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The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing

Ok since the other guide needs some improvement, I have with approval to replace the other one with this. This would be the exact description as the other one but with more in-depth and explanation on how to RP.

Introduction to RP's

The first question one might ask is: what are RP's? A logical question, and the one I'll answer first in this guide.

RP stands for Role-play(ing), which is where members act as a character and make choices regarding their character's actions and dialogue, interacting with other people in a form of story. Characters are normally fictional and original, which means they're completely made up. RPing is like acting – you just pretend to be someone else, and try to make choices by thinking as your character, not as yourself.

The next question is: why RP? And why on Scratch?

The biggest answer is just because it's fun. People who RP all have different reasons for doing so, but whether it's to pretend to be someone you're not, or to talk to or meet other people, or even because there's nothing better to do, the ultimate reason is because RPing is fun. Scratch's already amazing online community is more than active in the RPing area.

Just give it a try! You can first look how fun it is by look at the comments in Endless Realities RP thread. Link and details on what to look for is at the the last sentence of next post.

Key Terms

These are based on RPG vocab/terms. We also use these in RP (cuz they both are Role-Play genre).

Instance - This technically means a comment with all other chain-comments (replies of that main post). For example, in the section of Good RP at the bottom of the post the first example is an instance. This means that it is a “small” event or an excerpt like in a poem/song.

RP's on Scratch

On Scratch, you can only RP in studios. Most RP's happen in the comments – this can be accessed by going to a studio and clicking the Comments tab! When one person starts an RP thread, people reply to it in order to initiate the event.

Some RP's also double as collaborations in that members work together to create projects relating to the RP. Super Hero RP, one of the examples I will discuss later in this guide, is a good example of this.

Most RP's will require new members to fill out a form with their character details, although whether this takes place in the studio or in a forum topic is up to the owner of the RP. However, don't just join in an RP without doing this – it's considered rude, and chances are you'll just be ignored. Make sure you're accepted first!

How to Make RP Collaboration
This fantastic guide produced by Brains will tell you all about it! https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/post/2784393/

Making Characters

When you RP, you act as a character. Most of the time these will be completely original – sometimes called an OC, or Original Character. It is important to make an original, detailed and realistic character when RPing. Most RP's will have a template or form that you can fill in when joining, with details on what is needed. The following are often, if not always included, so try to include them in your character application/bio:

  • Name – try to pick an original name! In other words, don't copy it from somewhere else.
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Backstory – this is one of the most fun parts of creating a character! Essentially, a backstory is the story of your character's past. Go wild with ideas.
  • Personality – you can choose to use some aspect of your own character, or try to make the character completely different from yourself. However, when you RP, make sure you're following the personality you've stated.
  • Appearance
  • Talents/Skills
  • Strengths/Weaknesses – a good rule is one weakness per strength. You don't want to make your character OP (over-powered) – that just ruins the fun both for yourself and for others. Listen to the Admins of the RP you're joining if they say it's too OP.

When you've applied, wait until it's accepted before you start RPing.

A note on multiple characters: in many RP's, you can have multiple characters. This was designed so that you can participate in multiple story threads at once, not so you can have them team up and become a super powerful group. This is why I suggest preventing your characters from interacting with each other, or having any relation at all.

Also this form is a universal form and other RPs may need extra description like powers.

Originality and Overpowered-ness

A main issue with many RP's are the lack of originality and OP characters.
This is especially important in RP's such as Super Hero RP, where characters can have special powers.

You should aim to create a balanced, realistic and unique character. Trying to find a power? Flight is too boring. Plus, five other characters in the RP already have it. Honestly, think of something new. There's thousands of possible powers out there – google a list or something.

Another tip: concentrate on a single area of strength, or in the case of a power, a single main power. Don't try to have a character who's super versatile, has three different powers and is good at just about everything. If it's not rejected for being OP, RPing won't be fun when your character has few or even no weaknesses.

Weaknesses are key! For every strength, talent, skill or power, you should have a weakness that is just as powerful. This shouldn't just be limitations to your character's talents or powers.

A Good RP

A good RP isn't just about having professional RPers or making projects to describe something better. It is about creativity and imagination but yet staying to the theme. You don't have to RP in your current dimension like in reality of a RP. You can go deeper into RPing by RPing in someone's dream, a paradox (dimension), or just a (parallel) dimension (like the movie Inception). Endless Realties RP is based on future, sci-fi, and exploration like Star Wars and it has some good example. The theme is simple yet complex. This example shows what RP can look like.

Here I am Rping with Lachlan. My character is Mara and Dr Halsey who is a female commando and head researcher/ scientist respectively while Lachlan RP as Garry (a mechanic) and Toby (robotic cat). Here having two of your characters are okay if you are RPing with someone. This is just like a movie but broken into text rather than having a visual scene. See if you can visualize the scene in your head.

@the_force Garry and Toby welcome Mara back. “Hey Mara! I've got something exciting to show you!”

@LachlanDS “Ok…”

@the_force He turned half-cat and back again. “I have my powers back!”

@LachlanDS “Cool” without hesitation she walks to Hasley lab

@the_force “Wait, wait, Mara!” He turned into a moth and flew above her. “Look up!”

@LachlanDS “I can fly too” turns on boosters

@the_force “Yeah, but do you have a scorpion tail?” He lands and turns into a scorpion person.

@LachlanDS “I think the more u turn into something the more defected your powers will be. But I'm not dr Halsey so eh.”

@the_force He turned back human. “Well, I'm not completely sure if I would want to know if that's true anyway.”

These quotes shows what their personalities are and while the scene was not really descriptive you can imagine where they can be. Here are some more examples:

Mctravish is another one of my character. He is the director of an agency.
Mara and Garry arrived to hq

@the_force “How are we going to describe that experience we had to McTravish?”

@LachlanDS “Eh wherever I go always has a meaning.”

@the_force “That doesn't exactly answer my question.”

@LachlanDS “Beats me”

@the_force He shrugged. “Let's just recount what happened with him.”

This example shows some humor in Mara (which she does have).

@the_force There were more stepping sounds around them. There seemed to be more than one creature around. Garry nor Mara couldn't see much through the sandy fog. Eventually, six or seven creatures' silhouettes appeared. They appeared humanoid with a large scorpion tail.

@LachlanDS “My X Ray can't even see through this fog”

@the_force The scorpions were getting closer. Finally, Mara and Garry could see them well. Garry looked around. There were scorpions everywhere. Mara and Garry were surrounded.

This example shows that everything you RP doesn't need to always work (they shouldn't be or it would be boring). This way climax can build up.

More examples will be on the next comment.
How to RP

This is the important part! RP's generally follow certain rules and conventions that it is important to follow, as it makes it easier and more fun to understand what each other's characters are doing, and respond with your own.

When you RP, post only one major action and/or dialogue at once. There's no point in having your character go through a whole bank heist without giving anyone else a chance to reply! Then again, it's also not fun if you count taking one step as a single action either. My point is: use your common sense and judgement. The admins of the RP will probably tell you if you're mis-judging things. Once someone replies, it's generally okay to continue.

Also, use third person. Most people use present tense, although past is also acceptable. Make sure you specify your character's name and action, and most importantly, use proper grammar and spelling! It's a nightmare when trying to read a post which has horrible sentence structure, sometimes even incomplete sentences. Just because you know what you're talking about doesn't mean other people do.

How much detail should you put into your RP? There's really no limit – you can add as much as you want as long as other people can understand what you're trying to say. However, the recommended amount is just basic information about actions and dialogue.

Most importantly, do not RP by saying what other people's characters do. Chances are, that's not what's happening. You can't say what your action accomplishes either, especially in combat. Saying “Tom fired at Lucy” is okay, but not “Tom shot Lucy in the arm, and she ran away.”

