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3 posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

Oh mein Gott. >< Right, I'm really sick and tired of this. I'd probably get banned for this anyways, because of some insults, but it's worth a * anyways.

I want, no, I DEMAND a 13+/mature version of Scratch.


People are growing up, and they need to get away from immature children (you know who you are) that doesn't understand the meaning of maturity (as in manners). As we grow up, we tend to say harsh language or even more vulgar. Because this is an all-age website, language is in a very strict filter. Believe me, I made a homophobic comment once and I got suspended for it (Thanks ST, for giving me another chance!).

So in this 13+ version thingimabob, the language filter is less harsher but still under control. But of course, bullying, harassment, insults or anything youknowwhatitisanyways will cost a consequence.

Not only language filter, but copyright too.

I've seen, A LOT of really good artists quitting this website because of art-theft. Okay, I know it's Imagine, Program, Share but seriously? So that's another reason, to get away from stealers (yes, mostly children).

So anyways, I suggest a 13+ Version of Scratch that is:

- Not so harsh on language filter (but there are limits)
- ONLY real 13+s can go on into. ANY -13 sneaky peeps who fakes their age will be kicked out (you can tell by their language and behaviour)
- Not so harsh on mature stuff (there are limits too, though.)

Yeah That's it, really. My friends are getting IP banned because of language. That's why I got this stuff up.


Visit me on deviantART! TrainerEvelyn.deviantart.com
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

Please, Scratch is a site for KIDS TO LEARN TO PROGRAMING BASICS, it is not a social messaging site. If you want to use bad language, go to YouTube. People can still fake their age. I act totally different when not in text.
100+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

Dont support,because of what turkey3 and cheeseeater said:

turkey3_test wrote:

Ahem. There are already enough sites for inappropriate content. Scratch is and always will be for all ages, so I suggest another site for swearing.

cheeseeater wrote:

Please, Scratch is a site for KIDS TO LEARN TO PROGRAMING BASICS, it is not a social messaging site. If you want to use bad language, go to YouTube. People can still fake their age. I act totally different when not in text.

Last edited by powerboy0101 (Jan. 28, 2014 20:56:14)

Click on the picture, download file, i dare you.
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

Scratch is a site mainly targeted for kids 8-16. It is a learning community intended for young kids.
We don't want Scratch to not be available to kids and to have inappropriate and unfriendly content.

College student studying Communication and Fire Technology, communication lab tutor, guitar and piano player, perfectionist, and just some guy who regularly eats and trains physically to stay healthy.
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

There was already a topic about having +13 version of Scratch and it got shot down by pretty much everyone.
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

cobraguy wrote:

There was already a topic about having +13 version of Scratch and it got shot down by pretty much everyone.
Yes - it can be found here. But that topic was closed…..

Last edited by joshuaho (Jan. 28, 2014 22:17:54)

College student studying Communication and Fire Technology, communication lab tutor, guitar and piano player, perfectionist, and just some guy who regularly eats and trains physically to stay healthy.
500+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

There is one word that I know of that's censored, but I understand for those who are young. This site is for all ages.

Some <13 year olds are much more mature than some >13 year olds.

IMO, it's actually immature to use harsh language.

How would the version be implemented? The ST would have to create a whole mirror site.

No support.

Alt account of Firedrake969.

Rocket II: A black and white bitmap space game!

I seek not fame, but education.

1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

I really don't see any way this would work. You say that you could tell if someone was 13+ or not by how they acted, although I don't seem to see any distinction between the behavior of 12 year olds and 13 year olds.

I also don't see why you would need to use harsh language.

So no support.
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

This has actually been suggested before.

This was my reply:

I wrote:

Given that Scratch is designed for very young people to learn how to program (and that most people lie about their age anyway), I oppose this suggestion.

It was eventually closed, saying this:

Paddle2See wrote:

Actually, the idea of having different areas for different maturity levels has been discussed - the idea has merit. But it would be impossible to verify that people end up in the right place section - and dividing the community has it's own costs, so it's not something we are actively working on at the moment.

