch 3 times, then I throw an Ultra ball. Yay I caught her! I get Clefairy's Pokedex entry.

I fly to Indigo Plateau, box Aipom and pick up Clefariy. I look for a lucky egg in my bag but I just see an exp share. I equip it to Togepi and head to Mt.Sliver Silver. I help Togepi level up with my main man Bayleef. In battle 1 with a Tangela Togepi grows to level 9 and learned metronome. Bayleef also levels up to level 82. Because Rina is a lower level than him I start switching into them instead. Wait Rina? I could have sworn their name was Gia, oh well I like Rina a bit better. Battle two is with another Tanglea and Togepi levels up to 12 and could learn sweet kiss. And then I remember Togepi needs to evolve to breed. I fly to Golden Rod city to get some hair cut, and wonder how Togepi has hair. I look in my bag for EV lowering berries. I have three Kelpsy and Hondew berries so I feed one of each to Togepi. I then go to Daisy in Pallet town. But she just says her brother is away. I check Togepi's happiness and it's somewhere between 150 and 199. If I gain 5 happiness per level than by level 22 Togepi will tell me that he learns wish at level 28 instead of 22… Well then, I go back to training Togepi. In the third battle I encounter an Uraring and Togepi grows to level 14. Many battles, 1 burning and 2 paralyzings latter Rina grows to level 82. Okay Togepi hasn't evolved and he is level 27 so I get his friendship checked. The girl says Togpi is in the 200-249 range. With my luck Togepi has 200 happiness. I walk around a little as Serebii says pokemon's friendship raises that way. For my last level I will train Togepi on route 35, that will work, right? For added effect I give Togepi the sooth bell. I also give Togepi all 5 of my Proteins because I can not remember the last time I even EV trained in a generation V or lower game. Well I was training Togepi but it was taking to long so I go back to Mt.Silver. At level 28 Togepi booth learns wish and evolves!

Alright with the two Pokemon I need to breed I go to the daycare. I give the daycare man an excess Igglybuff egg. I put Togetic and Clefariy in and Jigglypuff and Ditto out. I breed the two future parents of Wish and fairy types, and get on my bike. I get an egg, and another egg. Still is it just me or does the female trainer's ponytails in Soul Silver look like deer ears from behind. I hatch a male Cleffa! With magic guard… Darn. I shove him into the PC. Still I have a feeling Wish would not approve of the way he was hatched. I hatch another male Cleffa! With magic guard… OH COME ON! I shove that Cleffa into the PC. And the third Cleffa is female of course… Well at least she didn't have cute charm. Now that would be really trolling. Guess what her fate was? I put Ditto and Jigglypuff in the PC so I can hold more eggs. The fourth Cleffa I hatched was a male! But magic guard. Seriously. Was the listing of Cute charm on Serebii a mistake? The fifth egg is a male with magic guard. I just have 4 Cleffas named Wish now because maybe one, just one of them could have cute charm. No, no they can't. I save and take a break.

Okay I'm back. I start bicycling to hatch eggs again. I put on my head phones and wow, goldenrod's music is lovely. I've had the song in my head, and now I know where it came from. I also like the song in what I believe was the ice passage. The sixth Cleffa is female… Man why have all of the Cleffa I've hatched so far have magic guard. Where is the cute charm one to grant all of my shiny wishes? And wow the bike theme is great. The 7th egg is female. The 8th egg is a male with, GASP! Cute charm! I've I've done it. Welcome to the world Wish.
Anyway Wish's stuff is as follows:
Wish, Male Cleffa
Jolly Nature
Study Body
I just imagine him as a Jolly little guy who is always encouraging others to do their best. He puts others before himself, walking off pain if it means helping his team. He also loves the bicycle theme as that is the song he hatched to.

There is only one thing left to do, trade Wish to Pearl. In Pearl I empty everyone but Texte into the PC. And I can't trade if I only have one Pokemon, great… I take Heart out for a moment to do this trade. I trade Texte for Wish. I put Heart into the PC. Now with all those preperations complete…
Let the Scramble begin!

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

muellly wrote:

Preparations part 3
There is only one thing left to do, trade Wish to Pearl. In Pearl I empty everyone but Texte into the PC. And I can't trade if I only have one Pokemon, great… I take Heart out for a moment to do this trade. I trade Texte for Wish. I put Heart into the PC. Now with all those preperations complete…
Let the Scramble begin!
Awesome! I'm excited to follow the progress of it

My alt account, where I upload nothing (much like my main account)
I play video games and sometimes do other things. I don't really make anything on Scratch anymore, but I'm relatively active on the Undertale and Deltarune forums.
Click this. Or don't.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut 
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Pearl Shiny Scramble, Chapter 1, A Wish away from home
“Alright I need a cute charm Pokemon.” Shiny said to herself. Being allured by the legend of shiny pokemon she needed a partner who could help her catch them. Sure she was given a Piplup, however he did not have cute charm, nor could be a shiny. Shiny started pacing outside of Sand Gem town. Why is it so bright out? It is 8 ‘clock at night? The sun burned Shiny’s eyes. Shiny wasn't paying to much attention to where she was going and accidentally walked into some tall grass. Right then a shiny Bidoof attacked!

Shiny Bidoof counter: 5

“Alright I can deal with a little Beaver. Bring it on Bidoof.” Shiny said making fists Just then a Cleffa jumped in between the trainer and the shiny Bidoof.
“Both of you stop fighting! Why don't the two of you just talk things out?”

The Bidoof tackled the Cleffa in response.

'Alright I didn't want things to have to come to this, but if that's the way you want to play things." The Cleffa wiggled his finger. Green orbs flew from the Bidoof to the Cleffa. He used mega drain. Cleffa healed one damage. Bidoof tackled the Cleffa again. The Cleffa's words started getting to the Bidoof. She gained a small crush on the star pokemon. The Cleffa pounded on the Bidoof. The Bidoof stood in awe as the Cleffa appeared to be chanting something. Cleffa wiggled his finger and an ominous wind blew by. The Bidoof didn't notice however. Just then an orb of light flew onto Cleffa and appeared to heal him. The Cleffa pounded on the Bidoof. The Bidoof tackled him in response. Cleffa wiggled his finger and began to reed Bidoof's mind. Tackle, love Cleffa, Tackle, love Cleffa she was thinking. The Bidoof and Cleffa charged at each other with a tackle and pound. The Bidoof tackled the Cleffa again. Cleffa mud bombed the Bidoof. This was it. One hit from either side would end the fight. Would love save the Cleffa that was defending Shiny? Yes, yes it did. Cleffa beat the Bidoof with a pound. The Cleffa was tired from his fight, but appeared to level up two levels.

Shiny pokemon encountered:6
Shiny pokemon caught:5

“Wow! You protected a complete stranger. That is very kind of you.” Said Shiny. She smiled at the Cleffa's kindness, and at the fact she had so many shiny Bidoof she let one faint. That's right, she let a shiny faint.
“Pant, no problem… I'm glad to help…” The Cleffa fell down.
“Cleffa!” shouted Shiny. She saved to make sure she wouldn't run into any more wild pokemon, then rushed to the pokemon center. “Nurse Joy please heal this Cleffa!”

Nurse Joy took the injured pokemon and placed him on a machine. In a second the Cleffa got up. “Here is your Cleffa. We hope to see you again!” Shiny took the Cleffa outside.

“Are you okay? Who are you? My name is Shiny?” Asked Shiny.
“Hello Shiny? it's very nice to meet you! My name is Wish, Wish the Cleffa. Don't worry I'm great! I should be the one asking if you're okay. It's dangerous to go into the tall grass without any pokemon.”

Shiny's mom's words echoed through her head Don't go into the tall grass without a pokemon, ooo, boo ooo. “Don't worry I'm good. I wasn't the one who got tackled by that Bidoof. Still it looks like you came rather close in that battle, how long have you been battling for?”
“Actually that was my first battle. I was born yesterday after all. What brings you out to the tall grass anyway?” Still it was unbelievable, a very niche in battle use ability actually helped this Cleffa win his first battle.

“Oh I was looking for a pokemon to go on my journey with. One with cute charm in fact.” Said Shiny.
“Hey I have cute charm! But what is a journey?” asked the young Cleffa.

