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- -AwesomeAdvanced-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
- ThunderChicken314
- Scratcher
100+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
- -AwesomeAdvanced-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
WhoopsNoice mon. Soon sub 15! 3x3x3 new PB: 16.3 secondsYou guys forgot to sign off.weird flex but okay gton]Just always have done it, it's like my thing now. Done it on every single one of my 14,000 posts. Why do you write Sigton on the end of your messages?
- -Bonfire-
- Scratcher
59 posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
What do you mean?Noice mon. Soon sub 15! 3x3x3 new PB: 16.3 secondsYou guys forgot to sign off.weird flex but okay gton]Just always have done it, it's like my thing now. Done it on every single one of my 14,000 posts. Why do you write Sigton on the end of your messages?
-Bonfire- can code
- -Bonfire-
- Scratcher
59 posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
My friend has done several sub 15sNoice mon. Soon sub 15! 3x3x3 new PB: 16.3 seconds
-Bonfire- can code
- adsuri
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Lol just got PB 25.93 w/ my friends Rubik's speedcube two easy f2l pairs oll skip h perm lol
Also, what do you think is the smoothest alg. Totally T Perm.
Also, what do you think is the smoothest alg. Totally T Perm.
H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
- mormon7118
- Scratcher
100+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Ja perm or an f2l alg I use F' (R U R' U') (R' F R). do F' with right thumb, and it's super smooth Lol just got PB 25.93 w/ my friends Rubik's speedcube two easy f2l pairs oll skip h perm lol
Also, what do you think is the smoothest alg. Totally T Perm.
For my cubing information visit My CubePB For my mains, and PB's, as well as future comps! If you're going to one that I'm going to, come find me and say hi! I'll be wearing a Nintendo 64 hat! Also, make sure to check out my test account ( @mormon7118_tests ) for previews of things that may be on my main account soon! Oh, and as always, thanks for reading! : { ) @mormon7118
- -AwesomeAdvanced-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
This one for U perms: L' U' L U' L U L2 U L' U' L U'Ja perm or an f2l alg I use F' (R U R' U') (R' F R). do F' with right thumb, and it's super smooth Lol just got PB 25.93 w/ my friends Rubik's speedcube two easy f2l pairs oll skip h perm lol
Also, what do you think is the smoothest alg. Totally T Perm.
Last edited by -AwesomeAdvanced- (Jan. 10, 2019 00:27:03)
- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
I like this one: M2 U' M' U2 M' U' M2This one for U perms: L' U' L U' L U R2 U R' U' L U'Ja perm or an f2l alg I use F' (R U R' U') (R' F R). do F' with right thumb, and it's super smooth Lol just got PB 25.93 w/ my friends Rubik's speedcube two easy f2l pairs oll skip h perm lol
Also, what do you think is the smoothest alg. Totally T Perm.
- -AwesomeAdvanced-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
- Rubikscello
- Scratcher
26 posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Username: Rubikscello
Personal Best (2x2): 6.98
Average Time (2x2): 11.02
Personal Best (3x3): 24.56
Average Time (3x3): 35.53
How long have you been cubing?: Around a year or so.
Anything else: I mostly only focus on 2x2 and 3x3 fast times.
I have been to so far 2 competitions.
Username: Rubikscello
Personal Best (2x2): 6.98
Average Time (2x2): 11.02
Personal Best (3x3): 24.56
Average Time (3x3): 35.53
How long have you been cubing?: Around a year or so.
Anything else: I mostly only focus on 2x2 and 3x3 fast times.
I have been to so far 2 competitions.
- mormon7118
- Scratcher
100+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Cuberweren't you already on this forum? If not, welcome! @XxX-MEOW-XxX will add you later.
Username: Rubikscello
Personal Best (2x2): 6.98
Average Time (2x2): 11.02
Personal Best (3x3): 24.56
Average Time (3x3): 35.53
How long have you been cubing?: Around a year or so.
Anything else: I mostly only focus on 2x2 and 3x3 fast times.
I have been to so far 2 competitions.
For my cubing information visit My CubePB For my mains, and PB's, as well as future comps! If you're going to one that I'm going to, come find me and say hi! I'll be wearing a Nintendo 64 hat! Also, make sure to check out my test account ( @mormon7118_tests ) for previews of things that may be on my main account soon! Oh, and as always, thanks for reading! : { ) @mormon7118
- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
Indeed I will. Welcome!Cuberweren't you already on this forum? If not, welcome! @XxX-MEOW-XxX will add you later.
Username: Rubikscello
Personal Best (2x2): 6.98
Average Time (2x2): 11.02
Personal Best (3x3): 24.56
Average Time (3x3): 35.53
How long have you been cubing?: Around a year or so.
Anything else: I mostly only focus on 2x2 and 3x3 fast times.
I have been to so far 2 competitions.
- -XxX-MEOW-XxX-
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
- mormon7118
- Scratcher
100+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
yeet yoasts 1000 posts 1000 POSTS REEEE
For my cubing information visit My CubePB For my mains, and PB's, as well as future comps! If you're going to one that I'm going to, come find me and say hi! I'll be wearing a Nintendo 64 hat! Also, make sure to check out my test account ( @mormon7118_tests ) for previews of things that may be on my main account soon! Oh, and as always, thanks for reading! : { ) @mormon7118
- mormon7118
- Scratcher
100+ posts
SCO - Scratch Cubing Organization - The Official Rubik's Cube Forum
I'm globally sub-20 now, so if you could change that, that'd be great. I believe I have the 2x2 record (not that that's on this forum) with a 0.69. If you want the scramble I'll get it for you. 1000 POSTS REEEE
For my cubing information visit My CubePB For my mains, and PB's, as well as future comps! If you're going to one that I'm going to, come find me and say hi! I'll be wearing a Nintendo 64 hat! Also, make sure to check out my test account ( @mormon7118_tests ) for previews of things that may be on my main account soon! Oh, and as always, thanks for reading! : { ) @mormon7118