Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

heyy if you're not a poetry co/leader or i didn't give you permission to be here please leave, swc runs on an honor system and we hope that you'll respect our privacy! <33

anyway hey everyone! this is where we'll to all the heavy lifting hehe <3
refer here for anything important! also please please snip lol

poetry planning!!
writing poetry cyoa type stuff :))

in cabin points:
lightbulbs! ✴︎

0a0908, 49111c, f2f4f3, a9927d, and 5e505f

cabin relationships:
- sci-fi
- apocalyptic

- myth (friendly)
- magical realism (friendly)

- dystopian?
- steampunk?

X thumbnail
_ description

word adding:
maia's wcg: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/studios/35705890
sarah's wcg:
crystie's wcg:

maia tmz - est
crystie tmz - aest
sarah tmz - pst

Last edited by wolfiebear- (Sept. 30, 2024 21:48:07)

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

hii! the team is complete yayy <33 just as a general schedule of when i'm online i usually have some time from 3-9pm est
poetry ftw!

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

the team !!!! yay hi maia and sarah
poetryftw that is so real
:backflips: :fails:

okay but on a more serious note, i'm mostly online from 3-9pm aest (about 1am-7am est) on weekdays and 10-9 aest (about 8pm-7am est) on weekends. the timezones are rather different but i think i'll be able to manage, especially on weekends! term break is coming up in october so i'll be able to plan a lot then :]

500+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

Ahh poetry is going to be great <33

I have sports everyday after school, but it usually only goes to around five, so I'm pretty much all ways online from 7:30-9 c: also- from october 1-3, i'll be inactive since i'll be out camping with my class, and there won't be cell service ! My timezone is pst

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

yayy slaying <3 do you guys have canva? it would make planning thumbnails easier )

500+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

Yeah, i do!

For the theme, are you thinking of just calling it poetry, or will it be poetry __? Something to tie with the theme so it doesn't feel like it's /just/ an swc cabin c:

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

Froggola wrote:

For the theme, are you thinking of just calling it poetry, or will it be poetry __?
yeah! so i was going to do poetry something, but i don't have any really good ideas so far haha, some i've come up with could be like “poetry studio” or “poetry writing desk” but if you guys have ideas i'd love to hear <3 since the storyline is kinda meta like very poetry related i was thinking of something writing-related for the name
woah that was kinda long lol

and ik i've gone over this a several times haha but just to reiterate the basic idea is for there to be a lifeline poem sort of thing and for the campers to continue the poem (and their lives dun dun dunnn) we could set challenges for them to complete and choose how their poem goes,, i wanted the storyline to be really interactive but not super plot heavy if that makes sense )

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

wolfiebear- wrote:

yayy slaying <3 do you guys have canva? it would make planning thumbnails easier )
yep! though if you're suggesting that we all collaborate on one doc, i'm not sure if my parents will allow me to use canva with others even if it's anon :,0

wolfiebear- wrote:

yeah! so i was going to do poetry something, but i don't have any really good ideas so far haha, some i've come up with could be like “poetry studio” or “poetry writing desk” but if you guys have ideas i'd love to hear <3 since the storyline is kinda meta like very poetry related i was thinking of something writing-related for the name
ooh i love both of those ideas !! especially poetry studio if you need other suggestions then maybe like “poetry writer's room” or smth

500+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

hmm, if crystie isn't able to join a collaborative canva, maybe we could upload the pictures into here every time we finalize a new design so they can make suggestions?

And those ideas are great, I really like what crystie suggested, poetry writers room! to add on to that, if we're leaning towards a cabin where we're mostly improving poetry writing skills, room could be changed to workshop?

another suggestion i have is: so i love the idea of continuing a lifeline poem- do you think it would be fun if we themed the cabin around what the starting poem would be? for example, if the poem is revolving around a forest, we could name the cabin poetry forest. of course, that's a pretty simple name still, but just something along those lines c:

Last edited by Froggola (Sept. 25, 2024 05:27:01)

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

Froggola wrote:

And those ideas are great, I really like what crystie suggested, poetry writers room! to add on to that, if we're leaning towards a cabin where we're mostly improving poetry writing skills, room could be changed to workshop?