Lastly, make sure you're using the correct conventions. Just type normally for actions: walking, fighting, jumping, stuff like that.
For OOC talk (Out of Character, that is, talking as yourself and not as your character), put it between (brackets).
For dialogue, make sure you use “quotes”.

These are examples of how not to RP:

Angus flew into outer space, hacked into the government satellite and shot a giant missile at America. The missile exploded and destroyed the White House.
This attempt has multiple problems:
  • It's unreasonable. Unless the RP is one with superpowers, and it specifically states in the character bio (application form) that Angus can both fly and survive in space, and is a good hacker, he wouldn't be able to do this. And even if he was a good hacker, would it be likely that he can easily get past government security?
  • No time was given for people to respond. There was no chance given to anyone else to stop Angus from firing the missile, or stopping the missile before it hit.

Walked out of the house. I'm going to be late for school, I said to myself. Got in car and drove across the road. I didn't see Mary and ran over her and killed her. I have to go now for dinner I'll be back in 10 minutes!
Again, there are multiple problems:
  • Make sure you use complete sentences. In this case, put the character's name in front. This is especially important if you control multiple characters.
    This allows other people to know who you're playing.
  • Don't kill other people's characters without their permission. It's no fun. Also, make sure they have a chance to respond – don't just do something to their characters out of the blue.
  • Use third person. It's convention, and it allows people to know who you're RPing as.
  • Put dialogue in between quotes (that is, “like so”). It's convention, and clearer for other people so they know what is speech and what isn't.
  • Put OOC stuff in brackets (like this!).

I'll push u out f the windwo ur so stupid
This is frankly the worst, and for obvious reasons:
  • Firstly, respect everyone! Be polite and courteous. Insulting people is mean, ruins the fun of RPing, and will probably get you kicked from the RP.
  • Spell things correctly. It makes life easier for everyone.
  • Use third person, and past or present tense (unless this is dialogue, in which case quotes should be used).

This is an example of good RP:
“I'll show you!” Matthew slashes his sword at Ben, aiming for his throat. (I need to go, I'll respond later.)
  • Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Stated the character's name, as well as his target's, so the other person knows and can respond.
  • It's only one action, and I've only stated what my character has done, not what it's effects are. Ben has a chance to block or dodge the attack and respond, or perhaps let the blow through and see what happens next.
  • It's specific, so other people know exactly what is happening.
  • Dialogue is between quotes, and OOC talk is between brackets.

Overall though, you can always ask for help from more experienced RPer's, or just look at other RP studios (see Examples below) to see how other people RP, and learn from them. It's okay to make mistakes!

Starting an RP

It's fun to start an RP, so feel free to give it a go! Try to think of a fun, original and imaginative idea as the basis behind your RP's story.

The Concept
The main thing to think of beforehand is the concept behind your RP. All RP's are based on something, so what about yours? It could be high school, or outer space, or something completely different! It's all up to you! Try to make it creative – this will be the main reason why people join your RP – because it's interesting! Focus on the theme, and also decide on the technology or time period it's set in. Make sure you write this in your RP – otherwise you'll have laser rifles around your medieval story.

Story and Description
Make sure people know what your RP is about! It's all very well to have an awesome idea, but if no one understands what it's about, there's no use. A recommended way to describe it is to write a short story about what has already happened in the RP, or a backstory for the entire RP.

Character Application Form
It's definitely useful to have a character application form. This way, characters will have the same level of detail. This is particularly useful when the characters in your RP are special – whether they have superpowers, or are part of a specific faction, or are all aliens, etc. Remember, too much is better than too little.

Once your RP gets bigger, you should appoint trusted, responsible and active members of your RP as Admins (short for Administrators). These people can negate RP actions if they're unfair, accept or reject characters, and do other stuff for your RP when you're offline.

