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Chatroom user reporting

Would he scratch team get involved if someone was to go onto a chatroom project and shout abuse and the project owner was to use contact us feature Inorder to tell the scratch team about it e.i would the user that is shouting abuse get punished?

Last edited by Tbtemplex97 (March 11, 2013 00:16:16)

Star.Scape v0.3 An MMO Space Adventure Game
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Chatroom user reporting

Well, chatroom projects aren't allowed at all, for exactly that reason.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so bad
100+ posts

Chatroom user reporting

jvvg wrote:

Well, chatroom projects aren't allowed at all, for exactly that reason.
Actually, the ST is discouraging chatrooms, but they are not banned. Yet.

This account quit, but I'm still active on my other account, SilverEagle.

Hey! Are you not sure what you shouldn't be doing on Scratch? Reread the Community Guidelines, they'll help.

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