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Where are good tutos for Snap?

Hello again everyone.

Could we have tuto (or more tutos), almost-beginner-friendly to explain how to hack blocks with Snap.
I found very basic stuff, we would need lessons and classes!
Snap has a very big potential (a big part of former scratcher who advanced their programming level thanks to Scratch)
and the tuto part is so poor in regard of the potential!
Also, I didn't try a lot Snap, I saw the mesh, but is there a sharing site like scratch.mit.edu with Snap-Byob projects?
How big is the Snap community? Why Snap is not advertised enough on Scratch?

1000+ posts

Where are good tutos for Snap?

You could try the Snap! Manual.

There's no site where you can browse projects and leave comments, but there's cloud storage of projects, and you can link to a project you've shared.

tosh · slowly becoming a grown-up adult and very confused about it
100+ posts

Where are good tutos for Snap?

Snap! Manual is not really fun. I'd like a mini version of Scratch for Byob, because the creative ambiance is good here.
Maybe one day…
1000+ posts

Where are good tutos for Snap?

I'm going to work on more Snap! tutorials soon. I've been busy with the BJC curriculum but when I get home from Barcelona, tutorials are at the top of my list.

100+ posts

Where are good tutos for Snap?

Good! I'm so eagerly waiting for tutos available even for beginners, visual, as Scratch ones. It's a bit hard and tiring to follow instructions in manual when it's not your native language.
And do you think one day there will be a snap community on a website, sharing and cheering each others, a little like Scratch site (but not so big)?

Last edited by PERCE-NEIGE (July 22, 2013 11:18:34)

1000+ posts

Where are good tutos for Snap?

@PERCE-NEIGE Yes, that's the plan.

trans rights are human rights
100+ posts

Where are good tutos for Snap?

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