“Well a journey is where a trainer sets off with some pokemon to explore the world, make some friends and partake in many battle challenges. Would you like to go on a journey with me?” Shiny answered.
“You got me at make friends! Let's go make friends with all of the pokemon in the world!”

“Okay!” And then Wish the Cleffa joined Shiny's team. “So first I should go tell my mom about me leaving on a journey.”
“Okay! You lead the way!”

The two walked onto route 201. With her first pokemon Shiny felt conferable to talk to all of the maybe trainers on route one. “That ledge is one way!” Well duh, I have poor climbing skills so I probably can't get up waist high ledges. “If your pokemon's health gets low you should go to the pokemon center!” I know this already. What's next, a trainer tries to teach me how to walk. “If you press the control pad you can walk!” Yes, yes it was next. “Avoid wild pokemon from staying away from tall grass.” Well actually you have to avoid water and caves too. Shiny said “Seriously Wish, do you believe people are telling us the basics we already know? Who doesn't know this stuff?”
“I didn't. In fact I find it interesting.” Wish twiddled his stubs.

“Oh sorry Wish, I forgot for a moment that you were born yesterday.” Shiny answered. The duo successfully made it back to Twinleaf town without running into any wild pokemon. Shiny stood in front of her house. “This is it. My house… I'm telling my mother about my journey, and I won't see home for a while. Heh, heh, it's kind of hard to believe.”
“Well I think your house is very nice! Let's go inside. I want to see how it looks like!” The duo stepped inside.

Shiny:“Um… Mom, there is something I want to tell you.”
Mom:“What is it Shiny?” She saw Wish. “Aw what a cute pokemon you have there.”
Mom:“Are you and your cute little pokemon healthy. You should take a quick rest.”
Shiny:“Well… Mom…” Shiny had an unconformable look on her face.
Mom:“What's up Shiny?
Shiny:”Professor Rowan asked me to fill in the pokedex. So mom, I'm leaving on a journey.“
Mom:”Wow. Professor Rowan asked you to do something that big. Okay dear, go for it! Your mom's got your back!“
Shiny:”Thanks mom.“She rubbed her arm.
Mom:”Oh I know! Shiny, I've got something that you'll find useful. Here take this journal. In here you can record your dearest memories.“
Shiny:”Thanks mom."
“Wow a journal? I love how it looks.”
Mom:“Gee, a journey full of adventure… I envy you kiddo. Plus you're not alone. You have your cute Cleffa with you. I wish I could go instead!”
Shiny:“Wait what about that journey full of pokemon contests? You know, the ones you told me about when I was a kid. You even have that scrap book on it.”
Mom“I'm just joking, dear! Yup, Shiny! I'll be all right with only my Glameow, so you go out and enjoy your adventure.”
"Ha ha ha! That's a great joke! I don't get it…
Shiny:She gave a smile. ”Thanks mom. I want to have one last look at my room before heading out." Shiny began crying a bit.
“Are you okay? You appear to be crying.”
Shiny:“Don't worry wish, I'm fine. I just have to get over the fact I'm leaving home for a while. It's a little hard now but I bet I'll do better after we set out in a little while.”
Mom:“When you're exposed to new things, and experience new sensations… It makes your mother happy too… But come back sometimes. I would love to hear all of the experiences you have on your journey, and the kinds of pokemon you've caught dear.”
Shiny:“Don't worry mom, I will.”

