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- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
- mormon7118
- Scratcher
100+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Your opinion is wrong, in my opinionYou don’t have to. However, I happen to average 8-9, and I recommend you at least learn and try it once, because it’s honestly quite fun. I don't know how to solve clock, I don't want to learn how to solve clock, and I don't know anyone who does either
For my cubing information visit My CubePB For my mains, and PB's, as well as future comps! If you're going to one that I'm going to, come find me and say hi! I'll be wearing a Nintendo 64 hat! Also, make sure to check out my test account ( @mormon7118_tests ) for previews of things that may be on my main account soon! Oh, and as always, thanks for reading! : { ) @mormon7118
- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
no uYour opinion is wrong, in my opinionYou don’t have to. However, I happen to average 8-9, and I recommend you at least learn and try it once, because it’s honestly quite fun. I don't know how to solve clock, I don't want to learn how to solve clock, and I don't know anyone who does either
- -AwesomeAdvanced-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
reverse cardno uYour opinion is wrong, in my opinionYou don’t have to. However, I happen to average 8-9, and I recommend you at least learn and try it once, because it’s honestly quite fun. I don't know how to solve clock, I don't want to learn how to solve clock, and I don't know anyone who does either
- ashtiegoarcher
- Scratcher
40 posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Lolwutreverse cardno uYour opinion is wrong, in my opinionYou don’t have to. However, I happen to average 8-9, and I recommend you at least learn and try it once, because it’s honestly quite fun. I don't know how to solve clock, I don't want to learn how to solve clock, and I don't know anyone who does either
Btw I got 5.52 clock single. Really easy scramble.
3 move first cross, 3-4 move second cross, 3 move corners
- -Bonfire-
- Scratcher
59 posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
What's the clock?Lolwutreverse cardno uYour opinion is wrong, in my opinionYou don’t have to. However, I happen to average 8-9, and I recommend you at least learn and try it once, because it’s honestly quite fun. I don't know how to solve clock, I don't want to learn how to solve clock, and I don't know anyone who does either
Btw I got 5.52 clock single. Really easy scramble.
3 move first cross, 3-4 move second cross, 3 move corners
-Bonfire- can code
- 24everScratch
- Scratcher
14 posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
feet sucks.true Guys, let's not argue about clock. Let's talk about how much
- coolcatcool2
- Scratcher
500+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Username: coolcatcool2
How long have you liked cubing?: Sense last year. I've watched my cousins do it sense they have over five of them. I'm learning how to do it but I haven't finished it without their help.
Anything else: If you could could you teach me?
Username: coolcatcool2
How long have you liked cubing?: Sense last year. I've watched my cousins do it sense they have over five of them. I'm learning how to do it but I haven't finished it without their help.
Anything else: If you could could you teach me?
Hi! Check out my profile!
Check out Creative Minds Publishing! My Publishing Company!
I am Female, Christian, Piano Player, Writer, Coder.
- 24everScratch
- Scratcher
14 posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
I could help. What would you like help with? Observer
Username: coolcatcool2
How long have you liked cubing?: Sense last year. I've watched my cousins do it sense they have over five of them. I'm learning how to do it but I haven't finished it without their help.
Anything else: If you could could you teach me?
Everyone here is willing to help you with your speedcubing. https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/topic/314917/?page=1#post-3247067 Here's an entire forum for speedcube help.
- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Accepted! Thanks for joining! I'm sure some of our members would be happy to teach you. Observer
Username: coolcatcool2
How long have you liked cubing?: Sense last year. I've watched my cousins do it sense they have over five of them. I'm learning how to do it but I haven't finished it without their help.
Anything else: If you could could you teach me?
- coolcatcool2
- Scratcher
500+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Hi! Check out my profile!
Check out Creative Minds Publishing! My Publishing Company!
I am Female, Christian, Piano Player, Writer, Coder.
- mormon7118
- Scratcher
100+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
NOT A VALID RESPONSEno uYour opinion is wrong, in my opinionYou don’t have to. However, I happen to average 8-9, and I recommend you at least learn and try it once, because it’s honestly quite fun. I don't know how to solve clock, I don't want to learn how to solve clock, and I don't know anyone who does either
Last edited by mormon7118 (May 21, 2019 19:59:54)
For my cubing information visit My CubePB For my mains, and PB's, as well as future comps! If you're going to one that I'm going to, come find me and say hi! I'll be wearing a Nintendo 64 hat! Also, make sure to check out my test account ( @mormon7118_tests ) for previews of things that may be on my main account soon! Oh, and as always, thanks for reading! : { ) @mormon7118
- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
REVERSE CARDNOT A VALID RESPONSEno uYour opinion is wrong, in my opinionYou don’t have to. However, I happen to average 8-9, and I recommend you at least learn and try it once, because it’s honestly quite fun. I don't know how to solve clock, I don't want to learn how to solve clock, and I don't know anyone who does either
- adsuri
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
- coolcatcool2
- Scratcher
500+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
I could help. What would you like help with? Observer
Username: coolcatcool2
How long have you liked cubing?: Sense last year. I've watched my cousins do it sense they have over five of them. I'm learning how to do it but I haven't finished it without their help.
Anything else: If you could could you teach me?
Everyone here is willing to help you with your speedcubing. https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/topic/314917/?page=1#post-3247067 Here's an entire forum for speedcube help.
Thanks. I'll be back later.
Hi! Check out my profile!
Check out Creative Minds Publishing! My Publishing Company!
I am Female, Christian, Piano Player, Writer, Coder.
- Team_Jimmy
- Scratcher
82 posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
I haven't ever been able to solve a rubix cube
- -AwesomeAdvanced-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
- mormon7118
- Scratcher
100+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
NOT A VALID RESPONSEREVERSE CARDNOT A VALID RESPONSEno uYour opinion is wrong, in my opinionYou don’t have to. However, I happen to average 8-9, and I recommend you at least learn and try it once, because it’s honestly quite fun. I don't know how to solve clock, I don't want to learn how to solve clock, and I don't know anyone who does either
For my cubing information visit My CubePB For my mains, and PB's, as well as future comps! If you're going to one that I'm going to, come find me and say hi! I'll be wearing a Nintendo 64 hat! Also, make sure to check out my test account ( @mormon7118_tests ) for previews of things that may be on my main account soon! Oh, and as always, thanks for reading! : { ) @mormon7118
- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
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- » SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum