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How can I put a custom extension on Scratch through the browser console?

A long time ago, I saw some people who were able to do this, and I was impressed and I dcidi look more, I ended up finding nothing. Already disappointed, I started to only use the turbowarp.

However, a few days ago, I saw some vulneabilities that Scratch's online editor has reaction with Blockly.

But is it possible to use/send to the editor a custom extension by the console?

Easter eggs are secrets, tricks, and jokes hidden in pieces of media, such as TV series, movies, video games, websites, and so on.
3 posts

How can I put a custom extension on Scratch through the browser console?

3 posts

How can I put a custom extension on Scratch through the browser console?

i dont know, but you can use turbowarp, it has a lot more extensions than scratch!

try this: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/projects/955635256/ it uses all scratch exstensions!

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