Just then Barry's mom barged into the room.
Barry's mom:“Excuse me. Is my little Barry here?”
Mom:“Oh? No, he's not…”
Barry's mom:“Oh… Then, he must have left already… What to do… That boy shouted about going on an adventure, then he bolted.
Shiny:”You know Barry, he is always going as fast as a speed form Deoxys.“
Barry's Mom: ”He's so headstrong and reckless… I at least wanted him to take this…“
Mom: ”Not to worry, Shiny will deliver that to him. Won't you Shiny?"
“We promise!”
Shiny:“Yep, forget about the only person in the room who supports the mighty team skull.”
“Team Skull? Who's that?”
Mom:“Oh they're some boy band of thugs Shiny want's to join… And they are kind of a bad influence…”
Shiny:“Mom! How many times do I have to tell you team Skull is not a boy band. Besides I don't see a group of loiterers who aggressively dance at people are a bad influence.”
Gets out a clipboard. “Adding that to the list…”
Barry's mom:“I know you have a petty habit of stealing minor things like candy bars or Barry's Wii games which you hind in your jors. But Shiny, please please please take this to Barry for me. You're the only one I think who can.” (Arg! Muelly still can't spell that word!) Barry's mom handed Shiny the Parcel.
Shiny:“Fine, but only if you prevent him from taking me to court.”
Barry's mom:“You know he was joking about the fines thing. Well at least I'm pretty sure he was.
Mom:”Bye bye, Shiny! Enjoy your adventure!“
Barry's mom:”Let me think… Knowing my boy he would probably head straight to Jublilife city… Ok, please take that to Barry."
“Okay we're taking the parcel to Barry, yay!
Shiny:”Let me just peak inside…"
“No! We promised to take it to Barry, and we will honor that promise.”
Shiny:“I don't remember promising.”
“Please Shiny?. Kindness is a virtue and we must honor what we promised and deliver this to Barry!”
Shiny:“Alright… Fine I won't peak inside the package. Come Wish, I want to take one last look of my room before leaving.”

This was it, the last time Shiny would see her room for a while. She saved. Wish poked around the entire room in awe. Shiny carefully inspected every area of the room. She picked up various objects reminiscing about the times she spent with them. Shiny walked over to the red carpet right before the stairs. She took one last look of her room and walked down the stairs. Shiny walked outside and looked at her house. Shiny slowly walked on the path out of Twinleaf town, she looked everywhere she could from the path. “Let's go wish, on to our journey.”
“Okay so what are we going to do first?”

“I'm thinking of going to route 202, maybe look for some pokemon there.” Shiny answered.
“Okay, you lead the way!”
Shiny and Wish were on route 201. The two ran to Sandgem town with excitement to see what more was out there.

Just then a normal Bidoof ambushed them! “Okay wish let's go! This is our second battle together. Use Metronome!”
“Okay! But wait why does this Bidoof look a little different than the one we saw earlier?”
“Well this is a normal Bidoof. The one you battled earlier was a shiny. I've heard that pokemon with cute charm lure shiny pokemon out much more easily than any other means.” Said Shiny.
The Bidoof tackled Wish. The Bidoof picked up on Wish's kind aura and fell in love. Wish wiggled his finger and used icicle spear. Like that 3 icicles formed in Wish's stubs as he hurled them at the Bidoof. “Oh okay! Do they come to me because I'm so kind?”
“Yep.” Shiny answered. “They come to you because your kind and cute. Anyway Wish use metronome again!”
“Wait, wait, wait. A pokemon needs temperance. Everything is better in moderation. Using a move to many times in a row isn't good for a pokemon.” The Bidoof tackled Wish. He responded with pound.
“Okay? I don't see anything wrong with using a move twice in a row. Anyway Wish it looks like you are in the yellow zone, you should use wish to heal.” By now Wish only had half of his health. By luck the Bidoof would be lovestruck with Wish to not attack him.
“Well I deeply believe in my Virtues. I think they're good for every pokemon to follow.” Bidoof tackled Wish again. Wish began chanting something. The Bidoof tackled Wish. Just like that Wish fainted.
Shiny panicked, she dropped 28 poke. She ran to her mother for help. Losing to a level 3 Bidoof with a level 3 Pokemon, how humiliating. “Mom, mom! I need help! Wish, he, he fainted!”

Mom:“Oh my dear! Rest Wish down on your bed, I'll get some oran berries.”
Shiny rushed upstairs with Wish in her arms. “Don't worry, everything will be alright.” Shiny told him. Shiny placed wish on her pillow and tucked him in. Shiny's mom came in with some oran berries and fed them to Wish.
Mom:“Shiny, what terrifying pokemon have you encountered to make Wish faint like this?”
Shiny:“A Bidoof.”
Mom:“Shiny this isn't the time to be joking.”
Shiny:“No seriously mom, Wish fainted from a Bidoof. I think that Bidoof had high IVs, it did 4 damage per hit when Wish was level 3 instead of the 3 the Bidoof Wish first thought at level one.”
Mom:“Shiny, the outside world sounds dangerous. Are you still sure you want to go on your journey?”
Shiny:“I'm sure mom.”