Expansion and Advertising
How can you make your RP known? Try some of these tips:
  • Advertise in your signature, and give other people in your RP signatures as well!
  • Tell your friends, and get them to join.
  • Just RP! Eventually people will join.

Special Note: NPC's
At certain times you will come to a point where what happens next is based on the decisions of someone who is not actively controlled by a real person. These are called Non-Player Characters. What happens next is really dependent on the RP. Some will allow another player to take over that character for a short, temporary period. Other times you just decide in order to make the RP more interesting. It's really up to the owner of the RP.

Try to minimize the use of NPC's though.

Want to join an RP? Try these out!
Here's some free advertising. Here are some of the best RP's in terms of activity, organization and overall fun.

The following two are reasonably old and well-established:

Super Hero RP
Endless Realities

Athena is newer, but also quite a good RP. Also take a look at Adventure of the Worlds and Earth-2.

This is a growing new RP theme you should try:
Cops and Robbers RP

Thanks for reading!
I appreciate it! Feel free to share this guide. Also, I'd appreciate any tips or suggestions you can leave below

Tips from other People
Note: I've edited them to fit the guide a little better.

Your RP has to be logical as well as reasonable. For example, you can't just say, “Ben walked through the White House”. (Unless he's like, the President)
Ben can't just walk through the White House because there would be Secret Service at the gates. Even if he had access to get in, he still would need to be cleared. Unless of course he was cleared before, in which case say so.

@braxbroscratcher: (Microwolf's input has been added)
You can make one action for each character or object you control, including NPC's.
Note on endless stalemates: this is where nothing happens because every attack is countered. This is generally not fun, so try not to do this. Think outside the box, and find another way out. Also, when you're RPing, remember the goal is not to have an invincible character who always wins. It's to have fun. So don't counter every single thing the other person does, let something happen.

Yet another example of bad RP:
*walks to door
Very vague.
Uses an incomplete sentence.
Hard to determine where or who the character is.

Methods of Role Play
When you are just learning how to role play, and what role playing is, you need to learn what you are best at doing. There are (in my opinion) three ways to role play.

  • The Third Person method: When using this method, you are telling the story of your character one action at a time from a third person point of view.
    Example: Cody walked through the hall, and into the dorm room.
  • The First Person method: The hardest method to use correctly, you tell your story from a first person point of view. It is suggested to point out what the character you are using is in parentheses before the actual RP.
    Example: (Cody) I walked through the hall, and into the dorm room.
  • The Narrative method: The Narrative method sticks to the main guidelines, though using many details to describe your character from the third person point of view.
    Example: Cody, sneaking through the halls at night, crept into the dorm room without a sound.
Note from microwolf: On Scratch, the Third Person method is used.

Last edited by the_force (Aug. 29, 2017 16:24:47)

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

Value of Actions

Sometimes just doing one action at a time can be stale and would not go anywhere. For me, I like to use this rule. You will have three points and depending on which action you take for your character they will not go over three points but they don't have to add up to three. This is not a requirement and if you do follow this this is like a supplementary for RP logic.

One point
  • Basic Movement/actions
    Example: (Insert subject) walks/eats/flies (insert receiver of action)
  • Quantity of object is less than or equal to three
    Example: Two (insert subject)
  • Basic attacks
    Example: (insert subject) attacks/fights/shoots
  • Usage of an object
    Example: Pulls out a gun.
    Reloads a gun
To be honest who actually reloads in an RP.
  • *Fast actions
    Example: Pulls trigger.

Two points
  • Quantity of object is four to seven
  • Explosion(small area destruction)
    Example: A grenade explodes.
  • Complex attacks and counters
    Example: (Insert subject) combat rolls to cover.
    Aims for (insert receiver of the action) (on the weakspot)
  • Complex action
    Example: Runs towards (insert receiver).
  • Receiver receives an action resulting in minor injury
    Example: Bullets hits (insert receiver) (on the leg/chest/arm)

Three points
  • Quantity of object is more than seven
  • Mass destruction and usage
    Example: Nuke, Maelstrom (power)
  • Receiver receives an action resulting in permanent/ heavy injury
    Example: (**Insert quantity) Bullet hits (insert receiver) (w/o quantity knee) (w/ quantity on the chest)
  • *Slow actions
    Example: (insert subject) transforms (insert receiver) (into a gun/something)

*These actions are based on the reality of how fast it can be done

**The quantity is/should be based on previous comment of the example if RPing and the value does not apply to current example stated above.
Example: Fires ten shots.

I will take more ideas that can be added to the list!

Examples stated from the previous comment:
In this example, I'm of course RPing as Mara and K13Marie is Rping as Lizzie who is Mara cute little sister ().

“Liz! Liz! I found a map!”

@the_force Lizzie turns around, “What kind of map?”


@the_force Her eyes widen. “What kind of treasure?”

@K13Marie “That's exactly what we're finding out.”

@the_force Lizzie jumps up and down in excitement. (Also go to the rp part where Samantha is left in the dark. Dolphin replied but she isn't anymore and I have a really good idea. XD)

@K13Marie (Ok)

@K13Marie “Let's go”

@the_force “Mkay.” She holds Mara's hand.

@K13Marie -arrives in a planet where everywhere is just forests- “have you been on a speeder bike?”

@the_force She frowns. “No…”

@K13Marie “whats wrong liz?”

@the_force “I don't know how to ride a bike.” She says sadly.

@K13Marie “Dont worry were riding on the same one together”

@the_force “Oki…” She is scared.

@K13Marie “its gonna be like a roller coaster. Just hold to me tight.”

@the_force “Okay…” Lizzie holds onto Mara.

@K13Marie *they speed away

@the_force Lizzie tightens her grip on Mara.

@K13Marie *they stop “do u have the map?”

@the_force She searches in her book bag and takes out the map.


@the_force (haha what kind doesn't bring one on an adventure?) “Here.” She hands it to Mara.

Personality always plays a big part in a RP. It doesn't matter what character or what personality. It will always attach your character closer to others and you.

Here Mara and Garry goes to see if Garry is a chosen one in a test. In the middle part, I imagine where garry was which i thought he would be in a cave/tunnel if it were to be in a visual scene.

*garry and Mara arrives to this unknown planet

@the_force “I got the box ready.” He has it under his arm. “It's weird… It's almost… Pulsing.”

@LachlanDS “I can't go in with you. You have to do this alone.”

@the_force He nods. “Got it.” He found it tempting to open the box. He went inside.

@LachlanDS “WAIT. Samantha wanted me to give this to you.” *hands him her neckless with a crystal

@the_force Garry looked at it and smiled. “This is going to be my new lucky charm. Thanks, Mara.” He went back inside.

@the_force Ahem. Garry went inside. “I am the chosen one!!!”

@LachlanDS *it echos

@the_force “Very empty in here.”

@LachlanDS (Keep going)

@the_force “Anyone in here?” He keeps walking through the planet.

@LachlanDS *the door behind him closes

@the_force Ummm, Samantha is in a deserted Universe, Lizzie shouldn't be there and Jasmine is queen of Universe 1…. who could I use?

@K13Marie (Make a new one maybe like a peace keeper trooper, maras sidekick xD)

@the_force (lol, I could make a villian cause I dont have one.)

@K13Marie (Me 2 but being good is good xD)

@the_force Garry shudders. “Helloooooooo?”

@LachlanDS *ahead there was a light and which sounds like a waterfall

If your RP takes place on Earth, still you can be able to think about a scene where things could happen.

Here K13Marie is RPing as Samantha while I'm just Rping as the environment.
Samantha walks around the unknown planet, she is scared and curious about what is lurking about. It seems abandoned but she is not sure it is. “H-hello? Anyone still here?”

@K13Marie *winds blows

@the_force Samantha shivers and pulls her hood up. (What planet should she be on?)

