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1000+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

Purvitekriwal wrote:

Username: Purvitekriwal
Scratcher Status (New Scratcher or Scratcher): Scratcher
Are you following this thread?: yes
How active are you (1-10): 8
Why should we choose you?: I am polite to everyone and can do review and code and idea easily. I can't fly
Remember to read the Terms and Conditions. VERY IMPORTANT (we have ways of knowing if you have read it)
Also please look at the ‘worker stuff’ page.

Highlight +shift+ down to see full signature
Generation 20: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Touch of adventure White Tiger Federation

signature in progress
100+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

Last post was in early February, nearly 3 months ago. Yeah, seems safe to say this is pretty dead, sadly. Well, it was a fun 3.5 or so years at least. Might as well ask the important question though:

WHAT'S 9 + 10?
100+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

I used to work here.

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)

Unfortunately, only a small percentage of my project views are actually following me. So, please consider following me. It's free and you can always change your mind. Scratch sometimes glitches and unfollows you so make sure to check and see if you are still following me.
Highlight this and press shift + down arrow to view my full signature.
The Road to 500 Posts

Yay you did it!
Let me know by giving me an internet!
100+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

I give up on my order from a year ago.

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
100+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

I give up on my order from a year ago.
What was it?
100+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

legoboy7107 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

I give up on my order from a year ago.
What was it?
I think it was some fnaf sprites

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
500+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

legoboy7107 wrote:

Last post was in early February, nearly 3 months ago. Yeah, seems safe to say this is pretty dead, sadly. Well, it was a fun 3.5 or so years at least. Might as well ask the important question though:

WHAT'S 9 + 10?
9+10=21. Also, I'm pretty sure @conyingzhou left Scratch.

⇢ ˗ˏˋ TopGG

== He/Him – ISFP-T – Scorpio – Aussie – MeOwner of Lightspeed Inc. – Certified Furry – Ravenclaw – Colour Fanatic ==

Click Here for my Extended Signature

ocular -/- ScratchStats -|- postpercent -\- ScratchInfo

Generation 365: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Comment “Shield upgrade!” on my activity hub to give Astrum another layer of protection! Let's make the biggest code block on Scratch!

this is my kumquat guard Astrum. He has 15 layers of shield. (((((((((((((((¬‿¬))))))))))))))):: #000000

Last edited by ScratchCat (Tomorrow, 2027 48:77:16)
1000+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

I need to leave, this account is inactive now.

Moved to reidling–
100+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

TopGG wrote:

legoboy7107 wrote:

Last post was in early February, nearly 3 months ago. Yeah, seems safe to say this is pretty dead, sadly. Well, it was a fun 3.5 or so years at least. Might as well ask the important question though:

WHAT'S 9 + 10?
9+10=21. Also, I'm pretty sure @conyingzhou left Scratch.
Sad moment.
500+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

Rest in Peace

The Team Intelligent Projects Shop 2.0
2019 - 2022
“It was a beautiful learning curve for all those who participated. The shop was very handy in what they did, and helped many who were in need of a place like this. It has been one of the largest shops in Scratch for its age, and its time, and I can tell that every worker put all their heart into this shop.

May the spirit and the love of this shop live on.”
~~@TopGG, 2022

⇢ ˗ˏˋ TopGG

== He/Him – ISFP-T – Scorpio – Aussie – MeOwner of Lightspeed Inc. – Certified Furry – Ravenclaw – Colour Fanatic ==

Click Here for my Extended Signature

ocular -/- ScratchStats -|- postpercent -\- ScratchInfo

Generation 365: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Comment “Shield upgrade!” on my activity hub to give Astrum another layer of protection! Let's make the biggest code block on Scratch!

this is my kumquat guard Astrum. He has 15 layers of shield. (((((((((((((((¬‿¬))))))))))))))):: #000000

Last edited by ScratchCat (Tomorrow, 2027 48:77:16)
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

⚡✅ T.I.P.S. (Team Intelligent Projects Shop) 2.0 ⚡✅ 2nd biggest shop on Scratch! (<- i think so) Quality banners! ⚡✅

Since this topic hasn't seen a new post from the topic owner in a long time, I'm going to assume that it is dead and close the topic. If it still is alive, the topic owner just needs to use the Report button to ask a mod to reopen it

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

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