Shiny waited nervously for Wish to wake up. She tried to calm herself with Kirby's Return to Dreamland's true arena but it didn't help much.

One hour latter.

“What… What happened?”
“Wish are you okay? We were battling a Bidoof when it tackled you and made you faint.”
“Don't worry Shiny? I'm fine. Still I'm a little weak. Could I have some more oran berries?”
“Sure thing, sure thing Wish.” Shiny answered. Shiny walked down stairs with Wish in her arms. Shiny asked for some oran berries for Wish and her mom gave Wish a plate. Everyone watched TV while Wish ate.

MC:“Here we are! It's contest Digest” Shiny never really liked this show. A majority of it was the MC's face being recorded while she blabbered on about random pokemon in vague detail. “The winner of today's normal rank tough contest is Dominic, who overwhelmed with his awesomely buffed pokemon!” They didn't even acknowledge that multiple contests of every rank happen multiple times a day. “That's all we have time for today! Let's meet again!”
“Ah, thank you Shiny? and Mrs.Pearl. I feel much better now! Shiny? I'm ready to go back onto the road.”
Mom:“That's wonderful! Now Shiny, please take good care of Wish.”
Shiny:“Don't worry I will mom.” The duo headed outside.

Shiny and Wish were on route 201. “Okay we're going to try this again. Are you ready Wish?”
“I sure am!”
They walked to Sandgem town.

Just then a shiny Starley ambushed them. “Okay Wish this time we need to be more careful. Wish use metronome!”
Wish nodded. He wiggled his finger and used metal burst, which failed. The Starly growled at Wish, Wish pounded on Starly. The Starly tackled Wish. Wish wiggled a finger and fired 3 missiles from his body.
“Okay Wish, you should try using Wish before the Starly's next two attacks can faint you.” Shiny said.
“Okay!” Wish started chanting something. The Starly growled at Wish then tackled him. Wish wiggled his stub and used wake up slap. Wish's wish came true and healed him. Starly growled at Wish. Wish pounded on Starly only doing one damage due to the growls. Wish wiggled his stub. He used leaf blade and sent the Starly to the red zone. Wish finished the Starly off with pound. “Yay we did it!”
Shinys encountered:7
Shinys caught:5
“We sure did. Come on Wish, let's go to Sandgem town.” After one step they were ambushed by a different normal Starly. “NOOO! OH COME OH” Shiny shouted.
“Don't worry it shouldn't be too bad.” The Starly tackled Wish. Wish chanted something. The Starly tackled Wish again, Wish pounded back. Wish was healed by his wish.
“Okay Wish here is what we should do. You should alternate wish and pound. If you are growled a lot start using metronome. Got that?” Said Shiny.
“I got it!” Starly tackled Wish. Wish started to chant something. Starly used tackle and Wish used pound as his wish came true. The battle went like this for 4 turns. Just after Starly fell in love with Wish she growled at him. With only one health left to the Starly Wish wiggled his stub and used flare blitz. Wish leveled up to 4. “Hey I think I can learn Encore, should I learn the move?”
“I think you should learn it over charm.” Shiny answered.
1, 2, … and poof! Wish forgot charm and learned encore! “Yay! I can't wait to cheer another pokemon on!”
The two talked to Sandgem town and healed at the pokemon center. “Okay Wish I think we should train a little. How about we train on that patch of grass on route 201 until you're level 6?” Said Shiny saving.
“Okay! Sounds like a plan!”

The duo walked to route 201 to start training. They talked to a pokemart man who gave them a free sample potion.
“Thank you kind sir!”
The training begun. They encountered a normal Bidoof, a normal Starly and a normal Bidoof before becoming level 6.

“So Shiny I'm level 6? What should we do now?”
"I guess go to route 202, Shiny answered.
Team so far
Wish the Cleffa - level 6
22, 9, 9, 9, 12, 8
Virtues: Kindness, Humility, Temperance
Too easy and too hard options
Wish is my MVP and my LVP. Maybe it has to do with him being my only pokemon. Anyway wish and metronome have come in handy. I'm glad I took the time to breed them or else I would have probably lost to more than one level 3 Bidoof. I currently have wish and metronome as Wish's two status moves, and I'm really glad I have them. Carefully judging when Wish should heal to prevent fainting is fun. I'm glad I have to think things out this early in the game. Metronome adds fun randomness to battles. Right now I have kindness, humility, temperance as the Virtues on my team however I may drop temperance when and if I get Hot Air as I want to try a stockpile pokemon(I only need 6 total Virtue points to with the too hard option). At first I was actually really upset that I got a scramblemon that placed restrictions on my entire team. But then I read what I put for what I'm looking for in a scramblemon “I am looking for creative scramblemons to constantly shake up my experience” and what better way to do that than with one that affects the entire team. I'm okay with the Virtues now. Still I can't wait to see what discord they could cause my other pokemon down the line. Such interesting drama potential.

Anyway that's all for chapter one of the scramble. Next time I'll catch Buguitar!

Last edited by muellly (May 27, 2018 13:44:59)

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:


So I might use HamsterBomb's service. Just a few quick questions:

1. Is there anywhere on his channel that shows the address you need to send the game to?
2. Which game should I use? I don't want to do Diamond/Pearl since I don't really know them that well. So should I do Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver?
First off, on looking around a bit, it's not worth it. Here's a quote:

HamsterBomb wrote:

All I ask is that you make a donation to the channel of $100 before mailing in your game. All details are in the video, please review it completely to avoid mistakes. Thank you all for helping out the channels, and have fun in Cute Charm!Charm!
So that's a lot of money, especially since you can do it yourself with some patience. Basically you can manipulate the RNG by starting up the game and starting within a certain amount of time since the game is booted up. It's something to do with the frame-rolls I think? It probably works the same way as Emerald's messed-up shiny-frames.

I heard that he changed the price to $50 about a while ago because he's done it a lot of times, which means he can do it much more quickly.

"Just what is the Summer Solstice, besides the day I melt into a puddle of fuzzy puppy fluff?”-Isabelle, Animal Crossing New Leaf
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

nickeljorn wrote:

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:

First off, on looking around a bit, it's not worth it. Here's a quote:

HamsterBomb wrote:

All I ask is that you make a donation to the channel of $100 before mailing in your game. All details are in the video, please review it completely to avoid mistakes. Thank you all for helping out the channels, and have fun in Cute Charm!Charm!
So that's a lot of money, especially since you can do it yourself with some patience. Basically you can manipulate the RNG by starting up the game and starting within a certain amount of time since the game is booted up. It's something to do with the frame-rolls I think? It probably works the same way as Emerald's messed-up shiny-frames.

I heard that he changed the price to $50 about a while ago because he's done it a lot of times, which means he can do it much more quickly.
Oh yeah, it's half price now, isn't it o.O

My alt account, where I upload nothing (much like my main account)
I play video games and sometimes do other things. I don't really make anything on Scratch anymore, but I'm relatively active on the Undertale and Deltarune forums.
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aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
1000+ posts

Pokemon Pearl shiny scramble playthrough *On the way to the 2nd gym*

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:

Oh yeah, it's half price now, isn't it o.O

So now my three options are:
1. Send a game to Hamster Bomb
2. Keep on restarting the game to get a cute charm id
3. Use an Action Replay to change my secret id to the amount of money my character has, which will probably be the quickest method, but the only problem is that an Action Replay only works on the original DS. I have a DS Lite and a New 3DS XL, which means that I can't use Action Replay unless I get another DS. If I did already have a normal DS and an Action Replay, this would probably be the easiest method because I would not have to delete my save file to do it. But I would never be able to change my Pokemons' nicknames because I would be changing my secret ID.

"Just what is the Summer Solstice, besides the day I melt into a puddle of fuzzy puppy fluff?”-Isabelle, Animal Crossing New Leaf

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