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SAC October '24 Weekendly 3

I’m sure by now you’ve seen all the amazing lodges, so this weekend we’ll be delving deep into each one! You’ll be participating in an art crawl: there will be a series of prompts relating to the storyline of each lodge, and once you’ve completed them all link your art in the main lodge for 400 points. Since you’ll be creating several drawings they don’t have to be fully rendered, but make sure there’s some color and you put effort into each one!

1. To warm up, draw an OC (or any character) in a cozy fall outfit and get ready for an adventure!
2. Always be prepared! Draw three things your character will be taking with them on this journey.
3. Head on over to the Tempera art studio, and draw your character drawing something. It could be anything from a self portrait to a landscape!
4. You’re feeling a bit hungry, so you pop into the graphite bistro. Draw what you order, maybe a yummy sandwich or even a salad?
5. You leave the restaurant and see a colorful pencil in front of you, how strange! Use only one color to draw anything to rescue the pencil and complete this prompt.
6. It’s been a long day and you’re tired, so you head over to the baroque barracks to take a quick nap. Draw your character hanging out with a co/leader or host’s OC in the barracks.
7. To finish this weekendly, draw what you think your lodge would look like. Maybe it’s decked out in paint splotches or has a palm tree out front!

After you complete these prompts, you should have seven colored doodles drawings. Submit these in the Main Lodge by 11:59pm NT on October 20th to earn 400 points for your lodge! Good luck adventurers <3

neos or they/them

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