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Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

r123a wrote:

can I be in? I know Erkowitkids and makethebrainhappy.

I am in Erkowitkids's Warrior Cat Collab.

We already have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people, but I guess you could do music and sound or promotion of the game. Ideas are also welcome.

when green flag clicked
stop all sounds
say [Yeah ya!] for (10) secs
100+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

Easter eggs:

1. A worried cat mom says: “I'm so worried about my son! He's been talking random gibberish all day!” Near her you see her son. If you talk to him he says either (at a 50/50 ratio):
“Its dangerous to go alone! Take this!” (nothing happens)
“Do, or do not. There is no try!” (nothing happens).
2. You talk to the medicine cat and she (or he) tells you a story about where she gets her medicine. After she's done she says: “It's a secret to everybody”.
3. When it's winter and you talk to a certain kit in the nursery, he says: “Do you want to build a snowcat? It doesn't have to be a snowcat.” This might start some mini game.

Does are my easter eggs. Make sure to credit me in the comments and let me know if you want more!

Heres more easter eggs:

1. There is an elder in the elders den. If you talk to him he says this:
“I once knew a cat who's beginning part of his name was ‘green’. When it was time for him to become a warrior, the leader got up to speak and said: ‘Your name shall be Green-’ and then he coughed. So poor Green ended up with the name ‘Greencough’. I wouldn't want to have that name, would you?”. Not a refrence to anything. Its just a joke .

2. When your training as an apprentice, in one lesson you have on rabbits for trainer says “Don't go down Rabbit holes! There could be a Fox down in it!'. This is a reference to Bluestars Prhophecy.

3.In the woods you can find a tattered copy of Warriors into the wild.

4.On the Thunderpath, occasionally a car will pass playing music from real life. You decide what music it plays.

5. In some random part of the game a cat says ”Purr and the world purrs with you. Hiss and you hiss alone“. this is a quote. You should look up who said so you can credit them.

6.After a full day of hunting/exploring, occasionally when the results of your hunt/exploration are being showed the ”End of day“ theme plays. This is from pikmin.

I'm going to make more but I have to go know

WAIT!!!!!!!! Im not done with easter eggs yet!

1. If you look on the other side of the thunder path you can see a billboard that shows my two original characters, Elvin and sparkles. This is an easter egg to ME, because I'm the one making easter eggs, right? Plus, I once said on my profile ”I plan to put them in all of my projects". For the people designing this game, tell them to look at my projects to determine what elvin and sparkles look like (but not to make sparkles all squiggly, please).

2.Walk to a random pond and you will see a lily falling. An easter egg to celebrate the wonderful person started it all, e.g YOU.

3.Pherhaps there could be ways to make easter eggs to the other people that helped with this collar to?

4.maybe if some calendar feature gets passed, when you die at halloween you get a jumpscare from freddy?

also, my vote is 2, because I think a website is to much! I don't think we are ready for that! I think it would complicate are username privacy. and defiantly not a video game company for those same reasons. I'm not ready to become a celebrity! plus, truth be told, I don't really like warriors that much… How about a studio though? that would be great!

More Easter Eggs/suggestions:
1 forget the freddy jumpscare thing. its unnessisary.
im going to make more but I have to go now…

Ideas for mini games:

SNOWCAT: You build a snowcat while being pelted by snowballs.

WHACK A MOLE: You whack moles (duh!:rolleyes

FOX RUN: Run away from a fox.

TWO ON TWO COMBAT: Fight another cat in a fierce battle.

WOOD POND: Strategicly drift on a piece of wood to get frogs.

With all of these mini games, I guess you would first play them in the actual game and then unlock them for play in the title screen.

ErkowitKids wrote:
What are the names of our four clans?

Maybe Ivyclan, Willow clan, Shale clan and Marshclan?

Those are the easter eggs pus other matriel I made. We don't have to use ALL of them, plus we could edit them.

BY the way, I'm going to be gone for a long time, so you won't hear from me fir about a month
100+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

Cya elvin! we'll probably have started on the game by then. Currently the only people who have the password are me and bubble 103. when we start game-making I'll give it to the rest of you.
1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

elvinandsparkles wrote:

r123a wrote:

can I be in? I know Erkowitkids and makethebrainhappy.

I am in Erkowitkids's Warrior Cat Collab.

We already have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people, but I guess you could do music and sound or promotion of the game. Ideas are also welcome.

when green flag clicked
stop all sounds
say [Yeah ya!] for (10) secs
I could do tease trailers.
100+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

r123a wrote:

elvinandsparkles wrote:

r123a wrote:

can I be in? I know Erkowitkids and makethebrainhappy.

I am in Erkowitkids's Warrior Cat Collab.

We already have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people, but I guess you could do music and sound or promotion of the game. Ideas are also welcome.

when green flag clicked
stop all sounds
say [Yeah ya!] for (10) secs
I could do tease trailers.

That would be great!
84 posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

bubble103 wrote:

Hidden Paths will be a complex game set in the world of Warrior Cats! We have big dreams for the final project - including randomised storyline and clan relationships, challenging enemies to defeat and addicting mini games! Because this will be quite a large game, we need lots of scratchers working together on it. If you want to be involved, just leave a post and we'll send you an invite to our studio!

This collab was started by Lily429, but unfortunately she left. (Here's the link to the old thread if you're interested in seeing it, but please post only here!) So now, we're starting fresh.

Manager: bubble103
Co-managers: Erkowitkids, elvinandsparkles

I'm not 100% sure who still wants to be involved… so if you want to continue working at this collab, or want to join, please post! There are all sorts of jobs available!

(Okay I'll just list the members under the job/s they're doing)
- HollyleafCat12
- StripedDevil
- DogQueenGirl

- HollyleafCat12
- DogQueenGirl
- Salamis

- makethebrainhappy
- Erkowitkids
- DogQueenGirl
- jji10

Game design
- makethebrainhappy
- Erkowitkids
- cazalet

- makethebrainhappy
- Erkowitkids
- elvinandsparkles
- DogQueenGirl
- jji10
- cazalet

- Erkowitkids
- DogQueenGirl
- jji10

Co-managers, are there any other job positions that you think there should be that I've missed?

Here are the features that Lilyfall429 originally wanted in the game:
-Choosing name and gender of your cat
-Becoming an apprentice, a warrior or medicine cat, and an elder!
-Having a mate and kits of your own, and kits grow up
-Adding randomized invasions and relationships with other clans
-Traitors in other clans and your clan
-Getting kicked out of your clan

(By the way, here's the link to our studio!)
Looking forward to collaborating with you all!
~ bubble103
I can do some voice acting, game design and stuff!

“ It was a dark and stormy night” ~ Madeline Le'Angle's A Wrinkle In Time


If you want to contact me, Comment on my profile :
Also, please just call me Echo, my username makes me cringe.
Also Also, please give me tips for improving my art on my profile, if you have any
Now, I'm off to procrastinate! *Puts fist and air and flies away*

84 posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

RangerViv wrote:

bubble103 wrote:

Hidden Paths will be a complex game set in the world of Warrior Cats! We have big dreams for the final project - including randomised storyline and clan relationships, challenging enemies to defeat and addicting mini games! Because this will be quite a large game, we need lots of scratchers working together on it. If you want to be involved, just leave a post and we'll send you an invite to our studio!

This collab was started by Lily429, but unfortunately she left. (Here's the link to the old thread if you're interested in seeing it, but please post only here!) So now, we're starting fresh.

Manager: bubble103
Co-managers: Erkowitkids, elvinandsparkles

I'm not 100% sure who still wants to be involved… so if you want to continue working at this collab, or want to join, please post! There are all sorts of jobs available!

(Okay I'll just list the members under the job/s they're doing)
- HollyleafCat12
- StripedDevil
- DogQueenGirl

- HollyleafCat12
- DogQueenGirl
- Salamis

- makethebrainhappy
- Erkowitkids
- DogQueenGirl
- jji10

Game design
- makethebrainhappy
- Erkowitkids
- cazalet

- makethebrainhappy
- Erkowitkids
- elvinandsparkles
- DogQueenGirl
- jji10
- cazalet

- Erkowitkids
- DogQueenGirl
- jji10

Co-managers, are there any other job positions that you think there should be that I've missed?

Here are the features that Lilyfall429 originally wanted in the game:
-Choosing name and gender of your cat
-Becoming an apprentice, a warrior or medicine cat, and an elder!
-Having a mate and kits of your own, and kits grow up
-Adding randomized invasions and relationships with other clans
-Traitors in other clans and your clan
-Getting kicked out of your clan

(By the way, here's the link to our studio!)
Looking forward to collaborating with you all!
~ bubble103

“ It was a dark and stormy night” ~ Madeline Le'Angle's A Wrinkle In Time


If you want to contact me, Comment on my profile :
Also, please just call me Echo, my username makes me cringe.
Also Also, please give me tips for improving my art on my profile, if you have any
Now, I'm off to procrastinate! *Puts fist and air and flies away*

1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

So when are we going to start programming like nerds?

“Yipee, I did it!” the man said with glee,
“I've solved that darned riddle, I've solved it, you see!”
The sphinx simply smiled and shook her strange head,
“I'm afraid you're wrong, and therefore you're dead.”
84 posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

I could totally help with stuff! Like voice acting, ideas, etc

“ It was a dark and stormy night” ~ Madeline Le'Angle's A Wrinkle In Time


If you want to contact me, Comment on my profile :
Also, please just call me Echo, my username makes me cringe.
Also Also, please give me tips for improving my art on my profile, if you have any
Now, I'm off to procrastinate! *Puts fist and air and flies away*

100+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

Ok, you can join (so long as other managers agree.)
100+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