@K13Marie (idk planet of mountains)

@the_force (planet of destruction?planet of banishment?idk…) “Hello!?!!?” ,she yells.

@K13Marie (idk just a random planet xD) *wind blows again

@the_force “What's up with this freaking wind?” She pulls her hood closer to her face and walk towards the direction the hooded people went.

Not that I want to show this to you because it is funny but because you can RP as environment. Yes you can (at least able to). But too many people RPing as it can screw things over.

This is the continuation of the example before.

@K13Marie (lol) *footprints appears on the ground

@the_force Samantha follows the footprints.

@K13Marie *it then ends in the middle of nowhere

@the_force She sighed loudly. “Great! Just freaking peachy.” She kicked at the dirt by her feet.

@K13Marie *A Takmark woke up and came out from the cave (its 20 feet high)

@the_force (WTC IS A TAKMARK?!?!?!) Samantha steps back frightened, and she begins to walk away.

@K13Marie (LMAO kinda like a praying mantis) *it chases her

@the_force Samantha screams and runs into the woods. (Hey I origanally had this idea for my new character can I use it rn?)

@K13Marie (sure cuz i was planning as we go along anyways xD)

@the_force *It stops chasing

@the_force Samantha trips on a tree stump and falls. She gets up she gets up she sees feet appear in front of her. She looks up. There is a girl with white hair standing over her. The girl holds out her hand and Samantha accepts it and stands up. As Samantha wipes the dirt off her clothes, the girl says, “I can protect you from everything around here, even get you back to where you came from.” Samantha froze at these words. She looked up. “What's the catch?” The girl only grinned at this.

@K13Marie “We have to make a contract. A deal.” ,she said. Samantha was curious about this. Samantha: What type of deal? The girl: If I protect you for the rest of your life and get you back to where you came from, in return I get your soul. Samantha thought about this for a minute….. If she got back she would see everyone again…. Samanthaeal. The girl grinned. “My name is Lace by the way.” She then grabbed Samantha's arm and pulled her closer. She bit into Samantha's shoulder.

@K13Marie When Lace pulled back there was a marking on her arm that looked like a star with a circle and spikes around it. Lace started to say something but Samantha couldn't hear and Samantha's world began to go black as she sunk to the ground. Next thing Samantha knew, was she was surrounded in complete darkness.

@K13Marie (DONE)

@K13Marie (O_O did I help u to start it?) *the only thing that can be seen is a door

@K13Marie (Holy * that is good)

@LachlanDS (thanks)

@the_force (yes, thank you. I have been planning tht XD) Samantha gets up and walks to the door.)

@K13Marie (xD my little sis is going up)

@the_force Samantha gets up and walks to the door.*

@K13Marie (open it)

@the_force Samantha OPENS the door.

@K13Marie *the white lights shines

@the_force (What are you planning??) She lifts her arm to block the light from her eyes.

@K13Marie (nothing) *she was brought back to where she was

@the_force (lol okay) Samantha opened her eyes to find her in her house and Lace sitting on the floor just feet away from her.

@the_force (You can have one of your characters come in.)

@K13Marie (xD) *a peacekeeper came out

@the_force Lace stood defensively in front of Samantha. Lace: Who are you? Samantha: Lace it- Lace: Not now. Lace eyed the peacekeeper. Lace: State your business here.

@K13Marie “Im here to find a missing cat.” (Garry)

@the_force Samantha sighed. “I'm not a cat, I WAS a neko. But now I am human.” Samantha got up and went to the peacekeeper against Lace's will. She stuck out her hand, “My name is Samantha, and I have been missing for…?”

@K13Marie “You're not MIA. Garry told me to ask you if you wanted to go to the Galactic Dance with him.” (xD)

@the_force “MIA? What Galactic dance? Wha-” Lace: Who is Garry? Samantha looked over at Lace apologetically and then at the peacekeeper. Samantha:Sure. Do you know where I can find Mara or Garry for that matter?

