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500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

booklover883322 wrote:

To clarify, this part will be building on the cabin the camper has been building throughout the rest of the weekly? Or is this story based on an existing cabin this session?

Yep! They'll essentially be writing a story that takes place in the cabin premise that they just created

500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

-NightGlow- wrote:

Yep! They'll essentially be writing a story that takes place in the cabin premise that they just created
Okay, thanks Alana! <3

Last edited by booklover883322 (Oct. 14, 2024 18:15:11)

100+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

Hey, for the detecting bias workshop, is it for detecting bias in your own writing or in others writing? (I'm currently assuming it's in others writings but since the weekly is about you writing as if a journalist I want to be sure)

Stories weren't meant to be questioned; they were answers in and of themselves. They were meant to preempt any question you might ever have, to steal the words right from your mouth. If you were a third daughter your fate was written out before you even drew your first breath. If you thought to ask why certain plums were suffused with poison, well, you might as well be a loathsome scientist. If you began to wonder how a wizard came to own his tower, you were a capitalist, with viperous schemes behind your eyes. Who else would ever dream of asking why?

- Juniper and Thorn
1000+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

mystery bi-daily part 1
Welcome to day 1 of our mystery bi-daily! For today you will form a group of three with two other people in the comments, and together you will brainstorm and make a list of 3 red herrings and 3 clues. These red herrings and clues can be anything all of you want it to be! Tomorrow we will be using this list to make our own mystery, so look out for that! Share your list to claim xxx points in the main cabin <3

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
100+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

Weekly 1 / Part 3
Hello. o/ For the third part of this weekly, you're going to use dialogue in order to forshadow an element of your story! After all, sometimes characters outside of your main pov may hold vital infomation that just, slips out, while they're chatting For advice on how to do this effectively, you should head back to Eevee's workshop here, to refresh yourself on the foreshadowing section.

(write y for x many words.)

Speaking Gigi here, I don't know if I'm meant to write what the bracketed parts are ^^; If I am please tell me and I'll edit this. Also Eevee's workshop is meant to be linked when I say ‘here’ but obviously, I currently do not have a link.

Stories weren't meant to be questioned; they were answers in and of themselves. They were meant to preempt any question you might ever have, to steal the words right from your mouth. If you were a third daughter your fate was written out before you even drew your first breath. If you thought to ask why certain plums were suffused with poison, well, you might as well be a loathsome scientist. If you began to wonder how a wizard came to own his tower, you were a capitalist, with viperous schemes behind your eyes. Who else would ever dream of asking why?

- Juniper and Thorn
500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

Weekly 2 - conclusion
Welcome back! We hope you had fun creating your very own Super Wonderful Cabins <3 Before we all return to the equally wonderous SWC Main Cabin, here’s a checklist to make sure you’re fully done cabin planning!

Part 1 - Cabin storyline description in at least xxx words!
Part 2 - Project aesthetic representing the cabin, including at least xxx images!
Part 3 - xxx words worth of a cabin song parody anthem,
Part 4 - And finally, a story written in the premise of your cabin in no less than xxx words!

Do you have everything? Perfect! You’ve officially planned the cabin of your dreams (Yes, literally!). And who knows? One day, it might just be in the session lineup… And we’re looking forward to it! ;D With that, you’re all good to go and claim 1500 points for your cabin (plus extra mangoes to fund your newly created cabin~).

This weekly is due at XX:XX midnight UTC, so make sure to submit the weekly by then! If you need a bit of extra time before lifting the curtains on your cabin, extension requests are available here: (link). Once again, we hope you all enjoyed this journey of cabin creation ^^ Until next time, keep dreaming, keep planning, and most importantly- keep writing! <3


Last edited by yumetopia (Oct. 14, 2024 22:00:45)

500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

Imacreamoo wrote:

Hey, for the detecting bias workshop, is it for detecting bias in your own writing or in others writing? (I'm currently assuming it's in others writings but since the weekly is about you writing as if a journalist I want to be sure)
We were hoping that the bias workshop would cover:
a) the types of bias
b) how to detect it in other people's writing
c) how to include it in your own (this would help those who don't really have an idea of what to include in their subjective article – feel free to combine the “how to detect bias” part with this section though!) .

500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

Outro - Weekly One

Tell your characters that they can finally stop talking now because… drumroll, please!


You’ve finished Weekly One! Give yourself a round of applause, you did an amazing job!

Before submitting your weekly, ensure that you meet the following requirements:
1 - Write a piece involving consistency in character voice - xx words
2 - Write a piece using dialogue effectively - dialogue can be no more than xx words
3 - Write a piece foreshadowing with dialogue - xx words
4 - Write a script using the skills you’ve learned previously - xx words
Total Word Count - xx words

Once you’re positive that you’ve got everything ready, make sure to share your weekly somewhere on Scratch for proof, then comment in the main cabin with your proof so that you can earn those sweet, sweet points. 2,000 points, to be exact! The weekly is due *insert due date*, so make sure that you submit your weekly before midnight UTC. If you need an extension, go here: *insert link to extension requests*

Part Four - Weekly Two

Look at all the hard work you’ve put in so far! Revel in it for a moment before moving on to the fourth and final part of this weekly!

