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School IT


Welcome to the School IT topic.

Discuss bad and good school IT.

Sadly the old topic got removed most likely due to people discussing piracy, methods of piracy, too much leet speak and discussing ways of breaking school IT policies (I have to say I contributed to that).

In this topic I want to set a few rules first:

To quote the Advanced Topics FAQ:

please refrain from using excessive CAPS, emoticons, or Talking Like This
Please don't use leet speak unless it's nessacery to a story.

Don't discuss piracy or methods of piracy even if you say you don't encourage it.

Please discuss things not only related to your schools IT problems in general, but be more specific. We started having a conversation about bad printer setups in the old thread which was interesting.

If you see spam, non-needed leet speak or other posts talking about subjects of dubious legality, please report the post before the subject gets out of hand.

This thread is for Good School IT, Bad School IT and anything related to school IT. Got some good news about your IT being a bit better lately? Discuss it here.

Please don't just say things like “My school IT is good” or “My school IT is bad”, this is the advanced topics, pick some interesting points (such as pay to print printers) that people can expand upon and get a good conversation, go into technical specifics and see what other people have to say.

Last edited by bybb (Jan. 24, 2019 18:17:47)

Game Over
You'll find me on @LastContinue from now on.
500+ posts

School IT

All email passwords in spreadsheet accessible to all teachers…

3x3 pb: 13.240
3x3 avg: ~21-26
1000+ posts

School IT

I can access everyone including teachers private drive…. All i need is there ID which happens to be there ${id}@PotatoMiddleSchool.net
1000+ posts

School IT

-stache- wrote:

All email passwords in spreadsheet accessible to all teachers…
They told us our passwords by showing the spreadsheet of everyones password to the whole class.

Game Over
You'll find me on @LastContinue from now on.
1000+ posts

School IT

Oh this is my favorite issue!

They show us all our grade by showing our school ID and our grades next to it! Using gmail you can turn the school id to there name ;P
1000+ posts

School IT

herohamp wrote:

Oh this is my favorite issue!

They show us all our grade by showing our school ID and our grades next to it! Using gmail you can turn the school id to there name ;P
We can't change our passwords. We have no way of changing them and they say if someone gets on your account all you have to do is email or tell a teacher! Yeah, because that teacher is going to go out of their way to tell Mr _____ and he's going to go out of his way to tell Mr ____ from tech support and he's going to go out of his way to stop browsing facebook and actually be useful for a while, but if he's gone the other useless one's going to go out of his way to remember to tell Mr ____ and then Mr ____ going to do it!

Yeah, something like that!

It took 4 DAYS for my password to get changed and that's after emailing the principal directly! And then, all tech support did was change the 4 numbers and change another character.
At least it will take 10003 tries to break my password.
Which could be done easily since there is NO WRONG PASSWORD TIME OUT.
All other passwords need 10000 tries to break the password.

Game Over
You'll find me on @LastContinue from now on.
1000+ posts

School IT

bybb wrote:

herohamp wrote:

Oh this is my favorite issue!

They show us all our grade by showing our school ID and our grades next to it! Using gmail you can turn the school id to there name ;P
We can't change our passwords. We have no way of changing them and they say if someone gets on your account all you have to do is email or tell a teacher! Yeah, because that teacher is going to go out of their way to tell Mr _____ and he's going to go out of his way to tell Mr ____ from tech support and he's going to go out of his way to stop browsing facebook and actually be useful for a while, but if he's gone the other useless one's going to go out of his way to remember to tell Mr ____ and then Mr ____ going to do it!

Yeah, something like that!

It took 4 DAYS for my password to get changed and that's after emailing the principal directly! And then, all tech support did was change the 4 numbers and change another character.
At least it will take 10003 tries to break my password.
Which could be done easily since there is NO WRONG PASSWORD TIME OUT.
All other passwords need 10000 tries to break the password.
Don't even get me started on my old school's passwords… it was {LastName}{FirstCharacterOfFirstName} all lowercase…
1000+ posts

School IT

bybb wrote:

-stache- wrote:

All email passwords in spreadsheet accessible to all teachers…
They told us our passwords by showing the spreadsheet of everyones password to the whole class.
Same. But our passwords are autogenerated and are hard to remember.
1000+ posts

School IT

There are many things with primary school IT and new school IT
1. Windows + R = run
2. Cmd.exe sometimes isn't blocked.
3. Bad file types aren't blocked like bat
4. C file isn't blocked
5. Typing “C:” is mostly allowed in chrome
6. Inappropriate games/videos (luckily primary school isn't such a problem.

Does n!+1=m^2 have interger solutions apart from n=4,5,7?
1000+ posts

School IT

Maybe it could help if you reminded people in the OP to say offtopic things directed at a user on their profile page.

Not yet a Knight of the Mu Calculus.
500+ posts

School IT

Blaze349 wrote:

bybb wrote:

-stache- wrote:

All email passwords in spreadsheet accessible to all teachers…
They told us our passwords by showing the spreadsheet of everyones password to the whole class.
Same. But our passwords are autogenerated and are hard to remember.
The default is {yourgradenumberwhenemailcreated}{schoolname}…

3x3 pb: 13.240
3x3 avg: ~21-26
100+ posts

School IT

PintOfMilk wrote:

There are many things with primary school IT and new school IT
1. Windows + R = run
2. cmd.exe sometimes isn't blocked.
3. Bad file types aren't blocked like bat


who am I?
1000+ posts

School IT

Explore403 wrote:

PintOfMilk wrote:

There are many things with primary school IT and new school IT
1. Windows + R = run
2. cmd.exe sometimes isn't blocked.
3. Bad file types aren't blocked like bat

http://www.instructables.com/id/5-Cool-Batch-Files/ you all might like this website

Does n!+1=m^2 have interger solutions apart from n=4,5,7?
1000+ posts

School IT

Do public schools or private schools have better IT where you live?
1000+ posts

School IT

Blaze349 wrote:

Do public schools or private schools have better IT where you live?
Generally private schools and older schools (mine is 90 years +).
Newer schools get hacked so EASILY.

Does n!+1=m^2 have interger solutions apart from n=4,5,7?
500+ posts

School IT

My school IT is SO awesome.
They stopped me from hacking!
git push = HAX 4 DAYZZZ
I guess they aren't HORRIBLE… they did manage to get Adobe crash “working”, meaning they downloaded the installer. Yay.

1000+ posts

School IT

Yes, a reboot! Totally following this. I feel sorry for you and your IT.

████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 64%

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

1000+ posts

School IT

A few days ago I was looking in the class folder that my physics teacher supposedly controls (it isn't in use anymore, but it still exists on this one drive)

For some reason there was a file labelled “Minecraft” that was a fork bomb written in batch

I don't really know why it's there - seems kind of weird

my latest extension: 2d vector math
500+ posts

School IT

TheMonsterOfTheDeep wrote:

A few days ago I was looking in the class folder that my physics teacher supposedly controls (it isn't in use anymore, but it still exists on this one drive)

For some reason there was a file labelled “Minecraft” that was a fork bomb written in batch

I don't really know why it's there - seems kind of weird

3x3 pb: 13.240
3x3 avg: ~21-26

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