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500+ posts

Sky Ducks: The Flash Game

So yes, i wanna make a remake of Sky Ducks to a flash game.



I would like people experienced in flash programming (Or design, beta testing… EXTERNAL OF SCRATCH) to help me do the game. You have to be a registered person in Newgrounds. I know how to program with it, but i would like some help.
Tell me below why you want to help me.
Give me the link to your newgrounds user or just the name.
Tell me on what you would like to help (Design, programming…).
Show me a game, movie, animation made by you in Flash.

Then you will be helping me!

My newgrounds user!

Sky Ducks: The Scratch Game

Last edited by tcodina (June 20, 2013 13:18:45)

1000+ posts

Sky Ducks: The Flash Game

Last edited by 3DSfan12345 (June 20, 2013 13:05:07)

In 2018, I asked the Scratch Team to remove all my forum posts to protect my privacy. That's why this post is blank. Besides, I've outgrown this website, and I don't want the dumb things I said in my late tween/early teen years to follow me around for the rest of my life. This post probably wasn't anything interesting or important, anyway.
500+ posts

Sky Ducks: The Flash Game

3DSfan12345 wrote:

I don't think anyone here knows Flash, except me, and I only know how to create simple animations.
If you want help from someone else on here, use HTML5.
Also, I had to uninstall Flash Pro because it got corrupted.
AND I'm not old enough for a Newgrounds account.

Ok. I don't use HTML, but i did a topic because i have more people following me here than anywhere in the internet. So that's why i made it here.

500+ posts

Sky Ducks: The Flash Game


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