another suggestion i have is: so i love the idea of continuing a lifeline poem- do you think it would be fun if we themed the cabin around what the starting poem would be? for example, if the poem is revolving around a forest, we could name the cabin poetry forest. of course, that's a pretty simple name still, but just something along those lines c:
ooh i love poetry writers workshop!! and the second idea is good too maybe we could combine them together somehow? so we could like do subthemes of the workshop if that makes sense? think like thriller march ‘23 or fairy tales march ’24. so yeah like maia mentioned, the cabin would change themes basically depending on how the poem goes, but it would still stay as a workshop sorta. okay so this is really confusing but here's an example of what i mean:

week one of camp: Poetry Writers Workshop {placeholder title}: Forest
week two of camp: Poetry Writers Workshop: Deep Sea
week three of camp: Poetry Writers Workshop: Sky
week four of camp: Poetry Writers Workshop: House

if that makes sense?? just a suggestion though, so we can just disregard the idea completely if it's too confusing haha

wolfiebear- wrote:

and ik i've gone over this a several times haha but just to reiterate the basic idea is for there to be a lifeline poem sort of thing and for the campers to continue the poem (and their lives dun dun dunnn) we could set challenges for them to complete and choose how their poem goes,, i wanted the storyline to be really interactive but not super plot heavy if that makes sense )
what do you think the challenges could be? :0 maybe like write xx words of something related to the current poem? do a word war? or even collaborate together to write a story of them trying to move on??

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

Froggola wrote:

hmm, if crystie isn't able to join a collaborative canva, maybe we could upload the pictures into here every time we finalize a new design so they can make suggestions?
that sounds great!

PixelDucko wrote:

omg i love all three of those ideas :star_struck: we might wanna stick with crystie's idea if we change the title just so it's not too confusing for other cabins haha, if we change the whole name it might be too hard to keep track of lol

for the challenges, yeah that's basically what i was thinking! it could be fun to do a sort of cyoa thing where they have two options and they could pick which challenge they complete to continue in whichever direction, and for the actual challenges i was thinking of stuff like “write xx words as a cabin” or “play fortunately unfortunately with 2 other people,” hopefully some stuff that would get the cabin working together!! and also some more creative or interesting ones than always “just write” lol (also kinda drawing inspo from the cabin wars add-ons thingies)

500+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

I love subthemess, it reminds me of how thriller changed their whole cabin every week that one session lol
We could make several thumbnails to change the cabin to so it matches the current poem?

And that sounds great! I love cyoa's haha

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

Froggola wrote:

yess i would love to have multiple thumbnails :star_struck:

also on a random note since luka yume and i all led together last session and now we're all leaders of our own cabins we were wondering if we could be siblings ) luka has apocalyptic and yume has sci-fi so not the most similar pairing lol but it could be fun! if you guys are okay with it ofc <33

500+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

that sounds fun! different theme sibling trios are always really fun lol, they feel random, but are my favorite <3 I'm up for a sibling trio with both of them!!

edit: quick question: do you think we'd be doing one wcg or one for each of us to manage?

Last edited by Froggola (Sept. 26, 2024 00:10:47)

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

ooh yes to the sibling trio thing !! that sounds fun haha

edit a few hours later : oh and also, so robin asked in the forum for our cabin blurb and symbol, anybody got any suggestions for what they could be??

Last edited by PixelDucko (Sept. 26, 2024 08:05:13)

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

yayy i'll let luka know <33

ooh so our atmospheres are:
crystie - an interactive and engaging cabin that encourages competition but focuses more on friendships, goals and achievements.

sarah - a friendly and lively environment, where campers are able to interact with the storyline and get to know each other, while improving writing skills.

maia - my cabin would focus a lot on making friends while also being competitive since some amicable rivalry can bring people together! I'd also have a storyline that emphasizes working together.

so what we have in common is basically an interactive cabin that emphasizes working together and building friendships with a bit of competition, what do you guys think for how to write that?

i don't really have many ideas for the symbol, but maybe something like ✎ or another pencil one? since writing is kinda our thing

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

ooh okay!
honestly i don't think we need to change much lol, just a few sprinkles of words like

“An interactive cabin that emphasises working together, building friendships, and improving writing skills, all while keeping a dash of friendly competition.” something like that maybe?? and yeah i like the pencil though i'm also open to other suggestions

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

ooh i love that! i just added “poetry will be” at the beginning :zany:

“Poetry will be an interactive cabin that emphasizes working together, building friendships, and improving writing skills, all while keeping a dash of friendly competition!”

i'll submit it once sarah approves <3

500+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

That's great! I love that

100+ posts

the tortured poets department ;)

ok slay so i submitted the blurb and symbol!

before we start on thumbnails and everything we should probably figure out our color scheme – i was kinda thinking muted tones? we could also go the other way too, i don't really have a vision?

i was kinda thinking about something like these, 0a0908, 49111c, f2f4f3, a9927d, and 5e505f, or 48639c, 4c4c9d, 712f79, 976391, and f79963.

what do y'all think?

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