Discuss Scratch

14 posts

No custom extnisons

i have a problem that there is no custom extensions

im a gigachad
when green flag clicked
say [hi]
play sound [wavinghandspixabay v]
1000+ posts

No custom extnisons

What do you mean?
If you mean importing custom extensions into the editor, you can't (there used to be a thing called Scratch X,but it was shut down by the ST, and extensions can actually do some damage to you device, so the ST removed any way to add them to Scratch). You can, however, use a Scratch mod (such as Turbowarp) or your own copy of the Scratch VM to add it.

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Lesser-known Scratch URLs: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/topic/762351/

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Raycaster & Maze 1.4.1 | Don't Break The Ice | Procedurally Generated Terrain | Basic Trigonometry | Comparing the fastest list sorters on Scratch

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100+ posts

No custom extnisons

I wish there was an advanced version of scratch. I know they said such a thing would never be made,but i would love a scratch 3D that has different rules,maybe allowing realistic guns but no “ketchup”

go to x: (100) y: (200) z(300

switch model to to [ v]

set sound ( v) 's attenuation range to (65) map units
500+ posts

No custom extnisons

2558il wrote:

I wish there was an advanced version of scratch. I know they said such a thing would never be made,but i would love a scratch 3D that has different rules,maybe allowing realistic guns but no “ketchup”

go to x: (100) y: (200) z(300

switch model to to [ v]

set sound ( v) 's attenuation range to (65) map units
There are actualy scratch like website that allow it, but servers of this are now down. I am Talking about antarctic Bird mod.

Last edited by julmik6478 (May 27, 2024 12:34:41)

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