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  • » [SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS! [RSS Feed]
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[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!


Redacted for a cause.

REDACTEDProgramming is a programming shop that covers all needs. We help all creators for free.
REDACTEDProgramming only recruits and creates the best scripts for you.
Website coming soon!
REDACTEDPlus! Get free rewards!
Anything related to worker training
Customer support guide coming soon…
Staff reviews (Customer Use+Staff Use)

Shop Request
What do you need help with?
Describe your problem in detail.
Link us to the project that you're having problem with.
This is the shop request for outside of Scratch.
Which programming language?
Describe your problem.
Link us to the piece of code you're having problem with.

We currently only accept HTML5, HTML, CSS, BBCode, JavaScript, and processing.js().
If you're using processing.js(), please expect large delays.
Why We're Out Of ISOOC
What goes on at REDACTEDProgramming, is of course, REDACTED. Here's some other reasons.
  • ISOOC can cause a transfer to a second-class shop.
  • ISOOC means anybody can pick up your order.
  • It takes customer service out of our control.
  • It prevents our workers from getting an opportunity.
  • If we really need to, we'll transfer. No ISOOC required.
  • ISOOC isn't always reliable.
  • We have a large team, so ISOOC isn't necessary.
  • ISOOC causes other shops to grow bigger, creating less room for the small guy.
  • ISOOC causes our shop requests to be read by other shops and they can be analyzed more easily.
  • ISOOC just isn't for us.
Programs we're enrolled in:
USS - United Shops of Scratch
List Of Shops on Scratch
What is USS and ISOOC?
USS is a program for small shops to grow big! They help promote shops by creating a list that any shop can join, no matter their size. USS also contains programs to help shops, like ISOOC (Inter-Shop Old Order Completion Program).
ISOOC is a program for shops that help spread opportunity, by having other shops complete old orders. We aren't enrolled for many reasons.
List Of Shops on Scratch is just a pinned list of shops which helps promote shops. There are no programs within this list.
Opinion Form
How likely are you to use REDACTEDProgramming for a project again?
How was your programmer?
Can you tell us your request ID?
We're glad you have something to say! (Ki Swan intensifies)
Please just tell us below. The microphone is all yours.
Request IDs
Request IDs are issued as soon as we see your project.
REDACTEDProgramming Applications
How long have you been on Scratch?
How will you help REDACTEDProgramming.
Do you have isOnline?
Do you have programming group experience?
Please list your programming languages.
Please list your staff position.
Please show us your current featured program.
Do you have any alternate accounts?
REDACTEDProgramming Staff Positions
If a name is in RED, they will be fired soon.
If a name is in YELLOW, they plan on retiring soon.
If a name is in ORANGE, they are in a permanent position or plan on staying at REDACTEDProgramming.
If a name is in GREEN, that means the position that person is in is hiring more people.
If a name is in BLUE, this user is an important user and won't be leaving.
If a name is in PURPLE, this position is open.
Chairman: abbuta2006 - Runs the company.
President: FollowCherryBlossom - Helps run the company.
Shop Management: OPEN - Manages the shop.
General Management: OPEN - Generally manages the divisions.
Recruiting Management: OPEN - Manages recruiting.
Recruiting: OPEN - Recruits new people.
Talent Scout: OPEN - Scouts for talents to approach.
Head of Customer Service: OPEN - Manager of the Customer Service division.
Senior Customer Service: OPEN - Experienced Customer Service worker.
Customer Service: OPEN - Customer Service worker.
Customer Service in Training: OPEN - Customer Service worker being trained.
Customer Reception: OPEN - Receptionist to the customers.
Head of Programming: OPEN - Manages the programming division.
Resident Programmer: OPEN - The most experienced programmer.
Senior Programmer: OPEN - Experienced programmer.
Programmer: BertMertDert - Programmer.
Programmer in Training: OPEN - Programmer being trained.
Head of Internship: OPEN - Manages the interns.
Customer Service Assistant: OPEN - Intern training to be a Customer Service worker.
Programming Assistant: OPEN - Intern training to be a programmer.
Resident Intern: OPEN - The most experienced intern.
Promotion Intern: OPEN - Intern training to be a promotion contractor.
Head of Promotion: OPEN - Runs the promotion division.
Promotion Contractor: OPEN - Promotion worker.
Promotion Designer: OPEN - Designs promotions.
Promotion Reviewer: OPEN - Reviews promotions.
Company Representative: OPEN - Represents the company affairs.
Company Editor: OPEN - Suggests edits to the company forum.
Free Application Acceptance
Fill in this form ONLY if you've been requested to work here.
Who asked to recruit you?
If any, what Free Acceptance ID have you been issued?
What talents do you have?
Please tell us the job you were assigned.
Please give us an example of your projects!
Form Of Resignation
We're sorry we didn't meet your expectations! Fill this form to resign.
Why are you resigning?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to come back?
If someone caused you to resign, who?
Manual For Recruiting
1. Find somebody talented.
2. Link the person to this forum page.
3. Tell them their Free Application Acceptance ID.
4. Message me their ID.
5. We'll take it from there!
Employee of the Month
June 2017: abbuta2006
Want more added to this shop? Please message me!

