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MaKey MaKey input Booleans?

It would be more useful to put inputs in a single script rather than them all being scrambled.

My Multi-Fandom M.A.P got rehosted: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/1059809350
The deadline was July 30th, there is only one finished part, I am not a popular Scratcher so please join the rehost
for extra information, this M.A.P was for @OrionOdyssey 's 1.3k animation contest: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/1040215751 , there are only 16 parts, so each person would've still got a good amount of the prize, as seen on the Sonic 2 box art “Don't just sit there and waste your precious time, when you want to do something, do it when you can, it's the only way to live a life without regrets” but now it's too late…
Before someone reports this, a moderator said that advertising in signatures is allowed.
1000+ posts

MaKey MaKey input Booleans?

The MaKey MaKey pretends that it's an external keyboard, so
<key [ v] pressed?>
does work with it. Similarly, the MaKey MaKey blocks work with any conventional keyboard.

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Lesser-known Scratch URLs: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/topic/762351/

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“if nobody can learn the programming language, it's just gibberish that does math.” -me, in a forum post

The original name of “loves” was “love-its”. Technically speaking, this hasn't changed.

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