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❝ Can't read my poker face ❞ ♣ Clubseed Application ♣

❝ Can't read my poker face ❞ ♣ Clubseed Application ♣

♧ Table of Contents ♧
About me
Username + Basic info
How long I plan to keep this kit / longevity
Why do I want the kit?
Why should I have the kit?
About the kit
Future gender / pronouns
Future s3xuality / romantic orientation
Simple personality
Detailed personality
Other / Trivia
Physical harm notes
Mental harm notes
Questions / Notes!

♣ About Me ♣

Username + Basic info
Hi! I'm @Snicker_Doodlesss, but you can call me Snicker. I use any pronouns, and am an artist / animator.
Note: Feel free to chat or look at my profile for more info. I don't bite.

How long I plan of keeping this kit / longevity
As long as I can! Clubseed seems like an awesome kit.

Why do I want this kit?
A few reasons! First off, I love Clubseed's design, and the club markings are awesome! Second, I would like to join TBOL, and this seems as a good an opportunity as any. Also, I love rping character dynamics, so I want to spend some time doing that. I haven't been in too many large warriors roleplays (though a few with dragons), and think it would be fun! Lastly, it would be awesome to be able to guide a character throughout their whole life, from kithood to being an elder, and I would love to do more of that in the future.

Why should I have this kit?
I would say I'm decently active, and would have the motivation to rp. I also am willing to spend time developing personality and character relationships for Clubseed. Finally, I would devote time to this and wouldn't suddenly become unactive without alerting anyone.

♧ About the kit ♧

Future gender / pronouns

Gender: Apagender
❝a gender identity in which one feels apathy towards one's gender.❞

Throughout his apprenticeship, most likely after others question their genders, Clubseed doesn't really have much interest in his gender or talk about it, at all. Nearing the end of his apprenticeship, he starts wondering if he should be thinking about it, and finds he just genuinely doesn't care about what others percieve his gender as, and feels uninterested and slightly detached from it. With time, he stops worrying about whether he should be thinking about it, and is now quite comfortable in his gender identity. While it is likely he will not ever come across the label ‘apagender,’ and tends to refer to himself as unlabeled, if he did learn of the label he would almost immediately relate to it.

Pronouns: He/any

Clubseed has never had a problem with he/him pronouns, and doesn't see why he ought to change them. On the other paw, he finds that he wouldn't mind being called other pronouns, either. While he/him is his default, (and what I'm going to be calling him in this application since that is solely what he uses for the first few moons of his life,) he doesn't mind which pronouns a cat calls him, and whatever they are most comfortable with is fine.
Note: Later in the rp, when Clubseed realizes he uses he/any, I will use mostly he/him with a few others thrown in every few sentences.

Future s3xuality / romantic orientation

S3xuality: As3xual
❝experiencing no s3xual feelings; not feeling s3xual attraction to anyone.❞

Clubseed finds, as his life progresses, that he doesn't experience this kind of attraction. At first he confuses romantic attraction for s3xual attraction, but later realizes that it wasn't. After he figures this out, he doesn't think about it much.

Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
❝someone who only develops romantic feelings for another person when they have a strong emotional connection to them.❞

Every cat Clubseed will have a crush on will be someone he was friends with prior, or someone he knew at least somewhat. If he has a crush he will most likely be in denial, and assure himself that he still feels nothing more than what he did prior towards them.

Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
❝a romantic attraction to people regardless of their gender.❞

When Clubseed rarely does experience romantic attraction to cats, gender isn't a variable. He thinks about other cats' gender very little, other than learning their correct pronouns—in fact, he tends to think about others' gender only a bit more than he thinks about his own. Personality is really the only trait he considers, and at first is quite confused with the idea that gender impacts how others think of cats. He will most likely find out he is pan / whatever he calls it around late apprenticeship.
Note: This information might change in the future, but it is not very likely, and, if it does change, it will be a pretty small change.

