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Translating Scratch Library Assets to Spanish (Latin American) [wip]

“~” mean sprite stays the same

Abby, Amon, and Andie - ~
Anina Dance - Baile de Anina
Apple - Manzana
Arrow1 - Flecha1
Avery - ~
Avery Walking - Avery Caminando
Ball - Pelota
Ballerina - ~
Balloon1 - Globo1
Bananas - Platanos
Baseball - Basebol
Basketball - Basketbol
Bat - Murcielago
Batter - Bateador
Beachball - Pelota de Playa
Bear - Oso
Bear-walking - Oso-caminando
Beetle - escarabajo
Bell - Campana
Ben - ~
Bowl - Traste
Bowtie - Moño
Bread - Pan
Broom - Escoba
Buildings - Edificios
Butterfly 1&2, Mariposa1&2
Button 1,2,3,4,5- Boton1,2,3,4,5
Cake - Pastel
Calvrett &Casey - ~
Cassy Dance - Baile de Cassy
Cat {1}&2 - Gato{1}&2
Cat Flying - Gato Volando

Sent from Samsung Fridge Model RRSGR-34563

they say im gifted but i can't even spell proboably or simoustaniously correctly

omg when you search up “Samsung Fridge Model RRSGR-34563” one of my forums posts are the top result!!111

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I'm Mexican/American
I speak Spanish and English (et un peu de francais)
I'm a roman catholic
I'm smart but have no street smarts
Straight Male
Be a better forumer

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