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1000+ posts

﷼ ∞ MakeTheBrainHappy's Market! ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ ﷼

Welcome to the my market, a revolutionary new concept where the shop acts more as a branch/department store than a workshop as has been previously done. Make sure to read the introduction that follows very carefully so that you understand all the rules of exchange.

1.) Please make sure to give credit to the original author for their work when you use an item from this shop.

2.) If you wish to use an item from the shop, make sure to submit something of yours to be added as well. This means that every time you wish to use an item, you need to give an item in return for the service.

Now with those two points clarified here is the order form for any item:

What the customer receives:
Item which I am ordering:
Link to the above-mentioned item:
Type of Item:
What the shop receives:
Item which I am giving to the shop:
Link to the above-mentioned item:
Type of Item:

Once this is done, you are free to use the item freely. If the managers find an issue with the exchange you will be notified on your profile. Their is no limit on what can we submitted, projects, artwork, etc. but please make sure that these pieces display effort. The managers have the right to revoke customer privileges to items.

With those preliminaries down, I invite all customers to browse through our extensive collection to find what you need right now!

Last edited by makethebrainhappy (July 3, 2017 11:09:08)

1000+ posts

﷼ ∞ MakeTheBrainHappy's Market! ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ ﷼


I may want to work for this.

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

﷼ ∞ MakeTheBrainHappy's Market! ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ ﷼

BGMead wrote:


I may want to work for this.
Me too

████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 64%

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

100+ posts

﷼ ∞ MakeTheBrainHappy's Market! ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ ﷼

Cool… when is it opening? Can I be a partner? https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/topic/268765/


Forested’s testing :: hat #FF0000
set main colour to [#00BF9A] :: #FF8000
mix colour [#00BF9A] with [#FF9999] :: #FFE300
spend [6 v] tokens on buying [baby snail v] :: #00E300
send [Hugs] to user [RuffilianHoliday v] to [float around the page v] :: #00FFFF
update [2.0 v] to [3.0 v] and [Yay! Scratch three!] :: #0000FF
the world is happy :: #CB00FF
10 posts

﷼ ∞ MakeTheBrainHappy's Market! ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ ﷼

anyone on here now?? :<)

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