Simple personality

+ positive: intelligent, observant, assured, persuasive
= neutral: determined, stubborn, mischievous, practical
- negative: close-minded, calculating, insensitive, short-tempered

Detailed personality

❝having the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.❞

Clubseed is good at learning and remembering information, even at a fairly young age. He loves learning new, though rather unimportant, facts. He is also good at strategizing and recalling facts. (Pretty self-explanatory)

❝quick to notice things.❞

Clubseed is a quite observant cat, and is sensitive to little details. He tends to notice very quickly when something in the environment seems odd. He also has sharp ears, and would be good at birdwatching, with his ears for unusual bird calls and quick eyes. This makes him a decent hunter. He is also good at recognizing patterns, and reading other cats. He is good at noticing small behaviors when other cats are doing things–perhaps an ear flicking nervously or very slight movements of paws–which make him better at gauging others' emotions and reactions to what he is saying. While he isn't the most charismatic, this can help him to convince others of things.

❝having or showing a confident and forceful personality.❞

Whether it means simply making his opinion known or jutting into a conversation he perhaps shouldn't, Clubseed isn't afraid to stand up for himself, others, or what he believes in. He can sometimes be a bit overly forceful, or go overboard, but if he has the correct motivation he will not back down. He often can tend to be tactless when arguing for a point, which is something he might attempt to improve on later in life. However, for now, he's just a kit who may be a bit overly willing to stand up for what he believes is right.

❝good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation.❞

Clubseed is surprisingly good at persuading cats of things! While he is nowhere near great at this skill, he is good at gauging cats' reactions to what he says, and, combining that with facts, he can persuade them of small things. He is also slightly charismatic, and can judge cats' reactions to things and adjust his behavior to match. However, this can occasionally make him bad at interacting with large groups.

❝having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.❞

Once Clubseed has committed to something, and decided he is going to go through with it, almost nothing can be said to convince him otherwise. He will do this thing, and who are you to tell him no? Even if it gets hard, he will continue, whether it means gathering moss in a storm or battling an animal / enemy cat, even against nearly impossible odds. This can get him in some dangerous situations, and, even though he tends to be foolish, it is hard not to admire Clubseed's resolve.

❝having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.❞

Along with being determined, Clubseed is also quite stubborn. Even if presented with proper evidence, he struggles to change his views on matters, especially ones he feels strongly about. It takes a massive amount of effort to pry him away from something he is doing, or convince him he is wrong. However, if he realizes what he is doing / saying is wrong, he is also reluctant to admit it. Even if no one agrees with his decision, he will still go through with it, which can put him and others in some tough situations.

❝showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.❞

Contrary to what one might believe, Clubseed, at least as a kit, is quite a mischievous fellow. He likes to play small, harmless little pranks on his littermates, denmates, and friends–but with good intent, of course. How was Clubseed supposed to know that you were deathly scared of centipedes and definitely did not want one in your nest? However, if a prank goes too far, he will (most likely) apologize.

❝concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas.❞

While others might spend time thinking about what could happen, or unlikely alternatives, Clubseed thinks this is rather ridiculous. He much prefers to spend his time thinking about the possibilities that are likely going to happen. Since he is not think of a ton of unlikely possibilities, this can minimize the time spent doing things and make him more confident. However, sometimes this can strain his relationships, since he thinks of it as silly and nonsensical to wonder about things that are unlikely to happen, so if a friend is confused or upset about one of these possibilities, or they think someone might be implying something, Clubseed isn't good at being sympathetic. This can also sometimes mess up his plans, since he usually thinks of the most likely possibility, when a different one might be the outcome.

❝having or showing rigid opinions or a narrow outlook.❞

Even when presented with proper evidence to why an alternative might be better, Clubseed can be quite averse to finding other ways to do things that aren't his own. This can often make his life harder, when a newer, more advanced or smarter substitute can make things faster. However, Clubseed struggles to accept these alternatives. Clubseed also can struggle to embrace new ideas and ways of life, and tends to be a bit of a stickler for tradition.

❝acting in a scheming and ruthlessly determined way.❞

Especially as he ages, Clubseed is a skilled strategist, and very determined to carry out things he decides on. This can result in him stopping at nothing to achieve what he desires, and manipulating his peers so he can get his way. While this eliminates most distractions when he is working for something, it can stress his friendships and relationships. He is very willing to resort to manipulation, and can be quite heartless when trying to carry something out.

❝showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings.❞

While Clubseed cares for his friends and their feelings. He will make remarks that can be quite callous, and is not afraid to be a bit harsh when talking about something he feels strongly towards. He sometimes doesn't notice when a remark he is making is rude, but other times does it, fully knowing what he is saying. He doesn't always fully realize why what he is saying is considered offensive.

❝quick to lose one's temper.❞

Regardless of how he sometimes tries to act as if he is perfectly calm, Clubseed gets annoyed quite quickly, especially when on a touchy topic. While he usually tries to keep calm and composed, he tends to lash out at cats, especially when he is already in a bad mood. This can make him seem hard-to-approach and angry, even when he is perfectly calm and happy.

Other / Trivia

Clubseed's favorite color is a misty green or blue. The green is kind of like fern fronds, but a bit lighter, and the blue is a bit like a blue jay's slightly grayish feathers.

Clubseed's favorite piece of prey is a shrew

As a kit, Clubseed dislikes rain since it is harder to play outside and he is bored, but he begins to appreciate it more as he ages

Clubseed can be quite protective of those he cars about

While Clubseed's kit-fluff that he keeps as he ages appears warm, it is actually rather thin, so he gets cold easily

Clubseed's favorite season is leaf-fall! He loves how you get the last traces of warmth from greenleaf, and the colors of the trees. Also, it isn't overly cold, like leafbare, though still a bit chilly.

Clubseed dislikes swimming and similar activitues, since his pelt isn't suited for it and it makes him cold! On a very sunny day it might be fine, but he would prefer to pass on it.

As a young cat, Clubseed loves to solve fake little “mysteries,” and pretend to be a detective. This could result in one of his nicknames, which is ‘Clue.’

Adding on to that, his nicknames are ‘Club’, ‘Clue’, and ‘Clu-Clu’! (Credit to @Sakurabloomstar and @healingdaisy– for them!)

If you bring up the detective game with Clubseed when he's older, he will most likely refuse to admit it ever happened.

Clubseed hates cold foggy weather– the dampness sticks to your pelt and it can't be shaken off.

Clubseed looks unusually young for his age, which might cause him to be mistaken as a kit or young apprentice when he is older. This either really annoys him, or he uses it to his advantage.

As he gets older he will probably get better at shielding his emotions (and wont but into conversations as often, or at least do it in a tactful way.)

In the world of glass half empty or glass half full, Clubseed is the type to say it's just ‘half a glass of water.’

Clubseed is ambiverted!

Instead of laughing, Clubseed tends to do a little huff with his nose to show amusement.

Clubseed is definitely competitive as a young cat, but he might become less so as he ages (undecided)

Clubseed doesn't take too long to think through decisions, but he isn't one to make one up on the spot.

Club finds ‘love at first sight’ ridiculous, and genuinely doesn't understand it.

While Clubseed dislikes rain, he likes how the earth smells after a rainfall

That's it for now! Might add more later…


Physical harm notes

I do not plan on giving Clubseed excess scars / wounds, other than what makes sense. If he is in a battle he might get a tad scratched, and any other scenarios where it would make sense for him to get hurt, but I do not want to giving him more than needed.

Mental harm notes

Really similar to above! I don't want to give him extra, other than what makes sense.


Research for: Tufted ears

Tufted ears are (you guessed it–) tufts on the tip of cats' ears! Not all cats have them, but for those that do, they are very important. They can help direct sound into the pathway's of a cat's ears, and are used similarly to whiskers, so a cat can sense things. They also block dirt, debris, water, snow, mud, and many other things from getting into a cat's ear. For these reasons, it is very bad if a cat's ear tufts fall of / get cut off, since it becomes much easier for cats to get ear infections, and can mess with their hearing. If Clubseed's ear tufts ever got injured / ripped off in a battle, he would most likely need to spend time letting them regrow before he did anything major.

Research links:

It wasn't letting me post them – I'm going to try and comment them on the remix. (If I forget, feel free to remind me! "^^)

Questions / Notes!

Sorry if any of this needs to be changed / is wonky! Tell me and I'll fix it / explain

Any useful info I should know ig?

Thanks for reading this!
67 posts

❝ Can't read my poker face ❞ ♣ Clubseed Application ♣

This looks good. I take that back. This looks Fantastic! You don't need research links, I just want the stuff, seriously, stop giving me research links ya'll >
Anyway, it's like, foodtime. But we're not eating and it's getting late so I guess I'll go shower and pack so I can blast Spotify (so wish I could play music while showering) and pack and play Sky v v
Also YAY!! A Clubsee application! I love love LOVE your ideas!

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