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I need help on how to make a cloud high score board

Hello Scratch Community!
I am trying to make a cloud high score table that lists the records and who they are set by. I need a LOT of help! I need help with encoding, decoding, and adding a new line whenever it reaches the end of the username and score. (technically everything) Anything will help!

define Love all
repeat until <[all projects loved] = [True]>
Love project
next project
when green flag clicked
if <(join [Someone] [gives an answer]) = [Yes]> then
think [TYSM]
Love all
3 posts

I need help on how to make a cloud high score board

1000+ posts

I need help on how to make a cloud high score board

Start with the encoding and decoding. There are wiki pages on this but it's actually a good coding exercise. You're just replacing A with 01, B with 02 and so on. You can use 00 between items. All you're doing is building up an encoded variablbe by looping through the input and working out the code for each characer in turn.
1000+ posts

I need help on how to make a cloud high score board

@utkarsh_singh Yeah, I know how to do THAT. But I want to make a list that shows everybody's scores, like on @griffpatch's Hill Climb Racing v1.0.
1000+ posts

I need help on how to make a cloud high score board

Did you try this wiki page?
10 posts

I need help on how to make a cloud high score board

make a cloud varable and code it so every time someone gets a score (another variable), higher than it than it updates to that score

if [ score ]>[ highscore ]
set [ highscore ] to [ score ]

* score being variable and highscore a cloud variable

Last edited by applepiethefirst (Dec. 13, 2021 15:55:52)

1000+ posts

I need help on how to make a cloud high score board

@Nezon TYSM!
1000+ posts

I need help on how to make a cloud high score board


@utkarsh_singh Yeah, I know how to do THAT. But I want to make a list that shows everybody's scores, like on @griffpatch's Hill Climb Racing v1.0.
I don't think the highscore list on @griffpatch's Hill Climb Racing works anymore (it was written in Scratch 2.0) as cloud variables are now limited to 256digits which means you are now limited to about 50 places using all 10 cloud variables. I have a hi score engine (link below) that has a commented script so you can quite easily see how it works. I have also made games with hi score lists longer than 50 places (see my quiz project for instance) but these require a normal list together with a cloud list and regular ‘maintenance’ to transfer the cloud list to the normal list!

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