@K13Marie (now i have a plan xD) “Theyre at their base having a party.”

@the_force (ill explain everything later cuz it may be confusing especially on u :b)

@the_force (haha okay.) Samantha looked confused, “Okay…… Can you take m-”, she paused. “ I mean can you take Lace and I there?”

@K13Marie “right away commander.” (xD)

@the_force (lol why….) Samantha then walked in her closet and put on a long black dress but the she remembered the marking along her spine and on her shoulder, she couldn't wear her old clothes because the were made to go around her tail. So she put on a short skirt, legging, and a long sleeved black shirt. She walked out of the closet and grabbed Lace“s hand. ”Ready." she said. (ugh she has to get new clothes now ;v; what have I done?)

Ok this is the major part of how to RP in a nutshell. You have seen a lot of parentheses and that is fine. IRL communication is the key on how to make an RP great. Interacting with the given environment is a good way to show details of your RP chain comment (or to either stall). While K13marie have had thought of a plan, I had a plan after it and it was thought as I was RPing. The door is like a gateway to another dimension where after Samantha had enter, the other parallel and alternative dimension was thought up by me. Like I said before you don't need to restrict to one dimension RP. This dimension was not permanent but to tease Garry about his relationship with Samantha. Samantha is the only one who isn't part of the parallel dimension. You can read more of these awesome comment chains in Endless Realties RP. The link is provided above comment and if you do I would prefer to read comment chains with about 100+ comments. Some about 50+ comments are good too.

Last edited by the_force (Feb. 25, 2017 21:09:26)

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
500+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

Nice Guide!

“We've all got light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling

“'I don’t know; I still like the name Six. Maren Elizabeth was when I was a different person, and right now Six just feels right. It can be short for something if someone asks.'
Sam looks over. ‘For what? Sixty?’”
-The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore

“I hear a voice
'You must learn to stand up for yourself
Cause I can't always be around.'”
-Tori Amos, Winter

1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

I would mention in every single post who is talking. Even though it may seem redundant, it makes things WAY easier to understand.

So instead of:

@LachlanDS “I can't go in with you. You have to do this alone.”


@LachlanDS “I can't go in with you. You have to do this alone.” said Garry

Otherwise, it can be confusing to know who's talking.

Also, the “maximum of two characters” instead of one rule was added only because if someone is taking a long time to reply to your RP, you can RP with another character in a different chain.

I'm against controlling more than one character at once in the same chain. It makes things very hard to understand.

You could mention this.

Otherwise, great guide!

Edit: Didn't 16lougl1 do something similar a while back though?

1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

talkingtoilet8 wrote:

I would mention in every single post who is talking. Even though it may seem redundant, it makes things WAY easier to understand.

So instead of:

@LachlanDS “I can't go in with you. You have to do this alone.”


@LachlanDS “I can't go in with you. You have to do this alone.” said Garry

Otherwise, it can be confusing to know who's talking.

Also, the “maximum of two characters” instead of one rule was added only because if someone is taking a long time to reply to your RP, you can RP with another character in a different chain.

I'm against controlling more than one character at once in the same chain. It makes things very hard to understand.

You could mention this.

Otherwise, great guide!

Edit: Didn't 16lougl1 do something similar a while back though?

True but I usually do it in a narrative way where when two person are having a conversation and who is talking are stated already, telling who speaks again can be omitted. Having more than one character in the same chain work if it is said like in a book style (narrative). But sure ill mention it.

Yea I asked one of the Scratch Staff if I can create another one to replace that since that is outdated.

Last edited by the_force (Feb. 26, 2017 22:04:49)

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
17 posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)


Chemistry rules. AND I MEAN IT Chemistry Rules
1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

FP updated with a new RP!

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

the_force wrote:

FP updated with a new RP!
Since you got into the world of ‘points systems’, here's mine:

You have three types of points.

