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hi hi hi! if you are not part of the swc november 2024 dystopian leadership team, please leave <3

if you are, welcome!! i'm so excited for this session and everything we're going to do!!!
as you know, i'm iris or ris! i haven't (co)led since last november, but i've (co)led in swc 3 times before, so you're in good hands, dw ;D i love cats and i play viola and i write songs! fun fact: i was the first (and only but shhhh sobbing) ever leader of lyric <3 that's a quick bit about me! please please please please pleeeeease come chat with me and each other!! we're strangers now but hopefully won't be for too long <333

our team:
leader- iris/ris, she/her, cst, @eeveedonut
co-leader- cat, she/her, ct, @catmeowlove7
co-leader- niko, they/them, est, @flowerelf371

schedule (will be updated and changed as needed):
sept 22-25: confirm co's and cabin theme
sept 26-30: work on thumb/desc/color palette/atmosphere/etc
oct: work work work work work! (exact schedule tbd)
oct 6-8: ris inactive
oct 10-13: ris inactive

studios & projects to be made:
pfps (cat)
banners (ris)
trailer (ris)
cabin promos (all)

apocalyptic- tbd
bangsian- tbd
bi-fi- tbd
fantasy- tbd
hi-fi (tctwnw)- tbd
magical realism- tbd
mystery- tbd
myth- tbd
paranormal- tbd
poetry- tbd
sci-fi- tbd
steampunk- tbd

the theme thus far:
i believe i've explained a little bit so far, but witches and princesses and fairies! the idea has been changed since i originally told it, so let me retell it :)

the three of us are on the witch council. i'm the witch queen and you two are witch princesses/princes. we need a spy, so, using our powers, witches from across the world are randomly selected by waking up to a red, blue, or purple (colors subject to change) crown-shaped mark on their left shoulder. they're called “the chosen ones” bc that sounds cool. they are then summoned to the palace to be put through tests and challenges to prove that they can be a spy. but wait! right before the first challenge commences, the alarm sounds. one of our enemies, a fairy, has also shown up. we don't know who the fairy is, but they're in the palace somewhere. we assume it's one of the chosen ones and that's what everyone is led to believe, only to find out in the end it's the three of us who are actually sister fairy witches :000000 so pretty much we gaslight them all session :D

the chosen ones are sorted into “divisions” (aka our word count groups) depending on which color crown they woke up to (this will be done out of story randomly). depending on their division, they get powers and privileges but also weaknesses. we'll have character trackers where they can roll to make their character's traits and such.

out of story, the campers are told that one of them has been selected to be the fairy, when in reality, no one has. it's us. we're the fairy witches!

as for how the story will move along, they'll be given challenges, such as writing things, logic puzzles, talking to people, making art, etc! by completing these challenges, they receive in cabin currency, and whoever by the end of all of this has the most gets to be the witch spy! that's what we tell them, at least.

i don't really have anything as to how it'll end yet, but probably by us joining forces with the campers to fight off another creature (mermaids?? unicorns?? centaurs?? ghosts?? dragons??).

and yeah! that's kind of it so far! please let me know what questions you have as well as ideas- no idea is a bad idea!!! we definitely need more dystopian elements in it, so please feel free to suggest any and every idea that pops into your head <3

final things:
please please pleeeease introduce yourself!
do you have a canva account?
anything you don't want to do?
anything you do want to do?
how do you feel about siblings with paranormal (mouse) and magical realism (alana)? (i've been talking to both of them and they're open to it- they just want to confirm with their co's!)
any cabin relationship preferences?

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Oct. 10, 2024 20:16:12)

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
97 posts

screaming <3

Hi! I’m cat and I’m co-leading dystopian this session!! I’ve been in swc twice before, both as a camper, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity! I love music (fellow violist spotted :00) and I love reading, writing, and art! I’d loveee to chat with everyone! <33

Ok iris hii! I have a canva account, and I don’t have strong preferences about what I want to do or not do, I’m fairly flexible. Those siblings work! And I love love loveee the storyline, though I do think it could use some more dystopian elements. Btw, who else did you offer to for co-leader? <3

☾ Cat | she/her | reader, writer, artist | violist and singer | dystopian ftw!! ☽
1000+ posts

screaming <3

CatMeowLove7 wrote:

Ok iris hii! I have a canva account, and I don’t have strong preferences about what I want to do or not do, I’m fairly flexible. Those siblings work! And I love love loveee the storyline, though I do think it could use some more dystopian elements. Btw, who else did you offer to for co-leader? <3
hi cat!!! welcome to our little chaos hideout for the next two and a half or so months <333

that's all perfect! here's the canva i've made for us to make stuff on! ive started on a thumbnail just to get some ideas for it down, and feel free to make a new page to create your own! once we have our other co, we can decide on a title, palette, and such! keep in mind nothing is permanent yet and everything is subject to change so say and create whatever! <33 also, my name on canva is “vange” bc of a loooong inside joke from irl but it's me and not some weirdo so dw :))

definitely needs more dystopian added, it's just a question of what and how :D

ive also offered to kiara (@strawberry-lemon) <3 awaiting a response but if she declines i do have backups ahaha <33

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
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screaming <3

kiara chose to co paranormal, so now i've offered to niko (@Flowerelf371) <3

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
97 posts

screaming <3

gotcha! <3

☾ Cat | she/her | reader, writer, artist | violist and singer | dystopian ftw!! ☽
1000+ posts

screaming <3

okay after every challenge what if there’s a meeting to vote out people who we think is the fairy? they people voted out would get to have other roles in the challenges

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
97 posts

screaming <3

ok but would the challenges have like a clue after? even though they think one of them is the fairy, it’s not like we are revealing anything to them, so they are just voting blindly.

☾ Cat | she/her | reader, writer, artist | violist and singer | dystopian ftw!! ☽
1000+ posts

screaming <3

niko has accepted my offer so they'll be joining us!! they'll be here soon :DDD

CatMeowLove7 wrote:

ok but would the challenges have like a clue after? even though they think one of them is the fairy, it’s not like we are revealing anything to them, so they are just voting blindly.
oh yeah! i think the challenges would have a clue but the clue is actually a red herring!! such as their username, name, or something from their intro when camp starts! okay yeah so they'll get the clue and then they'll vote! maybe the clue can actually have a double meaning pointing to a camper but then one of us as well? eyes

oh my goodness im so excited

we do need more dystopian elements though hm

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
97 posts

screaming <3

Yayyyy! ooh hehe good idea ok i agree we still need more dystopian elements though <33

☾ Cat | she/her | reader, writer, artist | violist and singer | dystopian ftw!! ☽
100+ posts

screaming <3

hi! i’m niko and i’m so excited to work with you guys this session! i love love love baking, cartoons, and reading however i sadly have no musical talent whatsoever haha <3

The only task I would rather not do is creating the pfps and banners, otherwise, i’m super flexible. I do have a canva account although it is not pro. Being siblings with magical realism and paranormal sounds great!!

Reading through your plans so far it sounds super cool, some things i thought of for making it more dystopian is instead of making it more medieval and fantastical we could have it more futuristic with the aesthetic and setting. Another thing that requires changing the storyline but could work is having the witch council (us) being corrupt and having the campers working against us but it is a little different from what was originally made up

(I'm also currently on my phone so I apologise for any grammatical errors)

Last edited by Flowerelf371 (Sept. 23, 2024 01:01:02)

niko - they/them - co-leading dystopian!
1000+ posts

screaming <3

yayyy hi niko!! <3

this is our team unless plans change so hurrahhhh!

Flowerelf371 wrote:

The only task I would rather not do is creating the pfps and banners, otherwise, i’m super flexible. I do have a canva account although it is not pro. Being siblings with magical realism and paranormal sounds great!!
that all sounds great! the link to our canva is here and feel free to brainstorm some thumbnail ideas!

and also before i forget to ask, we want matching pfps and banners right? i have very limited art skills (aka nonexsistent) but i could fs make banners! if none of us have art skills, we can always use canva :D how bout you, cat? would you be open to making pfps? /nf

Flowerelf371 wrote:

Reading through your plans so far it sounds super cool, some things i thought of for making it more dystopian is instead of making it more medieval and fantastical we could have it more futuristic with the aesthetic and setting. Another thing that requires changing the storyline but could work is having the witch council (us) being corrupt and having the campers working against us but it is a little different from what was originally made up
oooo i love the idea of being more futuristic! maybe everyone is from across the galaxy? instead of them waking up with the crown mark, maybe it's a selection type deal where their names were entered and one name from each planet was drawn to participate? would that work? it gives it a more forced aspect where theres not exactly a choice and if youre chosen youre chosen. kind of like the selection if youve read that!
im not against the idea of us being corrupt, but how would that work out? maybe we want to end pureblood witches so that way there arent anymore purebloods and instead halfbloods (fairy witches, etc) reign forever? the last week could be them trying to stop us maybe? we're good at first but then later on its like oh wait um theyre actually bad rip

thoughts, ideas, comments, concerns? <3

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Sept. 23, 2024 01:44:51)

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
1000+ posts

screaming <3

also-y also
what are we thinking for promos? would we like to do similar ones or our own or etc? its up to you! a cabin trailer is something ive kind of dreamed of ever since i first joined swc (heres an example if needed!) so maybe we could have one :eyes:
and also also also be on the look out for possible text symbols (⟡, ꩜, ж, etc) we could use!
okay thats it for now!!

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
97 posts

screaming <3

hi niko!! <3

Ok! I would be open to drawing the matching pfps, but I’ll leave the banners to ris.

For the storyline, I love the futuristic idea, the selection definitely adds some more dystopian. I have mixed thoughts on corruption, though I do like the idea, we are already gaslighting them the entire session, and we are enforcing that fairies are bad, so us being corrupt fairies as well doesn’t make that much sense to me unless we are trying to take over the world or something or they are actively working against us.

For promos - we could probably do similar? I don’t have any experience but it sounds like a good idea, I’ll see what you both think <3

☾ Cat | she/her | reader, writer, artist | violist and singer | dystopian ftw!! ☽
1000+ posts

screaming <3

good morning y’all! happy first full day of cabin planning!
todays agenda is working out the storyline! we don’t have to figure out challenges, etc yet, but lets get a really strong storyline set!

CatMeowLove7 wrote:

Ok! I would be open to drawing the matching pfps, but I’ll leave the banners to ris.
sounds good! i’ll add that to the main post <3

CatMeowLove7 wrote:

For the storyline, I love the futuristic idea, the selection definitely adds some more dystopian. I have mixed thoughts on corruption, though I do like the idea, we are already gaslighting them the entire session, and we are enforcing that fairies are bad, so us being corrupt fairies as well doesn’t make that much sense to me unless we are trying to take over the world or something or they are actively working against us.
ooo that’s a good point hmm
maybe one of us is corrupt? and plotting against the other two? so pretty much a whole lot more gaslighting and backstabbing and plot twists ahaha

CatMeowLove7 wrote:

For promos - we could probably do similar? I don’t have any experience but it sounds like a good idea, I’ll see what you both think <3
yay awesome! i think what we do will also depend on what we decide for a theme but i think we can make slides on canva and set them to music maybe? otherwise any other ideas?

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
97 posts

screaming <3

ok I’ve been thinking about the storyline, here’s what I’ve come up with:

To make it more dystopian, we could heavily stress the division between fairies and witches. When the campers complete challenges and get clues, they can have the double meaning as mentioned and we can drop subtle hints from the beginning.

At the end we could introduce some greater threat where we have to work together and come up with a happier ending? We could also drop subtle hints around this foreshadowing a threat- like creepy voices or weird phenomenons.

This is all just brainstorm idk <3

☾ Cat | she/her | reader, writer, artist | violist and singer | dystopian ftw!! ☽
97 posts

screaming <3

Also I’ve got a matching pfp sketch here (look inside)

It would say dystopian along the side and I gotta fix the hat but that’s just a starting sketch. I’ll draw in online later and fill it in, but is that what you were looking for? <3

☾ Cat | she/her | reader, writer, artist | violist and singer | dystopian ftw!! ☽
100+ posts

screaming <3


having it be intergalactic sounds cool! it could take place on another magical planet (can the planet be purple pretty please? :00) if we do something like this would the building still be a castle? and as for us being corrupt I agree since we're already gaslighting them and being the fairy witches that could be enough. maybe the different word coun groups are competing against each other as they complete the different challenges?


having similar ones sounds good but we could also have a trailer if you're interested in making that ris? if the three of us do matching projects we could have each one trying to convince the campers to specifically join our word count group and join the ‘force’ (even if they don't have control over that)


that looks great cat!!

niko - they/them - co-leading dystopian!
1000+ posts

screaming <3

CatMeowLove7 wrote:

To make it more dystopian, we could heavily stress the division between fairies and witches. When the campers complete challenges and get clues, they can have the double meaning as mentioned and we can drop subtle hints from the beginning.