Getting kicked out of your clan
Ok so I think the Idea we had before of ‘Trust’ was a good one. helping your clan, winning battles, doing some quests, these would all gain you trust. Mating when a medicine cat, or outside your clan would lose you a load of trust, but mating inside your clan would gain you trust. If you have too little trust, you get kicked out of your clan and have to join another one.
1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

ErkowitKids wrote:

Getting kicked out of your clan
Ok so I think the Idea we had before of ‘Trust’ was a good one. helping your clan, winning battles, doing some quests, these would all gain you trust. Mating when a medicine cat, or outside your clan would lose you a load of trust, but mating inside your clan would gain you trust. If you have too little trust, you get kicked out of your clan and have to join another one.
I feel like you shouldn't be able to join another clan just like that. Maybe if you like leave gifts and stuff, for any clan, they accept you back or invite you in. If you don't want to do that, you just live as a rogue/loner for the rest of your life.

“Yipee, I did it!” the man said with glee,
“I've solved that darned riddle, I've solved it, you see!”
The sphinx simply smiled and shook her strange head,
“I'm afraid you're wrong, and therefore you're dead.”
1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

jji10 wrote:

ErkowitKids wrote:

Getting kicked out of your clan
Ok so I think the Idea we had before of ‘Trust’ was a good one. helping your clan, winning battles, doing some quests, these would all gain you trust. Mating when a medicine cat, or outside your clan would lose you a load of trust, but mating inside your clan would gain you trust. If you have too little trust, you get kicked out of your clan and have to join another one.
I feel like you shouldn't be able to join another clan just like that. Maybe if you like leave gifts and stuff, for any clan, they accept you back or invite you in. If you don't want to do that, you just live as a rogue/loner for the rest of your life.
Maybe there could be a factor called TP, or Trust Points, you'd start with 30, and be kicked out at 0.

Last edited by Smiley100P (June 12, 2015 13:02:48)

Net Neutrality is done and over with and we still have free speech so yay
And knuckles.
1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

I'll take care of stuff.

-Choosing name and gender of your cat (well, duh)
3 variables: Prefix, suffix, and gender (M/F)
-Becoming an apprentice, a warrior or medicine cat, and an elder! (getting harder)
maybe each day is a moon? IDK.
-Having a mate and kits of your own, and kits grow up (difficult)
-Adding randomized invasions and relationships with other clans (I think I can do that on my own)
random variable.
-Traitors in other clans and your clan (we better start editing that code right now)

-Getting kicked out of your clan (variables, just simple variables)
see my other post.

Last edited by Smiley100P (June 12, 2015 12:56:46)

Net Neutrality is done and over with and we still have free speech so yay
And knuckles.
1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

We should have like a dice system in the game to randomly choose invasions, traitors etc.

“Yipee, I did it!” the man said with glee,
“I've solved that darned riddle, I've solved it, you see!”
The sphinx simply smiled and shook her strange head,
“I'm afraid you're wrong, and therefore you're dead.”
1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

jji10 wrote:

We should have like a dice system in the game to randomly choose invasions, traitors etc.

Net Neutrality is done and over with and we still have free speech so yay
And knuckles.
1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

bubble103 wrote:

jji10 wrote:

Just a question, will the story be set or will it be flexible with different endings and consequences and such?
Originally, when Lilyfall429 started the collab, she wanted a flexible story, but now it's up to all of the collab members to decide whether we should have that or not. Here's the current task: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/discuss/topic/120378/?page=1#post-1072564
It seriously should have different endings.

Net Neutrality is done and over with and we still have free speech so yay
And knuckles.
100+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

Smiley100P wrote:

I'll take care of stuff.

-Choosing name and gender of your cat (well, duh)
3 variables: Prefix, suffix, and gender (M/F)
-Becoming an apprentice, a warrior or medicine cat, and an elder! (getting harder)
maybe each day is a moon? IDK.
-Having a mate and kits of your own, and kits grow up (difficult)
-Adding randomized invasions and relationships with other clans (I think I can do that on my own)
random variable.
-Traitors in other clans and your clan (we better start editing that code right now)

-Getting kicked out of your clan (variables, just simple variables)
see my other post.
When did you join? or is this an application to join?
43 posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

I like this idea and I really want to help. I don't care what I do.
1000+ posts

Hidden Paths ~ A Warrior Cats Game Collab!

ErkowitKids wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

I'll take care of stuff.

-Choosing name and gender of your cat (well, duh)
3 variables: Prefix, suffix, and gender (M/F)
-Becoming an apprentice, a warrior or medicine cat, and an elder! (getting harder)
maybe each day is a moon? IDK.
-Having a mate and kits of your own, and kits grow up (difficult)
-Adding randomized invasions and relationships with other clans (I think I can do that on my own)
random variable.
-Traitors in other clans and your clan (we better start editing that code right now)

-Getting kicked out of your clan (variables, just simple variables)
see my other post.
When did you join? or is this an application to join?
I just feel like joining. nothing else to do.

Net Neutrality is done and over with and we still have free speech so yay
And knuckles.

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