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1000+ posts

I can't use Cloud Varibles

EDIT: Removed FAQ quote, I misread it.

I can't use Cloud Variables. Are they disabled?
Sorry for asking a stupid question.

Last edited by Sonickyle (March 16, 2013 09:51:30)

No I don't make projects anymore. I left some time ago.
I only check the forums every now and then, but other than that consider me retired.
100+ posts

I can't use Cloud Varibles

you can only use numbers

Ubuntu 13.04: Chrome 29.0.1547.76, Flash 11.8 (release 800) Windows 7: Same Both: Dell Inspiron 545: Dual-Core w/3GB RAM… let's stop boasting now…
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1000+ posts

I can't use Cloud Varibles

comp500 wrote:

you can only use numbers
I know.

I just checked one of my Projects, and NOW I can use Cloud Variables for some reason.

No I don't make projects anymore. I left some time ago.
I only check the forums every now and then, but other than that consider me retired.
1000+ posts

I can't use Cloud Varibles

Closing by request of topic owner.

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