Throughout this weekly, you’ve carefully crafted your very own cabin, a cabin that’s absolutely brimming with possibilities! Your anthem may have some hidden double meanings, or maybe your storyline has multiple possible outcomes! Now, it’s time to combine all of these lovely ideas and turn them into a story! This story should be at least xx words. When writing this story, take your new cabin’s premise and incorporate it into the world somehow. Be inspired by your work! Maybe this means that your cabin shapes the setting, or the main character in your story is a camper from your cabin. The possibilities are endless!

Good luck, dear writer!

Edit: oopise, I misunderstood Yume's part, so I'm glad that I saw the post haha-

Last edited by booklover883322 (Oct. 15, 2024 23:07:05)

500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

Hello everyone! We've decided that workshops will be due on the 19th of October, 11:59PM UTC. That should leave you with a little less than a week from when this post was sent to complete your workshops. Again, please message on my profile if you expect that you need an extension ^^

100+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

weekly 3 - part 4

(I wrote it that they will be receiving their feedback from the critiquitare if it is from another place let me know!)

Congrats reporter! You've reached the last part of this weekly, now that you have finished up writing your article it is time to send it over to the editor! For this activity head on over to the Critiquitaire and swap your article with someone else. Write xxx words giving any feedback and critiques you have for them!

niko - they/them - co-leading dystopian!
500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

weekly 2 - intro ^^

Hello campers, and welcome to your second weekly of this session! Picture your dream cabin, with all it's awesome ideas, storyline, matching PFPs and campers. Got that cabin in your mind? Great, because in this weekly, we'll be bringing that cabin to life! That's right - this week, you'll magically become a leader - and you can create, design and share your perfect cabin. You can choose any genre you like, and let your imagination run wild with the storyline!

This weekly starts on XX. Please wait until then to start creating your fantabulous cabins.

Last edited by Amethyst-animation (Oct. 15, 2024 08:10:10)

500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

Weekly 3, part 3

Now that you've worked a bit with writing articles, let's pause and take a look around at what's going on in SWC! Any big inside jokes or intense cabin competition? For this part of the weekly, you will be writing an article reporting the events going on in SWC. Have fun putting your own twist on recounting what's going on in the main cabin, between friends, or cabins! This article should be at least xxx words; good luck reporters.

500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

Weekly 2 Part 2

Welcome to the next part of our weekly! We hope your enjoying the cabin making experience so far. For this part, we're gonna turn to a classic daily we all love: cabin aesthetics! Your task is to create an aesthetic set for your new cabin, making sure to capture its overall theme and vibe. It should be in a project, and you must have a mimunum of XX images. Let your design skills go wild, and have fun!

500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

i felt the need to make a new post because aahh this is two minutes late sorry :,000

weekly 1 - using dialogue effectively
Oh, you’re back already? This might sound like something you’ve never seen before in SWC, but for this next part, your task is to… use dialogue effectively! The activity is simple- all you have to do is to write a dialogue piece, using tips from Eevee’s workshop, found here: (link). The piece can of course, include narration, but the focus should be on the dialogue. However! Like all good stories, there’s a twist- the dialogue portion cannot be any longer than xxx words. Try to express something life-changing, while still staying the word limit. With that, it’s time to create some dialogue! And again, make sure to check out the workshop written by the amazing Eevee ^^

Last edited by yumetopia (Oct. 15, 2024 23:03:46)

95 posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

weekly 1 part 4: - Congrats! You made it to the end. It’s time to put everything you learned this week together. For this final part, you will be writing a script using everything you have learned about dialogue in XXX words. Have fun!

week 3 part 1: Welcome to the first part of the third weekly! This week will be focused on journalism. However, in order to write an article on something, we need the event! For this part, write a short story of a fictional event that includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how in XXX words. This story will be one that another writer will report on, so have fun with writing some chaos.
500+ posts

Polar Bears - SWC Nov '24

hey polar bears!! seeing as the weekly deadline passed a couple days ago, i have your backups, which are due october 21st by 11:59 pm UTC!

weekly 1, part 1 | write a piece involving consistency in character voice (this has a workshop!) – niko
weekly 2, part 1 | storyline description for a cabin concept – coco
weekly 3, part 2 | writing two articles - biased/unbiased versions - reporting events from someone else's
pt 1 story – bookie
weekly 3, outro – em

and just a reminder that workshop parts are due asap <3

Last edited by TheBibliophile7 (Today 03:41:11)

reese (she/her) <3
reader | writer | swiftie
❝ who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay ❞

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