If your friends can't use respectful language, then Scratch is probably not the right website for them.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so bad
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

jvvg wrote:

This has actually been suggested before.

This was my reply:

I wrote:

Given that Scratch is designed for very young people to learn how to program (and that most people lie about their age anyway), I oppose this suggestion.

It was eventually closed, saying this:

Paddle2See wrote:

Actually, the idea of having different areas for different maturity levels has been discussed - the idea has merit. But it would be impossible to verify that people end up in the right place section - and dividing the community has it's own costs, so it's not something we are actively working on at the moment.

If your friends can't use respectful language, then Scratch is probably not the right website for them.

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

While we welcome people of all ages and interests - we recognize that Scratch is not a good fit for everybody. There are plenty of other sites that have more permissive standards for people that want to use more “adult” language or themes. At this moment, we aren't convinced that splitting the community would be a good thing - and we don't have the resources to build another site (or portion of a site) if we did.

However, individual Scratchers are welcome to build any kind of website they want - with any set of standards they want. Scratch projects can be embedded in other websites, if they want to continue to share projects. Be advised, though, that sites that are not appropriate for all ages may not be advertised on Scratch.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

People are growing up, and they need to get away from immature children (you know who you are) that doesn't understand the meaning of maturity (as in manners). As we grow up, we tend to say harsh language or even more vulgar. Because this is an all-age website, language is in a very strict filter. Believe me, I made a homophobic comment once and I got suspended for it (Thanks ST, for giving me another chance!).
Just because the majority of the Internet allows swearing does not justify that it should be done on a website for adults AND kids.
I've seen, A LOT of really good artists quitting this website because of art-theft. Okay, I know it's Imagine, Program, Share but seriously? So that's another reason, to get away from stealers (yes, mostly children).
Don't share your art on Scratch if you can't handle the Creative Commons license. And note that no one can make a profit from “remixing” your stuff anyways, so I wouldn't worry so much about “stealers” (proper term is “thieves”).
Yeah That's it, really. My friends are getting IP banned because of language. That's why I got this stuff up.
They chose to swear, they deserve the ban. They shouldn't show a lack of courtesy to children learning programming.

100+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

I do not agree with this. Scratch is, and always will be, for all ages. If we were to make a 13+ Scratch website, not only would it create problems for the Scratch Team and MIT, it would annoy all the people who are against it. NO SUPPORT!

when green flag clicked
say [NO SUPPORT![scratchblocks]
] for (2) secs[/scratchblocks]
play sound [ Imperial Themev]

So the kumquat army is taking over Scratch, eh? Well, there is a prophecy…

There is one who was chosen by the Scratch Team…
That will defend from the-

*Prophecy eaten by evil Kumquat*

; <——- Also a member of the Semicolon Preservation Society! :)
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

^ Please don't blockspam. No support, for all the reasons above.

Remember when I looked like this? I still do.

Float, my Scratch 2.0 mod | My (somewhat under-construction) blog
31 posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

You used the word “stealers”.

Spread the love; here.
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

48 posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

I would Say No To That!
100+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

cheeseeater wrote:

Please, Scratch is a site for KIDS TO LEARN TO PROGRAMING BASICS, it is not a social messaging site. If you want to use bad language, go to YouTube. People can still fake their age. I act totally different when not in text.
Scratch is for all ages.

Is swearing so important to you that you think Scratch needs to poor money and time into making a 13+ version?

Our hero, our hero who claims a warrior's heart, I tell you, I tell you the Dragonborn comes. With a voice weilding power of the ancient Nord Art, believe, believe the Dragonborn comes. It's an end to the evil of all Skyrim's foes. You'll know, You'll know the Dragonborn's come. For the darkness has passed and the legend yet grows, Beware, Beware, the Dragonborn comes.
500+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

Wrong post quoted?

Guys, don't necropost….. pleeeeease?

Alt account of Firedrake969.

Rocket II: A black and white bitmap space game!

I seek not fame, but education.

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

A 13+ Version of Scratch.

This topic has pretty much run it's course so I'm going to close it. Thanks for all the ideas and feedback.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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