At the end we could introduce some greater threat where we have to work together and come up with a happier ending? We could also drop subtle hints around this foreshadowing a threat- like creepy voices or weird phenomenons.

Flowerelf371 wrote:

having it be intergalactic sounds cool! it could take place on another magical planet (can the planet be purple pretty please? :00) if we do something like this would the building still be a castle? and as for us being corrupt I agree since we're already gaslighting them and being the fairy witches that could be enough. maybe the different word coun groups are competing against each other as they complete the different challenges?
ooo fs yes to the first part!
as for the second part of what you said, cat, and part of what you said, niko, maybe one of us is found to be plotting against the other two and the one who is plotting is mind controlling their division so they have no choice but to follow them and the other two wcgs are fighting against them? would that work?
purple as cabin color?? :thinking:
hmm i think maybe a castle but make it more like the one at the start of thor love and thunder! heres a picture! and then the colors would be darker instead of pastel rainbow

CatMeowLove7 wrote:

Also I’ve got a matching pfp sketch here

Flowerelf371 wrote:

having similar ones sounds good but we could also have a trailer if you're interested in making that ris? if the three of us do matching projects we could have each one trying to convince the campers to specifically join our word count group and join the ‘force’ (even if they don't have control over that)
yeah that sounds great! then lets start talking about what we want our characters/groups to be like as soon as we iron out storyline stuff!

heres a quick summary i made! lmk if im missing anything!!
  • Witch council needs spy
  • Challenges to decide who is spy
  • Names are entered
  • One from each planet participates
  • Campers are the “chosen ones”
  • Chosen ones sorted into divisions
  • Divisions have special roles/powers/traits
  • Whoever has most points becomes spy
  • Right before first challenge alarm goes off
  • Alarm means fairies
  • But we are fairy witches :0 (they dont know this)
  • After each challenge a double sided hint is given
  • Then a meeting to vote someone out
  • At middle its revealed we set off the alarms
  • We are half witch fairies
  • Turns out one of us is corrupt
  • Their division is mind controlled
  • Their division vs the other two

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
1000+ posts

screaming <3

good morningggg rise and shine!
on today's agenda-
- finalizing our storyline/plot/theme: for the most part, we're good! we just need to work out the ending <3
- decide on color palette: i'm thinking darker colors with some lighter ones to contrast it out, and for sure purple ;D at least 4 colors, no more than 7?
- start work on a thumbnail: once we get our storyline finalized and colors decided, would you each be willing to make a possible thumbnail for us? we'll then have our lovely fellow (co)leaders vote on it :)

other things to think about-
- cabin theme song?
- cabin theme quote?
- cabin relationships
(not urgent, but keep it in your mind :)) )

that's it for now! i hope everyone has an awesome day!! <333

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
1000+ posts

screaming <3

the rest of the week at a glance ✨✨✨

✨ most important (if we get nothing else done, that's okay as long as this gets done)
☕️ middle (if we have time, let's get this done!)
❄️ least important (can be put off to a future day)

tues sept 24
✨ finalize storyline/theme/plot
✨ start planning our divisions
☕️ decide on color palette
☕️ start on thumbnails for main studio
☕️ cabin relationships
❄️ cabin theme song
❄️ cabin theme quote

wed sept 25
(i wont be able to be online too much on wednesdays because i have school from 8:25-3:10 and then youth group from 6-9)
✨ finalize color palette
✨ work on thumbnails for main studio
✨ more division planning
☕️ plan cabin relationships
❄️ cabin theme song
❄️ cabin theme quote

thurs sept 26
✨ finish up main thumbs!
✨ finish division planning
☕️ start on promos/trailer
☕️ plan cabin relationships
❄️ cabin theme song
❄️ cabin theme quote

fri sept 27
✨ leader forum votes on which thumb is used (i will upload them to a private project for voting <3)
✨ work on promos/trailer
✨ finalize cabin relationships
☕️ decide on symbols/borders for the description
☕️ cabin theme song
❄️ cabin theme quote

sat sept 28
(i wont be too active from 4-12 because i have homecoming but i'm going to wake up early so we can get as much planning done as possible!)
✨ leader forum voting closes
✨ thumb is decided
☕️ write the main studio description
☕️ cabin theme song
❄️ cabin theme quote

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨

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