Movement, Combat, and Quick.

You get one of each.

Movement is for moving your character places or dodging attacks.
Combat is for participating in activities affecting other characters yourself. (This can be an attack, a medic action, an ability use, or so on.)
Quick is for stuff like talking, gesturing, communication, or other such things. You can use almost an infinite amount of these per turn. However, be reasonable with this.

Combat actions can convert to movement actions, but not vice-versa. Combat actions can also INVOLVE movement (e.g. a charge attack).

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
100+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

Nice guide!

A niffler stole my signature, or maybe a froggit ate it.

1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

Ooh. Ooh. Lemme mention loopholes too since those are a common character issue.

Loopholes are FINE. Some may say they make a character bad or broken since an admin likely didn't see them to patch them, but used responsibly, they can result in very creative play, without compromising anyone.

Take Split. Split splits up to two times every turn. Each time he splits, the individual fragments get easier to kill, but get more potent when it comes to damage, as each copy keeps human strength.

Let me show you what BAD exploitation is.

Split stays on the sidelines, and splits 16 times, using his unique ability of splitting twice a turn. (8 turns, and there's already 65536 copies, each hitting as hard as a human NPC, which are extremely expendable and thus the horde is hard to kill.)

Good exploitation is entirely different. Since each copy gets twice as small each split, let's put that to creative use!

Split splits 16 times, sending several copies through a small pipe. The copies then listen and spy on people having shower thoughts or debating secret info from the sewers. The rest of the copies run and hide, waiting for the spies to return.

Since Split has been patched to only do horde attacks, Split is very weak if you send some of his copies off. However, doing so can be very advantageous.

Get the idea? Basically, bad exploitation is just plain broken. You use your loophole to break the balance of the RP and ruin it for all. Good exploitation, however, stays true to a character's personality and also tends to be more clever than game-breaking.

Last edited by braxbroscratcher (June 22, 2017 05:17:02)

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
61 posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

I'd like to make a contest in my RP. I was wondering how I would do it. Do you have a way?

1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

LifeIsEpic wrote:

I'd like to make a contest in my RP. I was wondering how I would do it. Do you have a way?
What do u mean by contest

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
61 posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

A contest might mean like groups competing to get something, but how should I make that on Scratch?

61 posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

Great guide btw

100+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

you know, not all people rp in the way you do.i rp like “*sigh*i'm bored*explodes*”.i admit, that is a bad example of a storyline, but it's an example of how different people rp.yes, a lot of people rp like you do, but it's not the ONLY way to rp.

1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

kingof555 wrote:

you know, not all people rp in the way you do.i rp like “*sigh*i'm bored*explodes*”.i admit, that is a bad example of a storyline, but it's an example of how different people rp.yes, a lot of people rp like you do, but it's not the ONLY way to rp.
I don't get it. What's the difference from yours?

Besides life has no rules only common decency and guidelines. If you don't follow the rest no one would understand you and/or would keep away from u

Last edited by the_force (July 3, 2017 04:49:59)

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

kingof555 wrote:

you know, not all people rp in the way you do.i rp like “*sigh*i'm bored*explodes*”.i admit, that is a bad example of a storyline, but it's an example of how different people rp.yes, a lot of people rp like you do, but it's not the ONLY way to rp.
The thing is, this example is hugely wrong as it does not follow the conventions in any way.

75 posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

You know when ppl do this in RPs ^^^^? Its for when somebody doesn't reply right? Would you say that its okay to do that or, you know, it doesn't rlly matter…


If you can't give a complement give a smile

If you can't give a smile, then let them give something to you.

…..but never give up altogether.
1000+ posts

The Ultimate Encyclopedia for RPing (Revised)

Riddliculuos wrote:

You know when ppl do this in RPs ^^^^? Its for when somebody doesn't reply right? Would you say that its okay to do that or, you know, it doesn't rlly matter…
Ye and to notify others that's the rp has proceed

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D

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