Last edited by abbuta2006 (July 12, 2017 15:02:19)

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
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[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

REDACTEDProgramming Staff Communications

All staff, please use this page for communications instead of posting on the main thread. Thank you!

Staff Communications Rules
Use friendly language.
Do not scream at your fellow employees.
Do not answer a question if you don't know the answer.
Before asking a question, look in the main thread.
Before answering a question, review your answer and make it easy to understand.
If nobody understands a question, ask a BLUE rank.
If your question isn't answered, ask the chairman.
Staff Communications Uses
Staff Communications is to be used for questions about the company, order transfer, or stuff related to the company. All staff talk on THIS thread, so it should be followed.
Who Uses The Thread
Only staff are allowed to use this thread.

Last edited by abbuta2006 (June 8, 2017 15:12:26)

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
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[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

REDACTEDProgramming Announcements

June 8th, 2017: REDACTEDProgramming now covers commercial writing! We don't have a form yet.

Last edited by abbuta2006 (June 8, 2017 17:24:41)

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
1000+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

How long have you been on Scratch? 1year 8 months
How will you help REDACTEDProgramming. Check everyday
Do you have isOnline? No
Do you have programming group experience? ?
Please list your programming languages.
Please list your staff position. President
Please show us your current featured program.
Do you have any alternate accounts? Yes

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

How long have you been on Scratch? 1year 8 months
How will you help REDACTEDProgramming. Check everyday
Do you have isOnline? No
Do you have programming group experience? ?
Please list your programming languages.
Please list your staff position. President
Please show us your current featured program.
Do you have any alternate accounts? Yes
Alright! You've been hired for the current position.

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
1000+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

abbuta2006 wrote:

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

How long have you been on Scratch? 1year 8 months
How will you help REDACTEDProgramming. Check everyday
Do you have isOnline? No
Do you have programming group experience? ?
Please list your programming languages.
Please list your staff position. President
Please show us your current featured program.
Do you have any alternate accounts? Yes
Alright! You've been hired for the current position.

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

REDACTEDProgramming Center for Transfers

If you've been asked to TRANSFER, please follow one of these links.
Partnership List - These are the best! We can assure you they'll do your work well.
Starred List - We aren't partnered with these, but we assure you they're good for the job.
Double List - People on both lists go here. These people are AMAZING!
There's currently NO entries.

Last edited by abbuta2006 (June 8, 2017 18:40:24)

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

Staff communications released.
Reserved for expansion.

Last edited by abbuta2006 (June 8, 2017 19:33:36)

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

Reserved, I guess?

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

Reserved for expansion.
this is getting old now
i hope we get an order

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

my 55th post.
reserved again.

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

Need an example of our work with hacked blocks?
Go here.

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

Announcement: Our rewards program is coming~

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

FollowCherryBlossom, could you please do some recruiting and advertising for now?

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

yes i'm really determined to get orders

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!


Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

80th post yay

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
1000+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

Oh wow that's a lot of reading…

Do you need any help in your shop? I see it's pretty new… I can give you some tips, if you like.

100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

DrChicken24 wrote:

Oh wow that's a lot of reading…

Do you need any help in your shop? I see it's pretty new… I can give you some tips, if you like.
Yes, if you don't mind.

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
100+ posts

[SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS!

this thread refuses to die.

Join the QuickPartner shop network today!
HTML programmer.
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  • » [SHOP] [NEW] [3 DAYS OR LESS] REDACTEDProgramming | Redacted for a cause. | HIRING HRs, MRs, LRs, CONTRACTORS, AND INTERNS! [RSS Feed]

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